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Everything posted by Denim

  1. I sometimes get visitors to our house to do a simple experiment. Stand with their chest one inch from the wall ( made of Qcon blocks ) and feel if any heat is coming through. Next just slide over three paces and have their chest one inch from our glass sliding doors that are covered in silver reflective film and see if they notice any difference.. As you might expect they all notice that behind the film covered glass doors you can really feel the heat coming through. Therefore, the greater the area of glass that makes up the wall the greater the amount of heat coming through. More glass more heat. Both our balconies are in the shade but still the heat is palpable. We therefore have thick curtains behind all windows which we keep closed during the hottest part of the day and these make a big improvement. Another thing to consider is that there are a lot of measures you can take to prevent heat getting into the house and they all work to some degree. However on really hot days the heat slowly gets into the house so that by about 4.30 pm indoors is hotter than it was at around 11 am. Still better than our neighbors but it is a constant battle. Put two pots of water on a gas cooker , one with high flame one with low. They both come to the boil but obviously the higher flame does this quicker. That's how it is with insulation. The heat takes longer to get inside but in the end ................
  2. If you can't get the creamer you could try the coffee with Hazelnut mix. https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=Hazelnut+coffee+&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.search.go.579ea17eTKNYeJ Plenty to choose from.
  3. In the old days people used to ride motorcycles . Now they drive them ? When did the change happen ? Am I now a car rider ?
  4. Mortar and pestle function .......................... check Noodle boiler..........................................................check Fruit peeler .............................................................check Lao Khao dispenser ..........................................check Leo dispenser .......................................................check Auto bottle opener ...........................................check Rice cooker ...........................................................check Space suit bum gun .........................................check International space station link up ..........check Auto food prepare ...........................................check. It is hoped that when the International Space station nears it will be able to dock and take orders from the astronauts for a wide range of Thai dishes ( the considerable mark up is unavoidable ) The space brakes are a cause for concern but should be ready for the launch date.
  5. Is it any wonder that more and more people are ignoring the neutered Thai embassy altogether and opting to enter the kingdom on visa exempt then sorting out an extension once they are here.
  6. Might be a Tefler. Missing a days wages is a big deal for some.
  7. So....the behavior of a ' world class guardian ' is to wag it's tail and lick intruders or strangers to death ??? Pity the ' aloof demeaner ' didn't save the child from a vicious playful attack. I would not be interested in any compensation other than seeing the dog put down and the owner behind bars.
  8. Come back doctor Dickson on Sukhumvit. He had a fix for everything. His standard joke if you went to him with the drips was to say ' Soon fix that ' whereupon he would pull these out of his drawer :
  9. Yup, its a deep dark mystery known only to initiates of a secret C&P cult
  10. Actually , before you worry about food it's water that might be an issue in the future , especially if you live in a Condo in a city. Just think how much water you get through every day . Flushing laundry, washing yourself and dishes etc. I have enough storage to go a month if used carefully . After that ..... I have seen it get very dry here, with all the big storage ponds completely dried out and crops withering from lack of water. Very poor water management in Thailand.
  11. True , but a bit thin on the ground in the boonies . Certainly found them very toothsome in the past though.
  12. I did no such thing. I like Thai food well enough but variety is the spice of life. Although , I will allow that the MIL might be a bit tough when it comes to it.
  13. Taiwan is a net importer of food. China therefore would be dumb to invade in the hope of procuring more food.
  14. Which reminds me. What do you call a woman with one leg ? Ilean. I'll get my coat ????
  15. What kind of complete brainless effeminate toe rag has to own 4 pitbulls in order to look macho. Should be put down with the dogs. In that order
  16. Nope ....not at this hour.
  17. Thanks for the heads up. You're a genius.
  18. I find automatics have a tendency to lurch forward because when the driver selects the gear they should be covering the brake but often forget to do so. They select D and off they go and in a panic often hit the accelerator.
  19. Same here. Maybe not with a pay for play girl as kissing is viewed as something done in a serious loving relationship not to any John that was a stranger 5 minutes ago. My wife loves kissing. More than me in fact. If deep inside a girl doesn't like you that much more likely to avoid long kisses. Oral sex no problem ....exchanging saliva ...........pass. When I first arrived here even muff diving and BJ's were a bit taboo so the OP should count his blessings .
  20. ' Yurk has reportedly denied the eyewitness report and claims he did nothing wrong and that the assault was unsolicited. ' Completely unsolicited ?? They just wanted to bash a falang , any old faland , and as he was nearest they bashed him out of the blue ?? Weird.
  21. Hmmm, would Le Pen find this attire offensive ? Fancy dress being the thin end of the wedge ?
  22. Thanks for the info. Yes, its for long stay. As I've said....not in any rush. As long as I get it by September no worries.
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