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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. It goes far beyond military circles. Remember who ultimately controls the military trough - the real robber barons. Most aren't knowledgeable enough, as they still use the predictable surface excuse of the military.
  2. Within numerous circles sucking up and saving face is an art. Expect a couple of envelopes to be exchanged.
  3. That's because you're a newbie. More than likely always will be.
  4. Well.....could be worse. Reliant on the much more evil West [the real boogiemen] comes to mind. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see Thailand going the way of a BRICS union in the very immediate future. Much more beneficial than the alternative.
  5. Indeed. For generations. Has all this just become a revelation?
  6. We can easily justify all this by finger pointing exclusively at the military and refer to them as elitist status - actually, the military are merely pawns....worker bees, sort to speak. Remember, historically, the military takes it's orders and directives from the truer and much more influential circle[s] and has always been the case. Too many continue to be of subconscious denial and ignorance as to how the whole operation works. Tradition.
  7. The classic definition, as drawn by Benito Mussolini. Corporatism [Fascism] - a nexus of state and corporate rule. Ironically, the principle and accepted practice the world over......with a few exceptions.
  8. Middle school and adolescents come to mind.
  9. Add the very noticeable Farang circles to this list as well.
  10. Which appears to be the atmosphere and direction of Thai political circles for generations, regardless of governments - freely elected civilian, temporary coup installed, military inspired, royally appointed, etc. The fact that far too many don't recognize that it's all one and the same shouldn't be surprising.
  11. In romantic theory, perhaps. But not in practice. That's not how the competitive market [and business in general] works any longer. I'm expecting five new start ups to go belly up inside of two years.
  12. Uh-huh. Exactly.
  13. ......and their overseers: govts, politicians and corporate heads. Oligarchy rules the day.
  14. You must be mistaken regarding the masses ability to know how take advantage of internet research/sources or even to give a rat's backside.
  15. Have they ever? Appears to be the universal airfare practice applied post-COVID. In a round about way, this 3-year hoax was a boom for airlines the world over - justifying the unreasonably moderate to very high pricing that we're witnessing today. Once it sticks, it'll stay for years to come.
  16. Much more practical and reasonable for those same expert analysis and reviews to be directed at domestic policies, which have been heavily tainted and suspect over the last couple of generations. Need to get our house in order, firstly, before exploring deeper foreign policy concerns. I suspect that such "expert" scholarly or political circles have turned the usual blind eye.
  17. Well, sure. Understood for some time now. Almost futile, for those who are angst, to protest or discuss Thaksin's current affairs - yet.....here we are. It is what it is.
  18. Would love to see the true itemized records of where it's coming from and how it's being used. Investment. Indeed.
  19. Or more precise, those who have been deeply indoctrinated as in regard to the upmost importance of tourism to the broader economy. Repeated long, often and loud enough - all becomes real and true. 😏
  20. One of the better confidence scams that he poetically waxed/promoted: he was never in Thailand as an experienced or connected resident nor will he be in Japan as the same.
  21. .....and the governments yet to come. Full circle.
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