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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. The instructions seem to say that you should hold down the start button (off/on button) until you hear a beep.
  2. Next time I see big tomatoes I'll buy some. If they are tasty I'll take some seeds and see if they will grow in the foam cubes. I will try some in soil too. I used peat moss last time but all failed after they got to the 4-leaf stage - not sure why.
  3. One week on. Most of the seedlings are looking healthy. Back row far left, and front row 2nd from left looked like they were going to die, but they are slowly recovering. Unfortunately, only one of the tomato seeds made it (store bought from Home Pro),. All the others are capsicum, straight from the fruit to the foam cubes. I've put cantaloupe seeds in the 3 empty pots, from a really nice sweet one we had a few days ago. Nothing moving as yet.
  4. Jomtien, October 2023 requirements: Bank letter (proof that I hold a bank account) 12 month bank statement Copies of bank book pages for the past year A second bank letter itemising each monthly transfer of 65,000THB or over.
  5. No, but they also do not "turn in their graves", which is a common English expression meaning they would be shocked or distressed to hear the news if they were still alive. But you knew that anyway.
  6. Never tried it and probably never will. Smoking would be a definite no-no as I probably did enough damage to my lungs with 30+ years of cigarettes (managed to quit 20 years ago). I am tempted to try infused massage creams/oils for my joint problems (unintended pun) but I've never been able to find a suitable product. Do I have the right to condemn those who use it? Well, as far as I can tell, users do no real harm to others - nor to the environment, so I would say no, regardless of whether one has used it or not.
  7. IMO all the talk about brown envelopes is nonsense. By now it should be clear to everyone that the military and the Courts follow orders from above. There is no amount of bribe money that could have guaranteed his return to Thailand, the reduction of his jail sentence, his helicopter transfer to a hospital ward within 24 hours, and his upcoming release on parole, without the consent of the highest authority.
  8. I'm going to sue for defamation. We both suffer from Tourette syndrome ....... and it was way more than 1.25 minutes - more like 5 minutes.
  9. Got this 3w/220v air pump with 2 air stones from Lazada (95 Baht) just 10cm long. Ordered yesterday and delivered this morning. On the low setting puts out plenty of air for my 20L box.
  10. Some good info there, but a bit much for me at the moment. What I did pick up on is the importance of oxygenating the water. My system is described in the video as "deep water culture" and requires oxygenation, which I don't have. So I'm now looking at small aquarium pumps with an air stone which can be easily installed. Thanks.
  11. The tips of the roots are in the mixture (10mm or so). As the mixture is used up or evaporates, the level will go down and the roots will grow to reach it. I'll post progress here.
  12. Today I transferred the seedlings to the growing box. Still not sure which are tomato. They all had a good amount of roots, even the 3 that have no leaves yet. The fertilizers (A&B) came with the kit. The third one I bought separately, it's specially for fruit, and I added a helping o that too.
  13. IIRC Oscar is the shy one. Last mention was 6 November 2023 (I did a search of the topic) when he had a scrap with the cat, Poo. I hope all is okay.
  14. My guess is that the mayonnaise is the more likely cause of your less than "fine fettle". Especially if homemade using raw eggs.
  15. On a much smaller scale, this is what happened when my sister-in-law decided to fill in one of her ponds and invited the whole village (only about 12 houses) to take out the fish for free. Maybe that's what's happening here.
  16. Spot on! From the linked article ... The senior cabinet minister is none other than Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thammanat Prompow.
  17. During lockdown I discovered that there are only 3 shops I need: Specsavers, Boots and Greggs. My life is just specs, drugs and sausage rolls.
  18. PS to my post above: I planted the tomato and capsicum seeds in the same tray, but different rows. Now I cant remember which is which. So now you know my level of expertise.
  19. That set up looks good but for a more serious grower. Mine is shown in the link I posted above. I would guess that the periodic spraying of the roots will work much better than keeping them dipped into the water/food mix. That is why I want to try planting some of my seedlings into pots of soil, then I will know what works best. As I have said, I know very little about growing, I'm just experimenting. So far I have quite a few seeds that have germinated in their little foam cubes ... The foam looks like a single sheet but it is pre-cut into cubes that easily pull apart for transplanting ,,.
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