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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. I'd be more worried about it being batchelors smash.
  2. Me; Whenever I get mad at you, you never seem to get upset How do you manage to control your temper ? Wife; I just go and clean the toilet Me; How does that help ? Wife; I use your toothbrush
  3. My mate is called Dave Twokegs. That's a double-barrel surname.
  4. I went to a restaurant for lunch They had a nice traditional menu. Rectangular and laminated, just the way I like it.
  5. Who will take the second shot of this snooker game? Find out after the break.
  6. Would a jurisprudence fetishist get off on a technicality?
  7. I've just ordered a chicken and an egg from Lazada. I'll keep you posted.
  8. I finished with my 1st girlfriend because she continually counted. I often wonder what she's up to now?
  9. I now have a wooden desk and a blackboard in my lounge. My wife asked me to make the room look classy.
  10. Get time off work with depression by going to the doctor while wearing a Man United shirt.
  11. I told a girl in the pub about my ability to guess what day a woman was born just by feeling her breasts. "Really?" she said, "Go on then...try." After about thirty seconds of fondling she lost patience and demanded "Come on, what day was I born?" “Yesterday." I replied.
  12. A local fish monger has been decorating some of his smaller stock to try and make it more appealing. He's icing on thin skates.
  13. A man has been caught in flagrante with the stock of the local fishmonger. In cod he thrust.
  14. Built by an Aussie guy by the name of Lucky Keizer. The V twin engine came from two cylinders sliced off one of the Merlins on a crashed Mosquito. First time I've seen it with that cowling though, which looks pretty good.
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