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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. This motion contains a mixture of whining; Trump's little fantasy world, where he's already won the 2024 Republican Primary, and Presidential Elections; And a rehash of Godfather Don's veiled threats: Along with: I'd suggest that, apart from the minority MAGA crowd, it's captured the attention of the American public in a bad way for "President Donald J. Trump" .The full motion is here: Trump's legal team seeks special master for Mar-a-Lago documents - The Washington Post
  2. I'm proud of my big nose. You know what they say... Big nose, big handkerchief.
  3. Arm the teachers! Oh, hang on. The gun slingers aren't on the teachers side this time. Arm the parents!
  4. But then Mar-a-Lago would be 'raided' twice in one year.
  5. Do you know when you get that urge to eat something just because it's right there in front of you? Anyway, I lost my job as a gynaecologist today.
  6. The man who invented personalised number plates has passed away. His funeral takes place on TUE504Y at 11am.
  7. My grief counsellor died the other day. But he was so good that I didn't give a damn about it.
  8. I've just joined the Jehovah's bystanders. It's like being a Jehovah's Witness, but we don't like to get involved.
  9. I just had some annoying bloke on my doorstep banging on about the health benefits of eating brown bread. Bloody Hovis witnesses!
  10. If I hadn't misunderstood what the interviewer wanted when she asked to see my testimonials, I might have got that job.
  11. Don't you just hate it when you are singing along to a song on the radio and the artist gets the words wrong.
  12. I said to the man at the railway booking office, “I would like a return ticket please”. He asked “Where to?” I said “Back here of course.”.
  13. It's all too obvious that some on here don't even know the meaning of the term "declassified documents" that they are bandying about, so let's give it a go: If you follow all the public figures who have spoken out on this - and I'm referring to the many who are au fait with the law, not the few whose lips are au fait with Trump's backside - they all have one thing in common; these documents definitely weren't legally declassified. But, if you're going to stick with the tenuous story that Trump did somehow declassify these documents, whether just by looking at them, or touching them, or chanting magic words while holding a glowing orb, (no, scratch that one, that's what he does with weirdo Saudi kings), "declassified" means exactly that. They are no longer classified and are therefore available for perusal. They are not to be secreted away in a tacky little beach hut, in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard”, they need to be somewhere where anyone with the right to know has access to them. Your assertion that he declassified them matters not one iota when it comes to the question of his stealing them. He stole them. No doubt about it. (It also doesn't help that Trump's public hired fan boys are talking to cross purposes. Either the documents were declassified, so there was no reason to store, sorry, preserve, them in a secure, classified manner, or they were not, so he doubly certainly shouldn't have had them, and they are doubly certainly lying through their teeth. You can tell a lot about the intelligence of someone by just how they try to fool you - 'that would certainly fool me, so it should fool everyone').

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