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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. Poor cow. She must be Friesian.
  2. If you mean this sort of thing ... Try searching for canopy or gazebo, instead of tent.
  3. Some people might pay extra for that "golden service".
  4. Although I opened my Wise account with a Thailand address, Wise is registered in the UK, so there is no Swift transfer involved. I believe the transfer from my pension providers to Wise is by Faster Payment Service (FPS). My pensions are paid directly into my Wise account. There are no fees. Credit union transfers require me to send a request for funds then wait for their next banking session. No fees. My credit union will also send money directly to my Bangkok Bank account, using Swift, but that is even slower and more expensive than Wise. I am hoping Wise will provide a debit card for Thailand. At the moment, if I want to pay for air fares etc., I need to transfer money into Thailand then pay with my Thai bank cards. Losing money in fees and exchange rates.
  5. My UK bank (Barclays) closed my accounts because I am not a UK resident. I use Wise to receive my pensions. I can also send money to Wise from my Credit Union savings account, but that takes a few days (due to the credit union banking arrangements). I use the monthly income method for my annual extensions, and it takes 1-4 days for the money to get from Wise to my Bangkok Bank account - this is because I asked wise to tag my account to ensure the transfer is always shown as International. However, if I want to send money quickly, I send it to my wife's Wise account and she does the transfer - which is always instant. When I use Wise to pay for goods/services that is always instant too. AFAIK, it is not possible to send THB to Wise.
  6. My wife and I have Wise accounts which we opened whilst living here with Thailand addresses. You are correct that the Wise card is not available to us.
  7. That seems an unusually short sentence. He'll be out in 20 months, or even less.
  8. That is exactly what the MFP were proposing - and look what happened to them.
  9. IMO - everyone except the naive young teens, who were likely cajoled into the trade by family and pimps. But, especially, the pimps and their customers who want to have sex with children. Disgusting animals!
  10. I haven't paid direct to a hospital, but I pay my car insurance, health insurance, wine orders and a couple of other things by direct transfer from Wise. You can quote a reference number with the transfer, then send an email to the recipient with payment reference details from Wise. Click on "share with recipient" then copy it into the email. It's really not much different than sending a direct payment from your Thai bank, just a couple of extra steps. Maybe forewarn the hospital that you will pay this way.
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 263 seconds  
  12. Pretended to drop his spoon and took a sneaky peek.
  13. That was Snagglepuss catchphrase. The Pink Panther didn't speak. Yes, I am that old - and that pedantic!
  14. I'll start by saying that I am very proud that my country (UK) provides sanctuary for genuine asylum seekers, and gives aid to people/countries in distress. At heart I am a Liberal/Socialist, but I have to credit the Tory party for a perfectly reasonable and workable solution, which was to send asylum seekers immediately to a safe country (Rwanda) while their applications were assessed. Safety and a reasonable standard of accommodation guaranteed. Pass the asylum test, get accommodated in the UK, fail the test, go back to their own country. This,as far as I can tell, is similar to the Australian system. The arrangement would benefit Rwanda (income, employment), and discourage false claims of asylum, whilst not compromising the safety of genuine applicants. I can not understand why anyone could object to this arrangement, however the new Labour government cancelled it as one of their first measures.
  15. Some really heartless people on this board. Why not just skip to the next topic if you don't have anything to contribute.
  16. Is OP fleeing a war zone?
  17. It happens when you highlight something from within a quote that another member has quoted. If you go back to the original post (in this case from KhunLA) and highlight it there, it will be attributed correctly.
  18. Pedant alert! For an object in free fall, m (mass) has no relevance - Galileo. But I think your guesstimate of 30mph could be pretty close. vf = g * t would be the formula, but we can't calculate the time without knowing the height. Guessing a 15m fall (1.75 seconds) would give 17m/s or 38mph.
  19. It's a very sad situation, but I think that euthanasia is your only reasonable option. From remarks here, it seems that most vets won't do it, but some posters have found vets who are willing. Perhaps if you give your location someone might be able to recommend a sympathetic vet.
  20. "There is no legal obligation for the King or Prince of Wales to pay tax. Since 1993, however, the Monarch and her or his heir has voluntarily paid income tax on income from the Duchies and earnings from personal investments but not on the Sovereign Grant. Capital gains and inheritance tax are also paid in certain circumstances. Similarly, local taxation is paid on a voluntary basis. This is set out in a non-statutory Memorandum of Understanding between the Treasury and the Royal Household." https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9807/
  21. The article states that the ambulance was on its way to pick up the patient, so that 60 seconds of receiving no medical attention may have been crucial.
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