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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. You shouldn't have bought that bike. It's too sluggish.
  2. The bigger global fallout could well be based on what this does for China's growth model. Since around 1997 it has followed a "build, build, build" playbook, throwing billions into the real estate sector. The acceleration of this, between 2009 and 2016, was a key factor in helping the world recover from the 2008 GFC. It then levelled out, but still remains at around 13% of the country's total GDP: Just as this rise in investment aided the world's financial situation, so too would a drastic reduction in investment be detrimental to it. China consumes a far larger proportion of commodities than its population would warrant. Should Beijing decide to cut "build, build, build", its need for many of these would also drop. China's Staggering Demand for Commodities in One Chart (visualcapitalist.com) There is already fallout in Japanese manufacturers of such diverse items as toilets, air-conditioners and paint, along with manufacturers of heavy construction equipment: Evergrande woes hit Japan's toilet, air-conditioner and paint manufacturers (yahoo.com) The importance of China to the world economy is further shown in the following graphic of the world's major trading partner: The website has a good year by year animation of this: How China Overtook the U.S. as the World's Major Trading Partner (visualcapitalist.com) Therefore, even though many economists are not predicting economic collapse from Evergrande's downfall, should China move from one growth model to another, its annual growth would likely take a hit. And the knock-on effect to major commodity and construction equipment exporters could also be detrimental to world markets.
  3. Do you know Murphy 's law? Yes, if something can go wrong it will. Correct. Do you know Cole' s law. No, what's that? Thinly sliced cabbage.
  4. Are you an old person suffering with insomnia? well cheer up...at least you won't die in your sleep.
  5. I like being self deprecating, but I'm not very good at it.
  6. Pavlov walks into a bar. The phone rings and he says, "Damn, I forgot to feed the dog."
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