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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Had you read the post I quoted, you'd know that I was responding to "I remember biden passing pandemic management to the governors a while back in December". If he has, how is HE going to fix it? I'd like to expand on that but might be regarded as political as regarding the midterm elections this year.
  2. Seriously? I recall a lot of media attention, but I wasn't frightened by it back then, despite the fear campaign, and I'm still not. I also recall that I thought Sweden had it right except for not isolating the vulnerable, and I still do.
  3. I'm not sure if I understand you correctly so could you confirm if I'm correct on the following points. Tell me if I'm mistaken. You DO have sex without a condom with people that have an unknown STD situation, because if you get HIV there are drugs you can take for it ( no cure for herpes that I know of ). However, you are concerned about catching a disease that you probably have less chance of serious complications from than an STD. You DO think anyone that catches covid while unvaccinated is going to die, despite the statistics apparently saying otherwise.
  4. The US only has a fraction of the world population and my queries concern the entire world population ( unless stated otherwise ).
  5. Having worked in a post liver transplant unit I agree, but that's a subject for a different thread.
  6. Might have worked with a compliant population, but can't see it happening with western society. Some of us are not going to be ordered around too much.
  7. You write as if you have never even been with a Thai bar girl. No clue! Why bother with a real woman- just use one of those love dolls and save your $.
  8. Perhaps it's you out of touch. From wikipedia A sedan or saloon (British English) is a passenger car in a three-box configuration with separate compartments for engine, passenger, and cargo.
  9. They may also have a healthier diet and be less obese than western nations. Could be a lot of factors from diet to environment.
  10. Most American movies I've seen have apparently unhealthy people walking around ( that is as regards the extras, not necessarily the cast ). If a large proportion of the population is already unhealthy, it could go some way to explaining it. BTW, didn't Biden claim he could "fix it" before he was elected? https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-promise-tracker/promise/1517/get-covid-19-under-control/ On the campaign trail last year, Joe Biden promised that if elected president, he would get COVID-19 under control.
  11. I have no problem with denying transplants to people for all sorts of reasons. There will probably never be enough donors to satisfy demand, so anything to reduce demand is probably legitimate.
  12. I meant to put NEARLY 8 billion people. Couldn't edit by the time I realised I missed the "nearly".
  13. Define "often". That word can mean anything one wants it to. Do you have access to their medical records to claim that they are "healthy" and have "strong immune systems"? For all I know they were 10 kg overweight and spent all day on playstation, and /or smoked.
  14. I wouldn't be considering death rates in a city like N Y to be representative of anything except a city like N Y. IMO a city like that has to be about as unhealthy as it's possible to get in a western country. Massive air toxicity, food that has to be trucked in from far away, and probably processed with large amounts of sugar and chemicals, people crammed into unhealthy slums or living rough. Tell me the rate in a rural area where people actually do hard physical work for a living and breath decent air.
  15. I doubt there will be a satisfactory answer to that. I still haven't been able to find out the % that died that were previously fit and healthy, and unaffected by some underlying health condition. I doubt I ever will know that though. The fear campaign is well and truly under way where I live.
  16. Only if one that wasn't affected by bad side effects, like the guy I know. What % of the 8 billion people on the planet are are getting sick enough with covid to go to hospital, and of them what % are dying OF covid, NOT WITH?
  17. The linked article was released on Jul 27, 2021 It's right at the start of the text, but you are correct about a May, 2021 analysis release date- in the second paragraph.
  18. I think times have changed for the birth experience in western countries. Back in the 80s in NZ new mothers had a few days in the ward to become accustomed to the baby and feeding etc. I got to know the mothers quite well during their time. I understand that that has all gone and they get sent home after 24 or 48 hours, which IMO isn't enough time to learn anything properly. I certainly enjoyed the babies as "patients" as they were easy to look after. The most I looked after by myself at one time was 6.
  19. What is that then? Worshiping 3 headed elephants, racism against Burmese, exploitation of the poor, corruption etc. I wouldn't be harping on about Thai culture so much, unless you want to consider both the dark and light sides. All I needed for nirvana in LOS was money, a nice room and a pleasant companion.
  20. and you are trying to say that's better than in LOS where one have all night, or even all month for not much?
  21. Sure there are, and they charge by the 1/2 hour. No equivalent to the Thai long time scene in the west, except for the rich.
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