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Everything posted by Upnotover

  1. She's asking you for advice or 20,000? If the latter give it with a smile and be done with it.
  2. Didn't ought to be a problem as there is no border passport check on departure (only airline check-in and they won't know)
  3. Good. I hope the train companies, and others, reduce their pay offers to their employees proportionally.
  4. I recently had an issue with them and actually managed to get past the bot and have a direct chat with Harry, an apparently human agent. So it is possible but it was rather tedious. I could not find any alternative means of contact.
  5. Here you go then, 13 weeks they say..... https://www.passport.service.gov.uk/overseas/information/vietnam/renew/adult
  6. You keep the old passport, nothing is physically done to it until the replacement arrives. Yes it is cancelled in the UK "system" when the application reaches there but they do not tell anybody unless they are specifically asked. So whilst it is true that is is not officially valid for travel nobody outside of the UK will know that, so it's a risk you may or may not wish to take.
  7. Is the marriage already registered in Thailand? I'd imagine that would be necessary.
  8. In which case try here;
  9. How on earth does somebody end up in Nontaburi with a bundle of GBP not knowing how/where to change it into THB? Kidnapping?
  10. I always thought they stamped non-RE on an entry referring to a Re-Entry permit. Is that not the case?
  11. I do this all the time. The cable itself does not affect the charging rate, the charger does that and in any case will not charge something faster than it can accept, at least that seems to be the case with my devices.
  12. The need to exit (or is that not the same as "stamp out"?) is clear. I would imagine the need to re-enter will be determined by then guards/officials at the border.
  13. Potentially three in fact. It is also useful in reducing the effects of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  14. You could try for a multi-entry, it's certainly an option on the e-visa application.
  15. Colonoscopy is endoscopy. Top down endoscopy is a gastroscopy.
  16. I have travelled in and out of Thailand many times with similar meds (inc. Bisoprolol) and have never had any problem. Having said that nobody has ever asked or noticed that I have them, either in carry on or checked baggage. I have never taken any paperwork with them, as these are over the counter meds I would think not needed at least from Thailands perspective. As for the US I have once or twice taken them in and out but again never been asked.
  17. Yes print it for immigration, make sure they stamp you in for 90 days. The airline may ask about it so have it to hand, onward flight not required.
  18. Nice one. What finances did you have to show?
  19. You might want to look at this thread, I also think you cannot open an account there. What is actually difficult about transferring money that you need to "make easy"?
  20. There does appear to be a fundamental misunderstanding by at least one person of the purpose of a multi entry tourist visa. It is to allow a tourist to base themselves in Thailand and make multiple trips out/back to other countries as part of their holiday. Those trips may be several days or weeks and the in between time in Thailand the same. It is not intended to be used to stay as long as possible in Thailand before having to leave and return on a new entry, there are other visas/extensions far better suited to that.
  21. 12,500, 20,000, 26,000, 34,000.........this thread is one of the best!
  22. No. £10k in the bank. You will see the requirement when you get to the relevant part of the online e-visa application.
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