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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Perhaps, when it comes down to it, they decided that renewables were never going to be enough, and they had to keep using fossil fuel. As I see it, the real problem was the IMO misguided decision to stop using nuclear, the currently ( IMO ) only means of providing non carbon producing electrical power in sufficient amounts to satisfy multi million populations in countries without sufficient hydro resources.
  2. So, arrest him then, but be prepared for the consequences of doing so. If I was of a conspiratorial mind, I'd think they are waiting till early November to do so. After all, as has been so often claimed on this forum, "they knew what was there before they went in". Surely they wouldn't have gone in if they didn't have the "smoking gun"? Just do it already!
  3. That I can believe. Insulting millions of Americans is not a good way to unite the country or sooth angry hearts. I put the speech in the same basket as Clinton's referral to Trump supporters as deplorables, which did her chances no good at all, IMO. We'll have to wait a couple of months to see if it had the desirable effect.
  4. "Fiery"; sure, if one thinks a damp squid is "fiery".
  5. I did listen to the entire speech. I thought at the beginning he was going to declare something important, like sending troops to Ukraine, so I kept watching, then I thought he was going to announce that he'd ordered the mass arrest of Trump and his supporters, so I kept watching. Neither happened and when it turned out to be just another pre election speech it was a total anticlimax. IMO it just goes to show how terrified the Democrats are of the coming elections to roll him out to make a speech like that, but I doubt any minds are going to be changed by his little rant speech against Trump and MAGA. It's certainly, IMO, not going to "unite" people.
  6. Certainly looked like that when I lived there for a year prior to covid.
  7. My jaw hit the floor at that. At first I thought it was cheaper long time prices, till I read it again.
  8. One can only hope that is true. 40 million a year were ruining the country ( look what happened to Maya Bay ).
  9. I agree, and that would be my first option in the event of having to do such, provided the airline would agree to carry her. Once in LOS I understand it doesn't take long to renew a passport.
  10. That's correct, but most probably don't know that, and I doubt they care. To the new generation, meat is something that comes from a supermarket, not farms.
  11. NZ is considering taxing farting and belching from farm animals- why not humans as well? After all, they have to pay for all that social election bribe spending.
  12. They have been discussing demolishing the "illegal" buildings water side of Walking Street since before Walking Street existed. It's probably just a way of upping the size of the brown envelopes, rather than a serious attempt to demolish. Far as I'm concerned, there is enough "beach" in Pattaya and no need to create more along Walking Street. I like it just the way it was, pre covid. IMO if one wants over regulation and enforced health and safety rules, is scared of being burned to death in a night club, etc, one is better off not going in any building in LOS, and perhaps better off not visiting LOS at all. It's not up to us farangs to tell them what to do.
  13. LOL. Seems the "renewable energy" isn't all it was cracked up to be! Perhaps it's time for Germany to rethink nuclear- I believe they shut their nuclear plants a few years back and went for Russian gas instead.
  14. I haven't been bored since I retired. Too much to do.
  15. I noticed baggies on a young woman the other day. I guess she would have been mortified if I'd told her that her granny used to dress like that!
  16. As do many that have children that I talk to. At least I did one thing right in my life and did not bring a child into this world we live in.
  17. Right. In my case they didn't even ask if I was sure. Think it cost 20 baht for the documents.
  18. The only people that can answer that will be the staff at the office where the divorce will be carried out. Different offices= different requirements.
  19. That is NOT correct for EVERY office. I required NO witnesses of my own- the office staff did it for us. I did NOT have to "tip" them. I had no translation of the documents, certified or otherwise. It is NOT always less complicated to do it in the same office as married in. I was married in Pattaya and divorced in Lamphun without any problems. One should always go to the office where the procedure will be carried out and ask THEM what they require.
  20. The neighbour can go himself to the amphur office and obtain a copy of the divorce agreement and take it to a translator to see what's on it. He can also ask what they require for the procedure, as the office he uses will likely have different requirements as to other offices. That's what I did.
  21. and some wonder why farangs are not popular in certain circles of Thais.
  22. LOL. I only watched it because I thought it was going to be about something important like declaring war on Russia or having Trump and every supporter arrested and tried for treason or suchlike. That it was only just another Democrat election speech vilifying Trump and millions of US citizens was an absolute anticlimax. Far as I can see, the Democrats must be terrified of what is coming in November to get the president out there saying all those things. I doubt it's going to change anyone's mind though. A wasted 20 minutes of my life.
  23. I had to turn up after the banks opened so I could update the passbook, and they took my photograph. No need to q at 4 am. I don't see how any visa could be extended without the actual person fronting up at some stage, unless the immigration officer was a crook.
  24. Apologies for the error. As pointed out by Crossy, use the wall switch to turn tvs off, not just the remote off button.

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