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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. So the glass jar breaks when they're processing the garbage and the oil gets all over the other garbage? What a good idea.
  2. It's on scene rls. It takes a bit to get to the torrent sites
  3. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/29/politics/us-army-rebukes-trump-campaign-arlington-incident/index.html CNN — The US Army issued a stark rebuke of former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign over the incident on Monday at Arlington National Cemetery, saying in a statement on Thursday that participants in the ceremony “were made aware of federal laws” regarding political activity at the cemetery, and “abruptly pushed aside” an employee of the cemetery. “Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside,” the Army spokesperson said in the statement on Thursday. Section 60 is an area in the cemetery largely reserved for the graves of those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. “This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked. ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the Armed Forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation’s fallen deserve,” the statement said.
  4. Season 2 dropping now. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18767204/ Can't upload a pic? Last King of the Cross
  5. I must say that I like the stream options. Just noticed it and figured out how to exclude the quizzes. There's a way to look only for certain authors, but I haven't found a way to exclude certain ones. Too bad.
  6. The S&P 500 was 4688 on November 16, 2021. It was 3824 on January 3, 2023. It's 5592 today. Who's in office now? What happened? You got too much in crypto or djt?
  7. Better than becoming like Russia.
  8. Sign up. The Chinese government needs all your info. https://www.texaspolicy.com/why-communist-china-connected-temu-is-worse-than-tiktok/
  9. I'd say Trump will have a hard time selling that many stocks on the open market. There won't be enough demand to purchase the amount of shares he has for sale and the price will plummet. If he was smart financially, and we know he isn't because of all the bankruptcies, he would have been buying put options with a strike date after Sept 20, guaranteeing the sale price. One could check the outstanding options to see if it's happening, but I'm too lazy to expend that much effort on Trump's financial woes.
  10. As much as I despise faux news, it looks like they're finally admitting it.
  11. Temu's business model is different. The others have independent merchants that sell their goods on the platform. Temu contracts with manufacturers to buy a lot of certain items that they then sell. The choice on temu is therefore significantly less than the others. I tried it in Canada and was not impressed.
  12. It definitely didn't help when Trump started to use twitter again either.
  13. Until it hits zero. https://fortune.com/2024/08/23/trump-truth-social-trump-media-stock-djt-price-lockup-period/
  14. You misspelled that. It's “duh“!
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwBxrNF-l8A
  16. And Patton got it right, when he said at the closing of WWII, and I paraphrase, “We're going to fight them eventually, and we got our boys here now, so lets march on Moscow.“
  17. More than 10 I would say.
  18. It's just another iteration of Sue. Ignore the nonsense.
  19. Even a few months ago the once plentiful stock was greatly diminished. It was only a matter of time with Mr diy and the online vendors providing a better selection.
  20. And the big tech companies are moving operations out of China. Yesterday it was announced thousands of employees there being laid off there by IBM (I think). If they don't play nice we'll take our balls and go home.
  21. Autocracies seldom come up with anything. These days even China only steals and copies tech from other capitalistic democracies. America's future if Trump gets elected.
  22. Because he couldn't. She wouldn't meet with him to discuss anything.
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