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Everything posted by OJAS

  1. Grammatical splitting of hairs par excellence IMHO.
  2. @JJ Madcow - and/or with the Denmark/Thailand Double Taxation Agreement: https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/nation/denmark_e.pdf
  3. Not in the eyes of those with a "Hi, Me Mr Ultra-Perfect, Ultra-Superior Westerner With A Sneeringly Patronising Contempt For Everything And Everyone Thai" attitude, though.
  4. Links to back up that assertion, please.
  5. Or maybe because you, like myself, obtained initial COVID jabs courtesy of the British Chambers of Commerce Thailand, rather than through official Thai channels?
  6. And presumably your COVID vaccination certificates contain a 13-digit ID number which is different from those on your pink ID and TIN cards!😆
  7. But your UK bank may, in any event, already be aware of your Thai TIN as a result of a self-certification form (example below) they asked you to complete back in 2016 preparatory to the implementation of CRS in the UK!
  8. Too much, I suppose, to expect the TRD to adopt a similar online registration process in order to obtain a TIN! https://www.gov.uk/register-for-self-assessment
  9. So basically a souped-up version of the attached self-certification form which my UK bank required me to complete back in 2016, then.
  10. Presumably emails are only going to be sent to American account holders, though? https://www.expattaxthailand.com/crs-information-request-thai-banks/
  11. Was it this form? https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/tax_pdf/request/lp10.1_110355.pdf If so, who completed it for you?
  12. Hard to disagree with @mogandave's statement IMHO if he's referring exclusively to loosely-regulated policies with Thai underwriters!
  13. Per month, presumably?
  14. @Fred Buscaglione22 - the following link contains contact details for the Spanish Embassy in Bangkok: https://www.exteriores.gob.es/Embajadas/bangkok/en/Embajada/Paginas/Horario,-localización-y-contacto.aspx
  15. @Kinnock - actually the more I think about it, there is probably no escaping the commercial software supplier route in your case in any event. As I understand things you will need to declare the rent from your UK property as assessable income in any tax return you file with the TRD here in Thailand and avoid any resultant double taxation through obtaining a tax credit from HMRC in accordance with Article 7 of the UK/Thailand Double Taxation Agreement. For this purpose HMRC will almost certainly insist on your filing a tax return with them which includes the non-residency info contained in commercial software if you choose to go down the online route.
  16. I personally use the free UK one with my Thai address, and no-one at HMRC has ever batted an eyelid! Whether you can do likewise, though, will depend on your particular circumstances. For example, it would become an issue should you ever sell your UK property, because CGT is calculated from a rebasement date of 6 April 2015 in the case of non-residents, but from a (presumably earlier) purchase date in the case of residents. I filed a paper return when this became an issue for me following the sale of my UK property 3 years ago. Another potential problematical area which I have identified is if HMRC were to revive a proposal floated 10 years ago to abolish the personal tax-free allowance for non-residents - which, thankfully, was subsequently booted into the long grass. As far as I am concerned, though, this is a bridge to be crossed if and when we get to it.
  17. Some decent earplugs might go a long way to ensuring that you spend most your upcoming flight in the land of nod. My personal recommendation are Boots Mouldable Wax Earplugs which thusfar I've only been able to obtain during occasional trips back to the UK (my home country). But they now appear to be available online here in Thailand!😀 https://store.boots.co.th/products/บู๊ทส์-ฟาร์มาซูติคอลส์-ที่อุดหูแบบขี้ผึ้ง-5-คู่/5ff563031ab13d187c4d913e
  18. What goes at Jomtien and Hua Hin doesn't recessarily go at Chaengwattana! And vice versa, of course!!
  19. Presumably you were able to provide proof of a submitted TM30 stating that you were staying at an address within their catchment area?
  20. So if he receives a life sentence he'll presumably be deported in a box eventually.
  21. Periodically I do simple bank transfers from my UK to Wise GBP accounts, the latter having a Thai address.
  22. No question of me being offered the mobile app download option when I applied for a retirement extension at Maptaput last year. Instead I was told in no uncertain terms to go away and not come back until I had obtained a fully stamped and signed 12-month statement from a local bank branch.
  23. All the more reason to file returns to the TRD come hell or high water, I think - even if it means submitting these direct to their Bangkok HQ if our local offices refuse to accept them, as I am planning to do if need be.
  24. More a case of minimising the risk of the TRD eventually coming back to bite me in the backside than feeling a bit better in the short term, I think.
  25. On the subject of TEDA's, it strikes me as totally unacceptable that we won't, as I understand things, know for certain how much these will amount to for the 2024 tax year, both collectively and individually, until such time as the TRD publish their new forms. Contrast this with the UK where Rachel Reeves confirmed in her Budget speech on 30 October that the existing £12,570 tax-free allowance will continue to apply until the 2027/28 tax year!
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