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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I lived in both Chiang Mai and Pattaya for over a year in each place. I lived in Lamphun and visited Chiang Mai a lot for a couple of years. How long did you live in each?
  2. Millionaires when a million $ was worth a lot, but they don't look happy. Perhaps that's what LSD does to one. Certainly didn't let Paul see that women for what she was.
  3. However, I did tick bungee jumping off my list, and also did it over a lake. Abject terror before jumping, seconds of falling and long minutes hanging upside down before the crane swung me back over land to be released. Never again. I'd like to ride the Gan in Oz, but I doubt that'll happen.
  4. You're lucky. I haven't done half the things on my list, and probably never will.
  5. Must have been a great experience but I have my own "dump" in the midst of glorious scenery tale. When I visited Shackleton's hut on Ross Island in Antarctica to do a penguin count the bog was open air with a spectacular view over the sea ice to the Trans Antarctic mountains. Has to be the toilet with the best view anywhere in the world, IMO.
  6. I lived in Chiang Mai and I never considered them to be more friendly than those in Pattaya. Nice and not nice people everywhere I've lived, but as a rule of thumb, country folk are invariably friendlier than city folk.
  7. Nah. The most inconsiderate people on the planet live in the same area as myself. It's hard to believe they grew up in a civilized country.
  8. I doubt they were "friends". Did they invite him around for Christmas dinner? We all make acquaintances in our life, but I'm sure we'd not take a bullet for them.
  9. I've never liked crowds, but enjoyed small groups of convivial people. However, I've never found others to be as truly friends as in books/ movies. I know very few people that are still hanging out with the same people as 20 years ago, and I keep in touch with very few of my friends from even 10 or 15 years ago.
  10. Hmmmmm. I've always taken from birth to be the age of mortality.
  11. and you know that because..................................................
  12. Cancer is a natural cause. If it had been a drug overdose or shooting that would be an un natural cause. 70 is the new middle age.
  13. Agreed. I often say that if I'd known about the women to come in my life when I was 20 I'd have castrated myself. However, a pill would have been better.
  14. If they do legalize it I hope it doesn't go the way as in Singapore in the 70s, where it was VERY boring. Legal brothels, but they were no fun at all.
  15. Probably too much money to be made from it as it is to change it. For starters, the tea money to look the other way stops.
  16. I bet they didn't charge the same prices as in LOS though.
  17. Widely accepted by whom? IMO that's BS. If a guy does it right ( and that does not necessarily involve intercourse ) he should be able to make her happy, unless she has a physical impairment. Woody Allen had some amusing tales to tell about it.
  18. LOL. Mine usually "finished" but never brought me presents. When I was naive I thought it meant something to them, but came to realise that it's meaningless how well one treats a female as in the end they'll do whatever they want anyway. IMO the idea that they will store up the good things we do for them as some sort of credit against the mistakes we make is erroneous. No matter how well I treated the women in my life, it meant zip when push came to shove.
  19. Than Sadet. So difficult to get to that it's not over run with day trippers. Long may it be so.
  20. I stand corrected, but the fact remains that we can drink fresh urine without harming ourselves. Some do so and there are books about it.
  21. Back in the day when I was somewhat more attractive as a marriage prospect I could have had plenty of sex from fat girls and solo mothers, but I was never that desperate. I guess it depends on the partner as to how enthusiastic one is about sex. A friend from long ago once described a threesome, but he complained that he couldn't do what he wanted because he had to consider their wants as well. The great advantage with P4P is that it's all about US, and not them. Anyway, while I could wobble on about sex all day, that would indeed get boring. ????
  22. You tell a good story, but that one deserves
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