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Everything posted by StreetCowboy

  1. We have never encountered any dangerous cycling, though I can think of one or two occasions when we have encountered dangerous driving. If I was wanting to improve road safety, I would eliminate the killers, not the victims.
  2. Pubcycle 2023, our tenth excursion, is scheduled for 26th November. We will be raising funds for Agathian’s Shelter, and if you can’t join, just send the money. My first task is to confirm the participating pubs; then the posters, check the route in detail, confirm the riders, start collecting sponsorship… Thanks in advance for your support - the kids appreciate it!
  3. It's a shyte state of affairs, and all the fresh air in the world won't make any bluddy difference.
  4. There’s only one f in of, and if people don’t understand that, they’re as well effin’ off.
  5. I’m terms of literacy, you may be an example of decline. “better off” and “better” are not synonymous.
  6. There's certainly a lot more drug testing in professional cycling.
  7. How many cars are there in Le Tour de France, compared to Formula 1? my understanding is that in Formula 1 there are 22, plus a Safety Car. I would love to cycle on closed roads, but not when there are more cars following me than a Formula 1 race. How does Formula 1 manage without camera motorbikes?
  8. Steady on, pal, ye’re not the ‘kin’ Pope Ref previous story about TheBlether
  9. There are few amongst us so ready to share a little light in the gloom of our limited imaginations. I had the remarkable good fortune to be recommended “In The Penal Colony” by one of our fellow posters, and I wish I could offer such helpful advice to my peers. Perhaps read again Catch 22, or The World of Suzie Wong
  10. I have met a couple of posters here, but have no desire to meet those with whom I disagree. I don’t seek out people with whom to have an argument.
  11. I don’t see how a Nazi symbol would be different. Symbols are symbols. You should perhaps try to understand how much people try to use the law to persecute their opponents, rather than interpreting everything too literally. You may also need to dig a little bit deeper beyond what CNN report. If I was going to fight Malaysia’s intolerant laws, this is not where I would start, and I would try to avoid getting my friends’ festival terminated.
  12. Life is never full of uncertainties - there is always room for more. Back in the day, slowly sobering up in a distant and unfamiliar part of Taipei, as it started to rain, I thought “this could not get any worse”, and I have rarely been so spectacularly wrong.
  13. My son played for Kettle. He became a YouTube Sensation… and without doubt Health and Safety would have taken a dim view, and perhaps had words with whoever was in charge.
  14. Where do you get the solid story line from? Pictures are pictures, no matter whether they are drawn from a syndicated artist, an art student or Skynet. If you believe that we will believe the stories that AI will tell us, then it is time to take up the hammers and pitchforks of the Luddites and cast the abominations into the abyss, before they do the same to us. There is no reason to believe that washing machines have our best interests at heart.
  15. Cheer up, they said, things could be worse... so I did, and they were. Pessimists think that things cannot get any worse, and Optimists think that things can only get better.
  16. Although THX1138 was well directed and well produced, the story line was what was important - and not the words of the story. AI wiill give us a superlative substitute for human thought, which eventually will make "Terminator" obsolete - we will not know that we are subservient to machines, ... Maybe that will happen in the future, maybe it happened five or ten or twenty years ago.
  17. If I was going to never have an alcoholic drink, I think I would choose one of those sugary alco-pops.
  18. I think that the fact that it was a George Lucas production is irrelevant, insofar as his fame came after its release. Crimes or achievements are no less or more for what you do afterwards. THX1138 is an important portrayal of the brutalisation and suppression of the individual in society, but Elon Musk would say "I don't do that" and so many of us are willing to look away and suffer the consequences, rather than taking up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them. Let us condemn the activists that cause the occasional traffic jam, rather than those amongst us that cause a traffic jam everyday... The fault with stories like THX1138 is focussing on the rebel, with whom we all identify, than the subservient culpable masses, whom we form. Until we realise that we are the villains in the story, not the heroes, we will never save ourselves.
  19. I don't think that people should temper their opinion based on the neighbours amongst whom they find themselves, unless they choose to avoid arguments - their choice. I don't think that the Malaysian government has banned rainbows, nor rainbow-coloured jerseys such as the UCI champions wear, only the specifically wearing of such to promote LGBT+etc tolerance. We may all be entitled to our own opinions, and we may wish that we can express them wherever we wish, but apparently there are restrictions in Malaysia, and, you apparently propose, also in LGBTQ+etc fora.
  20. If I was going to name my top four posters, I would include a more limited number of names. Unless I wanted to be sure of including them all, in which case I might list more than five....
  21. I think you are being unfair in discriminating the quality of dribbling sycophant. To suggest that our friend is an inadequate dribbling sycophant seems at the same time harsh, unjustified, unfair and unnecessary. Everyone needs to find a job that they can do well.
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