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Everything posted by marin

  1. Garlic bread??? ???? what a recommendation..
  2. Ouch this is going to anger the husband of the woman in the car. Only going to make his mood worse.
  3. Pity you dont even know what a boomer is. By posting this you come off quite silly.
  4. So why dont they do that the first week back here? To me it seems much easier for they as Thai's to rectify the situation as they speak the language and still should know the culture. I can't figure out why they simply cant do this themselves, as its their country.
  5. No they arent. Krung Thai Bank is the government bank. GSB is Government Saving Bank a rather smaller bank. You are the first foreigner I have know to have an account there,
  6. The educated 18 to 30 year olds finally got out and voted. As it turned out millions of others found MF's message the right one. Not bought but earned. This is the best time in Thailand's modern history for a change. It will take time. The next elections will clinch it after growth is shown. The bottom line is that in Pita they simply have someone they can be proud of rather than embarrassed.
  7. Way to sweeping and broad of a statement. Also think about the 14 million people who voted for MF. Please desist with the Thai's dont...... Even your analogy is silly. Thai's renovate their houses all the time. The same Thai's want the government reformed, hence the election results.
  8. The old dinosaurs are reduced to throwing sh&t at the wall and seeing if it sticks. Literally beyond belief, fueled by brain dead hardcore loyalists. As an indicator of how popular this idea is just go to a movie, and see what happens now when the royal anthem is played.
  9. Sorry mate, but this is Thailand. 18-25 for undergraduate studies. Not at all like the west.
  10. Not in Thailand. Taught here for a long long long time.. Dont forget how young Thai's look and act in general.
  11. Those in the photo are well over university age. Most in their 30's. So much for youth.
  12. This is very true indeed. It also is the reason that the people who decide to stay and make Thailand their home in general move out of these areas. I have been in the northern Bangkok suburbs for over 30 years now and have many wonderful Thai friends. I look forward to getting up and joining my "walk/jog" gang at 630 am for our daily early exercise. Big smiles and hellos each day as we pass each others houses on our way to the park. I started out alone 7 years ago and now there are 20-25 people out daily. Something I do look forward to. Your life here is what you make of it. OP, You wrote: Time to move North. Try Chiang Mai / Chiang Rai. Unless things have drastically changed the past three years people are much nicer up there. I think it’s because it’s cooler or more Lao influence in the culture. This is a very good indication you have not taken the time to learn anything about Thailand or its culture. The north is from Lanna ancestry not Lao. The Lao influence comes from Isaan, the northeast of Thailand. Their foods and language are very different from each other.
  13. So you were not looking for advice you were looking for someone who agreed with you. Well after one hundred posts you found one more sad guy who does not fit in here. Blames it on the people and the country. Sad indeed. Maybe you two can PM, meet up and bitch your days away. ????
  14. What would be difficult about it once you've made up your mind? What is the point in staying somewhere where you are sure you are not liked, and wanting to isolate yourself from the citizens of the country you have chosen to live?
  15. You as the OP seem to have a chip on your shoulder. Who is being rude, racist, and trying to cheat you? Sad to live abroad and wake up each day feel like this. What is the point?
  16. I too have never experienced anything like you do or have. Been here 35 years now. It may have to do with your overall attitude. Anybody who responds in a way you dont like you are swift to jump, as this post shows.
  17. They are always late here, thats been a fact for over 40 years. Simply too much single wide track, hence a lot of stopping. Until about 15 years ago nobody cared. There was a dining car on all long distance trains. Beer and whisky served along with good foods. Nice spicy salads, noodles, and air dried spicy beef or pork to have with your drinks. Then a girl was raped by a railway employee and the brain trust of the SRT decided to ban all booze and cooked food. That stopped a lot of my train travel. They do leave on time, but generally dont arrive on time.
  18. Two drunks climbed up a pole and came down. This spoils paradise? Pretty wide brush you paint with.
  19. Feel exactly the opposite. Those that are all the way legal will be fine. That is less than 15% of the shops open now. Lets wait and see. I am tired of all the BS discussion myself.
  20. What do you think of 3+ months of horrible smoke and haze and the PM levels off the chart?
  21. Somebody has dragged up an old article. From the Pattaya News article. "The development project will be executed in three phases. The first phase (2021-2026) will focus on constructing the Green Line alongside the Yellow Line, a dual-track rail project connecting Chon Buri and Sattahip district in the southern part of the province." Its mid 2023 and not a thing one has been done to start this project. Pure BS.
  22. Buriram to Chiang Rai is a long way. Agreed, you are not going to have much time for Isaan if you do this trip. Chaing Rai is a night, Pu Chee fa also a night. If you are there why to go to Chiang Khong on the Mekong as well. This winter we flew to Nakorn Panom and rented a great one year old Yaris that got 20 kilometers per litre for 750 baht a day. Did NKP/That Panom, Mukdahan, Sakorn, Nong Khai and back to NKP. Lovely and made all the better by cool season. Temps were 14-28 degrees, literally heaven
  23. Dry to me is the opposite of humid..???? Today Don Muang Bangkok, not a cloud in the sky and currently 37 degrees. Low tonight will be 30+. What rain?
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