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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. You can only do that once you have activated or at least used the app for the first time. For example, the K+ app requires that the first time you connect to it, it must be done via mobile data. The Bangkok Bank Bualuang app requires activation using an OTP sent by SMS. The SCB Easy app requires a mobile phone number for registration. A bank is not going to send the first activation OTP or confirmation to an unactivated app, it would defeat the purpose of providing a security ID.
  2. In addition, many mobile banking apps must be activated using mobile data and not wifi.
  3. A Woman Sends a Text to Her Husband “Honey, don't forget to buy BREAD when you come home from work, and your girlfriend Valerie greets you.” Husband: Who is Valerie? Wife: Nobody, I just wanted you to answer, to have confirmation that you saw my text. Husband: But I’m with Valerie right now, I thought you saw me? Wife: What??! Where are you? Husband: Near the bakery. Wife: Wait, I’m coming right now! After 5 minutes, his wife sends a message: Wife: I’m at the bakery, where are you? Husband: I’m at work. Now that you’re at the bakery , buy the bread !
  4. Change.org petition for Putin to invade Ukraine as soon as possible has 2 signatures so far.. Boris Johnson Prince Andrew
  5. I’m looking for somewhere to stay temporarily while I recover from a rather nasty injury that happened just before I became homeless. What happened was my wife told me to go to the chemist’s and get some of those pills that might reawaken the part that has been inactive for a while now. So I did and the last thing I seem to remember was handing her the big box of slimming pills ….
  6. God and an Angel were creating Bees: God sternly said “Make sure to have them be an important part in pollination”. “Ok boss will do”. Replied the Angel. Then God said “Have them fly with little wings and a sting in their tail”. “Excellent idea my Lord” Agreed the Angel. Then God said Excitedly “Oh oh and give them the greatest knees ever!”.
  7. Hate to break it to you Yogi, but half of all bears are smarter than the average bear.
  8. There's a special place in Hull reserved for the inventor of autocorrect.
  9. Weird: People in my office have started naming the food in the company fridge. Today I ate a tuna sandwich named Kevin.
  10. My wife hired a lesbian couple to build our new kitchen, and I'm most impressed. Not a single screw is used, but their tongue in groove work is amazing.
  11. I love taking pictures of myself standing next to a boiling kettle. The doctor says I've got selfie steam issues.
  12. That this generation even needs to wonder is itself a cause of concern.
  13. Fraud Scam Warning: Don't ever let 80s star Paul Young leave a hat at your house. He'll try and claim your property.
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