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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Maybe for the same reason that so many other expats seem determined to share their stories over and over ad naseum about the best bj ever, the best tits ever, the hottest babe ever, how long and way too many details of all their sexual prowess. Hey congratulations...you got laid in pattaya...now how about realize that nobody cares.
  2. Read that about 45% of all bit coin is from drug cartel and illegal $$. Dictators also likely love hiding all the $$ they can steal. They of course love it as it fits their nefarious money laundering. If and when it gets serious regulation and the cartels quit putting money into it lets see how bitcoin looks.
  3. why would anyone go to a hospital to pick up a script refill? Pharmacies everywhere lot cheaper and little to no hassles. If your doc won't offer easy refill then get another doctor.
  4. So if i want to watch sling tv out of usa that is blocked in thailand what is a good vpn to get to do that? Do i just sign up and download the vpn app to my smart tv and it works or is it more complicated than that? thanks for suggestions...just want nice clear no buffering no bs way to watch college sports on espn via sling with my firestick on a samsung smart tv.
  5. Yes we did survive trump one and his attempted coup....and now he is back again to try harder to get retribution for anyone who has had enough of his lies, ego, and BS. Some people, like me, find it disturbing to go down that path and cross our fingers that it all works out and trump would serve four years then gracefully step aside. I have little doubt that many thought they would survive Hitler as well. How'd that work out for the world?
  6. Sure i would prefer to listen to mel gibson than 80 nobel prize winners as well as 40 of the 44 cabinet members who actually worked for the orange one and saw up close and are now telling the world he is unfit...not to mention his oonw vp pence who licked his shoes for four years until he could no longer stomach the lies and will also not support the man he apparently worshipped. Yeah mel gibson would be a better source of information. Maybe also ask kid rock another of the brilliant cult members his opinion.
  7. I am sure a lot of Hitler people felt the same way...until they didn't.
  8. He is a FASCIST and he praises Hitler. Certainly Harris is not the only one saying that...the people who worked for him including one of americas most respected generals say it for anyone to hear. Even dear leader himself will tell you how he plans to shut down the free press he doesn't like, imprison his political enemies, and if he wants turn the military on people who dare to disagree with him. Apparently maga is unable to comprehend those type moves are straight from the FACIST playbook.
  9. so half the country wants a guy who openly praises hitler and dictators...who openly calls for imprisonment or worst for people who disagee with him...who has already called for CBS and one of americas most popular shows (60 minutes) ever to be cancelled because he did not like the way they edited an interview..who wants nbc and abc and cnn and msnbc all to be taken off the air...the new york times to be shuttered I have never ever heard harris say anything that is more scary then just a few of trumps promises.... seems a lot of americans might do well to actually read a few history books as to how dictators can throw away their first amendment rights and worse....DJT statements are not hyperbole or taken out of context or fake news...he says it over and over and over on tape and when asked if he really means it doubles down ... and for maga that think he may not turn on them? ask some of the 40 of his cabinet members who supported him and worked for him who now are warning anyone what they saw and heard....and are now on DJT hit list...ask Rudy how it worked out for him to throw everything he had in the trump bucket...ask mike pence who licked his rear for four years who trump almost got hung (so what) when pence dared to refuse an order.
  10. There were 2600 pax on the ship and most were so frustrated they said we just won't get off the ship...me included...but cruise line said everyone had to get it even if stay on ship....it was the dumbest thing i have ever seen in all my travels...clusterfxxk doesn't begin to describe it. But i agree air pax do have a choice to just go somewhere else. The aussie ETA also had a lot of issues but nothing like Phillippines and the aussie fee was like $10 usd or so.
  11. Us citizen who wants to visit australia has to get an ETA online and pay a fee. Many other countries require ETA but no fee. To get the ETA online can often be a clusterfxxk of required stuff to fill out along with pics of this and that and some of the apps are atrocious for not working...the Phillipines ETA app is a nightmare to say the least but it is right now still free. I was recently on a cruise where all pax were required to get the ETA for a port stop in Manila....there were lines hundreds of people deep for four or five days of people who tried and tried and could not get the app to work...it was a complete total nightmare...the cruise line had probably two dozen employees trying to help but even their computer experts had major problems....i would guess overall standing in line, working on the app, having so called experts assist it still took me well over 10 hours total to get it done...and i was relatively web savy compared to lot of the passengers....so if Thailand does it let's hope they keep it simple and hire people to develop and run the app...i shutter to think if that will really happen.
  12. no doubt at least the most popular beaches could be cleaned every day...but that will not stop all the crap that floats around in the oceans of the world from ending up on beaches worldwide...plastic seems to be the biggest overall problem...take ferry from ko larn to pattaya and look at all the plastic bottles etc floating around in the sea....thank a human. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/great-pacific-garbage-patch/
  13. It is really not all that hard to sort out blatant promotions from members who are simply sharing their experience with people looking for info...frankly i do not care one bit if anyone tries the same company i had good experience with or not...in fact everyone should do their own research or go talk to company direct and then decide if it is what they want.
  14. But many posters seem to think the gals have a monopoly on lying....it does work both ways ...maybe if more guys thought with the big head instead of the little head they would not get the fleecing they seem to ask for in their lust to get laid. I never understood why so many guys seem to think they have to lie to the gals and make them all kinds of promises....getting laid in Pattaya does not require a PHD. Generally like many other places in the world and with gals of all nationalities a big wallet will often go a long way.
  15. there you go again giving maga facts....you know they hate facts as it does not fit with what dear leader has instructed them to say and believe.
  16. Careful you know facts can upset the cult.
  17. for the young ones on this site "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!" is a 1966 novelty record written and performed by Jerry Samuels (billed as Napoleon XIV), and released on Warner Bros. Records. The song became an instant success in the United States, peaking at No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 popular music singles chart on August 13
  18. perfect trump rally song.. They´re coming to take me away, Haha, they´re coming to take me away, Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha, To the funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time And I´ll be happy to see Those nice young men In their clean white coats And they´re coming to take me AWAY, HA HAAAA You thought it was a joke, and so you LAUGHED, YOU LAUGHED! When I had said that losing you Would make me flip my lid, RIGHT? You know you laughed. I HEARD you laugh, you laughed And laughed and laughed And then you left, But now you know I´m utterly mad AND They´re coming to take me away, Haha, they´re coming to take me away, Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha, To the happy home with trees and flowers And chirping birds and basket weavers Who sit and smile and Twiddle their thumbs and toes And they´re coming to take me away, HAHAAAAAAAAA
  19. i guess i missed the clips of dems storming the capitol or calling govs threatening them to find more votes and also the clip of then VP biden refusing to certify the election....wow one whole woman complaining about a machine...call the national guard ...millions of maga morons pissing and whining every day for four years about rigged elections led by dear leader...why it is almost exactly the same in the mind of a cult member.
  20. Lies are still lies when what you say on tape and video over and over even after all kinds of investigations can be proven beyond doubt to not be true. Election rigged? Got any proof? Got any evidence? Four years later after dozens of investigations done mostly by republicans found NO EVIDENCE and claims rejected by 60 different judges...fox pays 700 million for repeating the dominion lies and yet the cult still clings to the big lie. welcome to the cult where lies are no longer lies and dear leader has no clothes.
  21. typical trumper response....can't see the forest for the trees....so trumps constant lying every day for a decade or more about serious things like election being stolen, jan 6 was day of love, hiding classified docs, hurricane relief no big deal and having dear leader stage a totally FAKE mcdonalds gig was "great"....welcome to the cult.
  22. Lets say for argument sake it was a lie...so now the score is a few thousand of trump lies repeated endlessly about IMPORTANT matters like rigged elections proven false over and over, stealing and hiding classified documents, bone spurs, jan 6 was a day of love, cheating on wives, Obama not born in Hawaii, Hurricane relief lies, eating pets, and on and on and on.. It NEVER stops. Trump has been proven over and over and over on video and audio in his own words to tell lie after lie after lie. Even the mcd's staged work was a complete lie pretending to be something it certainly was not. Only a cult member could somehow think anyone is in same league re lying as dear leader. It is one thing he is very very very good at and practices most every day.
  23. Trans don't bother me...not my business. People who refuse to accept election results and try to take over the american government with coups do.
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