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Everything posted by smedly

  1. a travesty - the country you love is still in the hands of the military and crooks, no wonder you are emotional, i cry with you Sirilapas, you won the election - why are you not running the country, the people voted ?
  2. and what independent measures are in place to make sure the billions of baht are used correctly ? no accountability exists in Thailand - still 3rd world nomatter how you paint it, it shouldn't be
  3. total nonsence, who makes these stupid statements when it's not safe to breath the air in bangkok 12 months a year, Thailand is polluting , it costs money to go green, huge money, not going to happen, can talk about it, lets see the details how you are going to achieve this Keerati Kitmanawat, no didn't think so
  4. I honesty don't blame them when there is an idiot trying to rule the world called ........ Putin, who has has threatened on numerous occasions to nuke the world, signatures of a madman, go ahead nuke the planet, put up or shut up, oh and get out of Ukraine, you will not be allowed to win
  5. waken up idiots - 365 days a year because the police don't know what their job is the carnage continues until someone with an education comes down hard on drunk driving - speeding and whatever driving laws are broken without enforcement - yes the laws exist - why ?
  6. does this include foreign workers or are they exploited and treated differently
  7. what about the other 358 days, it is embarrassing that Thailand is still ranked in the top 3 most dangerous roads on earth, get police to do their jobs enforcing traffic laws 24hrs a day 365 days a year
  8. someone please confirm that's her mother in the photo
  9. yeah I was shocked when she told me, it's a typical cycle for these type of things - you get a couple of small wins at the start (likely done on purpose) then you are hooked, from then you are chasing another win which rarely happens and before you know you are chasing your loss getting deeper and deeper, they are designed to lure you in then you're hooked and into a downward spiral, unregulated they can do what they want with the programing even targeting individuals who develope certain trends - it is a scam 100% I couldn't figure out what the girls were doing with their faces buried in there phones more than usual and when I looked they were all playing this slots scam - they actually thought they could win, I talked a few of them out of it and they now realise it was a scam but they all lost various sums of money - sad really
  10. there is also a slot machine app doing the rounds in Thailand, I know a girl who was drawn in and lost over Bt300k, many of her friends also lost big money, I saw them glued to their phones over the last few weeks and they were all playing it.
  11. charge the owner with murder, these dogs should not be unrestrained
  12. taxes can be quite complicated - applying for a 12 month extension is not
  13. he gave her his passport expecting it back in matter of weeks, time rolled on into almost 2 months, he was due to fly home (flights already booked), after several visits he demanded she return his passport visa or not, no response and 3 weeks before his departure he went to BKK and got an emergency travel doc, he never got his passport back or the Bt32k he paid this scam artist.
  14. I personally know one of the victims - he was very angry, I advised him not to use her but was too late, he was applying for a 12 month extension - lost his passport had to get an emergency travel document from the British embassy BKK
  15. agents offer all these sevices in cluding 12 month extensions and they involve bribes
  16. you think it's the agents making most of the money ?, they get a cut maybe 30% and the rest of it goes to #### ####
  17. most of them have no choice as they cannot meet the financial requirements for a 12 month extension or refuse to
  18. 555, disruptive behavior, looks to me like he needs medical attention
  19. totally agree, this guy "Thasksin" offered an olive branch using tax payers money "IT WASN'T HIS MONEY" he did give a sg........... but he gave sh### about the billions of baht flowing into his and out of his accounts - he is a crim inal - the worst kind, I predicted that Thaksin would never see the inside of a jail cell, this man is a crook - a point worth remeber0
  20. this will not work for many reasons the main one being public transportation
  21. jail is beneath him what bothers me is how the Thai people just accept this ## from the election until now just one thing after aother
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