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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. Perhaps, circumstances, and the Isaan way of raising the girls gives them a different attitude to relationships than those raised in the metropolis? They are also probably more inclined to want to spend time with a husband in a rural community, build a home, than the city girls. Yes it does also depend what the guy is looking for, unfortunately some guys get that bit wrong, life in Isaan does not fit all
  2. I always find comparison with what I 'left behind' meaningless, had many beautiful sexy girlfriends who would probably have made great wives, just wasn't ready for marrige. When my Isaan wife appeared she was the right fit for the right time, a wonderful lady, no doubt, young and beautiful, intelligent, hard working, and I look forward to many more happy years together
  3. Thanks for the responses and humour, just leave well alone for now I guess
  4. I guess it depends if one feels communication outside the immediate family is relevant or necessary
  5. I enjoyed this post mainly because it placed the responsibility for communication right where it belongs I will always recall the 'deaf mute' description used by Yinn very apt!! Personally seem to be learning a little Thai, but as yet feel the same discomfort using Thai as others in my circle do using English I recall a comment from one of my teachers years ago 'can do better' yep that's the only way communication will improve, and that is down to me ????
  6. My age 66 years old not yet in the old fossil age group I think ????
  7. Made me smile, elderly farangs ???? I think it has come as quite a shock to the village how much work I am capable of on the farm, my wife rides a motorbike to the rice land where we look after some cattle, I bicycle there and back 3 times a day. The other day when cycling back a neighbour was unloading a truck load of straw, I hopped off the bike and helped put in the shed. We have had over 400 bales delivered I helped carry and stack for every load. ???? I carry cut grass every other day on average for the cattle We have painted the house inside and out. Rice harvest very active hauling and lifting I don't need respect considered to be for an elderly farang, ???? I farm and I graft as do others in the village and if there is respect it is for that reason. I work to keep me fit, almost in shape, and occupied that I don't end up just an elderly farang with a bit of money expecting respect ????
  8. I did 35 years of work hard party hard, great life full of fun experiences I am retired as comfortably as I need to be here, with the big bonus of not having to be concerned about a Thai lady milking me for all I haven't got ????
  9. Yep we all live and learn, some later than others, good access roads increase the value of roadside plots
  10. Have no problem castrating, done a few hundred in my time, but if the Thai market is ok with bull beef and there is no real benefit price wise, must give effectiveness of castration considerable thought if we continue to offload the bulls at 9 months to a year
  11. Thanks Kickstart, I think best leave well alone for now, will settle for de horning as required ????
  12. Anybody able to advise if castration makes a difference to the price of the cattle Thinking of using the 'nippers' version but little point if no added value thanks
  13. We have siblings working away visit mama across the road, they all sit in the communal meeting point under our mango trees Most of the time they were tidying up the house and surroundings of mama, brother in law without any suggestion from me fitted a camera in the truck. Family are good people, I fully accept until I have conversational Thai communication is awkward for them, and me, so don't expect a great deal of contact. For a few days we have people doing things that allow them to feel they are a valuable part of the whole, don't mind it is important for them, also they would get really bored as everybody based at home has their daily tasks and everyday life continues. I get the impression most of them would be back to stay given the opportunity which no doubt makes those family that are here doing ok, feel good too ????
  14. Not personal just the usual unsolicited advice we are accustomed to on the forum. I have never had a problem walking away from any situation that isn't sitting right. That runs right through my working life into my current situation, I am switched on regarding evaluating situations and taking necessary action when the need arises, therefore I never stress, one of the qualities that served me well in my various careers. One other lesson I learnt in my various careers, not everybody will like or understand me, that also makes life a great deal easier ????
  15. Varied and interesting working life in the UK, 4 siblings and their offspring assured I never was short of company when required ???? rolled through a few jobs socialised with work colleagues. Found Thailand and after many fun visits met my wife and decided to plan our future here, my wife raised the children, I provided investment in land house, home, and a few cattle. Working life over Feb last year took 3 weeks to visit my UK family then came home ???? seems to be working out as expected, no real drama, just getting on with hobbies in the sunshine, and appreciating being with my wife
  16. We aren't land rich but being about 10k outside Surin, 2k from a small town, I can tell you cement roads are in place to lift the price of land, electricity is never too far away, lots of 'self sufficiency' plots with ponds being prepared, lots of plots of land being filled, seems to be a desirable area. I reckon a choice 2 Rai plot could easily be priced around 750k - 1mil or above. It appears the rural plot in their home area is coming back into fashion for migrant workers in the metropolis who are now slipping into the later years of their working lives. Not to mention the locals who can throw up accommodation for 500k Accepted of course there is a vast amount of land not as suitable as that near us.
  17. 16 years ago I decided my wife would be more content living in Thailand. This has proved to be the case. We worked together to build a home with a bit of land and cattle that would always provide for my family in the future My son is going through the Thai education system, my daughter is thinking about a career. It's quite possible in Thailand if your children are polite and Industrious to obtain at a cost training for a chosen role. Indeed my son's current interest in motorcycles prompted a friend let us know he could locate a Saturday job to start training as a mechanic GIven that my family could probably survive without working, Thailand provides exactly the options I wish to have available I believe as I sit in the sun, in our shaded outside kitchen area, with a gentle breeze, a wife who spoils me and children who will make their decisions as they negotiate life in Thailand, my decision, although may not work well for all, is working for me ????
  18. Ok accepted, unfortunately your post lacked a little clarity to convey the same message, or maybe my interpretation ????
  19. So what? many of the Isaan girls are way more sexy than the product thrown up in the latest Thai beauty contest, rich Thai men are welcome to them, and the associated medical touch up costs that go with them. I've met many kind thoughtful people in Isaan, your attitude leans towards a rather flat learning curve for the years you have been welcomed in Thailand. Rather you use any available cliche to knock the old boys who have arrived in Thailand for good time if not a long time! Do you seriously think foreign guys give a flying flock what rich Thai men do?
  20. I got seen right away, put in 30+ stitches and on my way, very efficient cost 800 baht but was many years ago ???? Two births in the immediate family went fine...... difficult to fault something that has worked for you
  21. Can't really understand the long discussions on Medical insurance cover, if one can very comfortably afford the policies available, the cover is adequate then it is a no brainer get cover If a fully comprehensive is too expensive then it becomes a juggling act taking preventative measures where possible looking into obtaining the best cover available to you at any time, or perhaps if your health is good periods of saving to cover any future costs outside insurance. I do admire those who have sourced cheaper medical services in India great initiative
  22. Wear short wellington boots to cycle, feed the cattle, do jobs around the home more comfortable with socks
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