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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. What these savages need is a good civilising mission put upon them - indoctrinating these small folk into the graces of higher and developed civilised ways. ????
  2. One could easily imagine where all this corrupt criminality and scallywaggery derives from. Doesn't take too much deep thought to understand the influential history behind it all. Been the cultural make up of particular circles forever.
  3. .....and many are reveling in the suspected and dreamy ideals that the program has changed. Not really. Still a few unnecessary hoops to bypass. If they truly looking to open up freely, they'll also do with the base TP online application process plus the convoluted and ever-scamming insurance requirements.
  4. As they don't seem to recognize the real marketplace. Bit of a waste spinning their wheels - image and brand name.
  5. Old hands have long let it pass. As they usually understand it all. It's the not very knowledgeable and unacclimated newcomers that tend to make issues of whimsy.
  6. Rule number two: don't trust Occidentals, as they haven't a clue yet try valiantly to pretend they do.
  7. So....all this being said, we might expect the easing of restrictions to be rife with the same revised glitches and the usual understanding that many circles of the minor authority circles might not be on the same page forthcoming? What's changed, really?
  8. But it's only important that he please less than this 2% - most particular, a handful of the most influential. That's why will see him around for another few years, as the foundational oligarchy maintains itself as it always has. .....unless there's a mass rebellion, in which I can't foresee anytime in the near or distant future.
  9. Haven't ya heard - that's over with, so no need for that nonsense. Besides, mask only ruin the promotional photos....
  10. Yet, most are easily deceived and manipulated into such things. Whatever.
  11. A make believe standard for what might pass as logical and rational? No such beast as an absolute.
  12. Seems to be the running rhetorical fashion for quite some time now. It's clear that we're terribly ignorant or consciously ignore the truer dangers.
  13. Yes - well understood, at the time, that they were conveniently looking the other way as she "escaped" through Cambodia. Almost subliminally encouraged, actually. They weren't keen on creating a martyr and dragging such through the already corrupt judicial system.
  14. A very highly selective and limited entry program would be much more desirable.
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