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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. Those kids sure grow quick these days. Only a few weeks ago he could stand up in that overpass no problem at all.
  2. Personal enjoyment works for me.
  3. I brought a 1.75 liter bottle of crown royal in my luggage last time I was in Canada a few weeks ago. Yumm. Not quite macallan quality but still quite drinkable.
  4. I didn't read the whole thread so was unaware you were already going for a colonoscopy. I was merely suggesting something that would work to alleviate constipation. Small doses of swiff work well for occasional bad constipation.
  5. Stop calling him Shirley.
  6. This has nothing to do with the strong baht. Nissan is having trouble worldwide and laying off people everywhere. Second tier Japanese manufacturer. Probably a takeover candidate in a few years.
  7. If it hasn't been mentioned yet, get a bottle of swiff at your local pharmacy. Industrial strength laxative. Problem solved. Be prepared for an extended time on the crapper. https://go.drugbank.com/drugs/DB14502
  8. There's a padded shelf at the back that joins with the seat when it's fully flat so a tall person won't have a problem. Now obese is another issue. Probably better to fly premium economy with the wider seats. I've flown a few flights with a redesigned seat layout. You're no longer sitting at an angle compared to the plane but face directly forward. Seems like a good improvement. Hopefully they'll convert the older planes in addition to the new ones.
  9. I flew EVA a few weeks ago. They were handing out the toppers to everyone in business without being asked. Flying from Canada, where marijuana is legal, I ate a 50mg gummy as I was leaving Vancouver. No problems sleeping at all.
  10. That sounds like a personal problem to me.
  11. EVA puts a topper on your seat after the meal. Not so hard.
  12. Fly business. Lie flat seats. Problem solved.
  13. Vlc doesn't have your songs. They exist in files on your device. The files need to be moved to your new device. I use musicolet app to play music on all my devices. Load it and let it scan and it will find them, then they can be moved.
  14. Catch them and tear off their tails. They'll grow another one.
  15. Or both?
  16. And so it begins. Communication satellites next.
  17. Please don't attract him/her/it(gg) to this thread. It's been relatively quiet.
  18. So bow down to any of the idiots that have nukes because they might use them? NK wants SK so give it to them because they have nukes? Etc. Russia uses nukes they'll never be able to fight another war
  19. https://www.consumerreports.org/health/supplements/supplements-that-might-actually-help-you-a6441144119/
  20. Don't be silly. You come around a corner and there's a motorcycle already crashed and you try and avoid it. An inexperienced driver might panic Who knows what they did to cause it to overturn.
  21. Apple products are for people that know little about computers. And people that know a lot about computers use linux.
  22. There's 4 episodes, released on scene rls on September 19th. Cumbersome but you can get the one you're missing there.
  23. Are you going to tell us next week that episode 7 is out? And a week later episode 8?
  24. Neither was my comment. It was about people who didn't need ED meds taking them being a problem later. Kind of like those who inject testosterone which causes their testicles to stop generating testosterone.
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