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Everything posted by Denim

  1. About the size needed to pack a Little Nellie, Or as it is called now ' Somchai lek noi '
  2. Last year our dogs were fed on chicken breasts .....so cheap. Now they are getting chicken carcasses . A bit cheaper and they seem to prefer it.
  3. Not wishing to appear alarmist but if you can corner him in a bar somewhere this man will spill the beans if you ply him with brandy :
  4. Inhale deeper. Then you can see the third out of the corner of your eye.
  5. This was an official ticket purchased from a vendor outside Big C for 200. Not an underground lottery. Maybe it was 2 tickets together I forget. I only remember paying 200 and getting 3900. As a rule I never buy tickets. This was the only time I have bought them. I only tried this time because that morning I took a dump and my poo formed the most perfect 58 imaginable which I felt compelled to gamble on.
  6. Well, if its going to be over run its a bit of a hobson's choice. Hordes of Chinese Hordes of Indians Hordes of Arabs Hordes of Mongers Hordes of old men in sandals Hordes of smoking potheads Take your pick. If any of the above offend the simplest thing is avoid going to where they roost since birds of a feather flock together. Plenty of places left where you don't see any of the above.
  7. As an former smoker I have only one complaint to make. Enough going on about it already. Bla bla bla. Just smoke it and stop parading it around all the time. It's like the UK prior to Brexit. All you got 24/7 was Brexit Brexit Brexit. Lets find a new thing to go on about. How about um......bar girls !!! Not had that for a week or so.
  8. For this I buy fresh made ginger drink at the market 6 bags at a time. First thing I drink every morning, hot, with a little honey and squeeze of lime. The ginger has anti inflammatory properties which I find help with knuckle stiffness.
  9. Won 3900 from a 200baht ticket last year. Last 2 numbers. For some reason you only get a little more with last 3 numbers.
  10. Yup , can't legally smoke a cigarette once you hit 21. Until then no problemo.
  11. Plenty of hotels on Pradiphat Road , Lots of places to eat there too. I've stayed at the Karnmanee hotel before. About 1000 baht a night and includes a good buffet breakfast. https://www.karnmaneehotel.com/
  12. WARNING to all males. Avoid walking past her house but if you must , make it on the other side of the street and tread quietly until the danger has past.
  13. I love my wife too. Great cook , great humor , very kind and thoughtful . Kindness is her surname. Good gardener , <deleted> at housework , ( gives me something to do she says ) Dances with an elderly folk dance troupe at government functions , weddings and temple fairs. We don't tread on each others shirt tails but rarely spend a day apart . 20 happy years together with never a serious argument . Prior to her went through many women so when you strike gold you know it. But her most outstanding quality is being able to put up with me even though our financial circumstances were even stevens from the get go.
  14. Are the posters initials LL by any chance ? Just a wild guess.
  15. I'm going with Andorrans or Vatican City louts. Monegasques have more class and are more mature
  16. Police car was driving dangerously to return to the scene of the crime. IMO
  17. For avoiding germs , that was where you made your first big mistake. To avoid another , do not under any circumstance have sex or exchange bodily fluids with any ladies employed therein.
  18. When that was written I don't think they had a lot of automatic weapon armed whack jobs in mind.
  19. Lots of toddlers get sleepy in the afternoon and have a nap. Eating a part of a cookie ?? Really .............paranoia much. Totally pathetic that these stories are even considered news worthy. Where are the corresponding stories about youngsters intoxicated by alcopops ? Well....there is a solution. ban cannabis , ban ALL alcohol ( a real evil ) ban cars and motorcycles ( selfish when there is public transport ) ban all prostitutes ( spread STD's ) ban all pronouns ( oh...sorry....already being taken care of ) etc etc.
  20. She has served the people in a previous important position. Working in McDonalds, https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-03/31/content_319484.htm Which compared to Prayuth and all the other goons makes her over qualified if anything.
  21. Oh.....more opposition parties to be banned or hamstrung then
  22. In a small rural village there are few secrets that stay secrets for long. Without a police investigation the truth and facts remain unclear . Sounds like doctors and nurses to me :
  23. Surprisingly , since our eves overhang the walls by about a meter and there are trees all around , the 7.5 cm Q Con blocks don't seem to get that hot and not much heat comes through them. The weak spots are the two double glass sliding doors ( one front one back ) and the ceiling. The doors are nearly always in shade and covered in reflective silver film but they still get hot. Thick dark curtains behind as a back up work well. As for the ceiling, there is a minimum of 4 inches of insulation on top everywhere and in some spots more but by late afternoon they are slightly warm to touch. This , even though there is reflective silver sheet under the roofing tiles ( see picture ) , the eves are of ventilated type , plus there are two vents high up at the front and back of the house. If for whatever reason I go up in the attic in the afternoon it is hot enough to roast a chicken. I think if I were doing the build again I would install two electric extractor fans up there, large, front and back. Then as soon as the sun has gone down turn them both on for 30 minutes to suck out the hot air. Had whirlybird fans at our last place which were better than nothing but not brilliant at letting the air out. My wife wanted terra cotta colored roof tiles. Personally I would have gone with light grey so as to reflect the heat. Every little helps.
  24. Beats all other cooling methods hands down in my experience. Pushes up the electric bill considerably but if you are going to be producing your own electricity you will have addressed the expense problem. Only problem with constant air conditioning is that you don't acclimatize so well. I have a friend who lives in air con , works in air con , drives in air con , shops in air con and dines out in it. We once took a boat trip down a river together and he really suffered. Prickly heat rash, sweating , feeling feint. We had to take a taxi back as he couldn't face the return trip.
  25. Standard 7.5 cm with 1 cm render both sides so wall almost 10cm thick. You can get 15 cm blocks but more expensive. Probably better to have two walls of 7.5 with a cavity between. Good for keeping out heat but might be an issue with bugs or mice getting between them. No brand. Just bought a few rolls from Lazada and put the film on myself. From China but give a lot more daytime privacy and maybe help a bit reflecting heat , but not a lot. Still...every little helps. I also planted shade trees straight after the build so that in the hot season at the hottest part of the day the most exposed rear wall is completely in shade. By doing everything possible we find our house is about 6 degrees cooler than sister in laws next door. But when the temperature outside is 40 degrees it can still get to 32 inside at which time I retreat into the air conditioned bedroom.
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