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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. See this PDF file from the Thai embassy in the US that is in Thai and English. https://thaiembdc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Entering-Thailand-after-1-November-THandENG-final-1.pdf It states this at the end of the 4th page. "• Please note that travelers must stay in the U.S. or countries in the list for at least 21 days or previously came from Thailand to the U.S."
  2. That is only for those fully vaccinated but not from a listed country.
  3. No insurance is required to apply for a extension of stay based upon marriage. Insurance is only required to apply for a OA visa for retirement or the extension of stay of the entry from one.
  4. For the Phuket sandbox the listed country requirement was eliminated a couple of months ago. The listed countries is now for entering with no quarantine other that one night to get negative covid 19 test result if full vaccinated. The term for being a foreign resident can easily be misunderstood. I think in your case they gave you incorrect info. The term resident means you have been living here. They may of thought it meant having permanent residency in the country which wrong.
  5. You will need the $50,000 (previously $100,000) covid 19 insurance when you enter the country valid to the day your current extension of stay is valid.
  6. Yes or you could apply for a non-o visa online and get your stickerless visa by email.
  7. i have never used it so cannot be of much help. Not sure if it is the same problem as you are having their was a recent post about not ticking the box shown hereby the mouse pointer. That page is from the user manual you can download on the first page of the site.
  8. I am surprised that Jomtien immigration did not want a TM30 report to change your address when you did your 90 day report. Maybe the agent or whoever arranged the company setup did a TM30 report but they should of given you a copy of the receipt for it. It would help if you could get a letter under the company name stating you are living in the house to do your extension.
  9. Form what I have seen October 1st as the start date of the new requirements that that is where the end of September came from but it was not approved by then cabinet until after October 1st. Immigration has not even posted anything about the new requirements and how the new insurance requirement will handled for one year extensions of a OA visa entry next year. The 31st of September was small error that has been corrected.
  10. It depends upon the office where your are applying. Was a TM30 report done when you moved into your house? At some offices that enough. A signed copy of page one of the house book and something to prove you are a part owner of the house may be enough.
  11. That is correct but so far not mentioned on the covid 19 insurance site. I assume it be available by November 1st. That is only for those with Non-OA long stay visas for retirement issued after October 1st of this year.
  12. He was referring to the STV that allows a 90 day permit to stay on entry and two 90 day extensions.
  13. You only need 90 days of insurance for the non-o visa based upon retirement. You could try submitting the insurance that you have to see if the accept it. Another option is to enter visa exempt and then apply for a non-o visa for retirement at immigration. No need for insurance and the 800k baht only has to be in the bank on the day you apply.
  14. The small amount of available info I have read states that the new insurance retirements will not go into effect until after September 31st of 2022 for a existing valid OA visa or the extension of a entry from one. Until then for a OA visa only the 40/400k baht insurance and the new $50,000 covid 19 insurance.
  15. Your case is a rarity. You must of applied for a new one year extension of stay early and left the country shortly after it was issued. Just get the one year insurance and try getting the COE or Thailand Pass approved. If approved you could then enter the country and in the worst case you only be stamped in until the day your extension ends.
  16. You only mentioned Chiang Mai immigration and they can be more difficult than others. Other offices are similar to Bangkok. Just a TM30 report from a hotel is enough to prove you are staying where the office is located when applying for a short stay extension.
  17. The SHA+ hotel would arrange your transport from the airport. The will also arrange your first covid 19 test. People have been arriving at Suvarnabhumi and going to to a AQ hotel in Pattaya for some time now.
  18. This is what it states here on page 4 under note a the bottom of the page. https://thaiembdc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Entering-Thailand-after-1-November-THandENG-final-1.pdf
  19. This definition of residence fits what they mean. It could be about anybody staying here that leaves for short trip to visit family, apply for a visa, business and etc. There are no listed countries requirement for the sandboxes. That was done away with some time ago.
  20. That would be the government department the organization is registered with. See number 21 here. https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?p=14714
  21. This site will have it up to 100 years old when they update the site to show the new $50,000 requirement. https://covid19.tgia.org/
  22. Ask the hotel that you stay in on the day you apply to do the online RM30 report to immigration and give you a screenshot of it. Bangkok immigration is not that pickey for proving you are staying in Bangkok. Many people have traveled to apply for a short term extension there with only one night stay in hotel, Sorry I had a online meeting to attend.
  23. Immigration is not requiring proof of covid 19 insurance to apply for a extension at the time and it should not be needed until after September of next year unless that make a new rule.
  24. You are wrong. There are some available in Bangkok now. I am aware of a person that has made a reservation for one on Agoda.
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