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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You don't speak for me. Not all white people are descended from nations that had slaves or colonized the world. I have nothing in my forefather's history to be ashamed of.
  2. Someone asked for a definition of "woke"; perhaps sad and boring would suffice for a start.
  3. I've never seen such, but if anyone tried that around here they'd be mocked relentlessly. We haven't all become sad mummy's boys.
  4. Matthew 7:3-5. New International Version ... “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
  5. IMO to "compete" in politics as it is now one has to be crazy. The media destroy anyone the owners of said media don't like. Even the chosen ones can be destroyed if they don't obey the dictat. Sane people, IMO, just won't go there.
  6. Indeed it is. The Roman rulers used bread and circuses to keep the masses from revolting, but actually tearing people apart for entertainment isn't allowed anymore, so they had to come up with something more subtle. Social media is an absolute gift to the unknown men in corporate towers.
  7. I wonder if he qualifies for a benefit by doing so? If he does, not so deluded after all.
  8. Unfortunately they don't need to be the most physically fit, as they can buy all the physically fit people they need to protect themselves from the troublesome masses they look down on. I feel no guilt for anything anyone did in the past. Woke people like to impose the modern world on previous generations which is a nonsense. They flagellate themselves over something that happened hundreds of years ago, and think everyone should think like them. I wish a woke person would have a go at me, but they are rather conspicuous by their absence where I live.
  9. I don't think I've lived in a real "democracy" my entire life.
  10. Disagree. It's woke, mad and absurd. BTW it's not the entire world, just the western world. A certain Asian leader must get videos of western insanity to amuse himself and his group with while waiting for the western world to destroy itself and they can take it over.
  11. Democrats breathing sigh of relief, but despite the closeness of the race, their conspiracy theories about the death of democracy etc didn't give them a decisive win either. A lot of lessons will be learned for the next election. Hopefully the GOP will do better next time.
  12. Glasgow seems like a cool place to visit. https://www.getyourguide.com/-l438/?cmp=ga&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=15508205911&cq_con=134753195230&cq_term=tourist attractions in glasgow&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&campaign_id=15508205911&adgroup_id=134753195230&target_id=kwd-2701095102&loc_physical_ms=9118306&match_type=e&ad_id=569300074314&keyword=tourist attractions in glasgow&ad_position=&feed_item_id=&placement=&device=c&partner_id=CD951&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx_3quuqh-wIVCJhmAh1uJQX3EAAYASAAEgLuKvD_BwE Scotland's biggest city offers explorers a gateway to the Highlands, enchanting museums, and stunning architecture.
  13. Yeah sure. I have heard about the "informal contact" that goes on in such situations! 55555555555 If it can't be done for such a large group they should change the format so it can be done. They are looking like a bunch of hypocrites and IMO they'll achieve sod all, despite the vast amount of hot air being generated. I suppose you are happy that they get to enjoy a holiday in a lux resort at taxpayer expense, but those taxpayers struggling to feed their family will not be so accepting of government extravaganzas. Anyway, if it has to be a face to face meeting, why not Blackpool? They could enjoy the roller coaster or go for a tram ride in between meetings.
  14. 24 hours and we don't know yet. I never expected such a narrow margin to eventuate.
  15. You might want to wait a bit before opening the bubbly. It's a toss up which party will win, and it was never guaranteed the GOP would take the senate, though hoped for. Unfortunately, it's probably going to be some days yet before we know on that one.
  16. Agree. This was probably his best shot at a comeback and it hasn't been great. If he goes for it and fails in the primaries he's just going to look pathetic. He's also going to be too old. It's not like he's some old professional politician with no where else to go, desperately trying to keep his nose in the trough. Political protest movements come and go ( does anyone remember the Tea Party? ), and he can relish that he became a very big wheel for 4 years. However, being Trump, who knows what he'll do? I won't even try to guess on that.
  17. Pretty young things are no more likely to be giving it away with old farangs than any hooker on Walking Street. They have no problem catching a virile young man that speaks their own language if they want a leg over.
  18. Isn't the leering part of a good time?
  19. Sure, it had a night life, but for anyone been to Pattaya it was pathetic.
  20. Apparently so. Wonder where all the MAGA hordes wreaking violence that was predicted by the ant Trump fear mongers got to? Seems rather quiet on the "white supremacist" ( LOL ) front. Perhaps now all the ranting about the "death of democracy" silliness will go away and the perpetrators of that conspiracy theory will take a step back and shut it.
  21. I agree that Trump has fallen short and I doubt not that a lot of people will be advising him to not run in 24. IMO that's the best way to win back the white house, and the GOP has 2 years to find the man to do the job. Even if he does decide to go for it, he needs to convince the money men to front the cash, and pass the primaries. I won't predict that he can't do it, but I err on the side of unlikely.
  22. You have a link to the GOP policy on that?
  23. Absolutely. Without a house majority he won't pass what's left of his agenda. A ripple is all that's needed. Also, all those "get Trump" committees go away. GOP needs 15 to win a majority in the house, Dems 31. Senate is a toss up and it's going to be a while till we know that result. For sure, a lot of nail biting in back rooms.
  24. It may not be a "red wave", but any win, no matter how small for the GOP, is a disaster for Biden's agenda. I'm disappointed they didn't do better but such is life.
  25. Many years ago I believed NZ was not corrupt, but then I read a book that exposed the corruption in the Clark government and I was shocked and saddened. Since then it's just become worse for anyone not rich. Can it be fixed- doubt it under MMP, the worst thing ever happened to NZ, IMO.

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