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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. What's it called on Amazon?
  2. Just use your Jedi mind tricks on them. Simply say ”sorry, I don't give money to police“. Worked for me every time I've done it. I think they were flabbergasted and didn't know what to do.
  3. I would never buy pot from someone who says pot ground into powder is the future... Clearly looking for naive customers.
  4. Prices everywhere in the world are higher than they were 9 months ago. It's called inflation. Don't try to blame it on Thailand. Actually, just having come from the west, I have noticed that the increases here are much smaller than the increases there. The worst may be to come.
  5. I see little need to have a printer, unless I have a business needing lots printed. Here I only print docs for immigration. I put the filled out forms on a USB stick and take it to a photo shop where they print it for a few baht a page. No printer needed at my house. No ink cartridges, no space to put the printer, etc. I do the same in my home country. Easier though. You email your docs to staples and then go to the shop and print them. $.12 per sheet for black and white.
  6. If anyone is interested, big c extra, at least in Pattaya, bakes a wonderful multi seed low GI bread, about 100 baht. The only bread I'll eat while in Thailand.
  7. Historically, when pot was maybe 2 or 3 percent it was hard to find. Hot knife hits of black Afghani hash did fit the bill in the 70s though. Lately while in Canada I've been smoking only kief that I extract myself. As I have previously described, because the pot is so cheap there I buy 1/2 oz each of indica and sativa with a 4-layer grinder for each. The pot is about 20%, and I would guess the kief is well over 30%. One hit is more than enough. It also is much smoother than smoking the source pot. Here I've been smoking this for the last few weeks. It serendipitously fell into my lap. Opportunity knocked and thankfully I answered the door. Called shatter or dank or bho. I would estimate the THC content to be over 80%. One toke of this will knock you on your ass. I smoke the tiniest amount. The gram I acquired should last months. Sorry to say though, the source has asked not to be identified and I will respect that as I will probably want more sometime in the future. It can be purchased in Canada for $35 CDN (25us) for 2 grams. I likely won't smoke kief in Canada any more.
  8. Any smokeable that takes more than 1 toke to get the desired effect is not worth smoking.
  9. Take a short vacation to Phnom Penh and stock up. Over the counter for this kind of stuff last time I was there.
  10. Ho hum, here we go again. Another US shooting. Only 3 shot so not even a mass shooting event which requires 4. This is no longer news. Business as usual.
  11. All these MAGA morons go from chanting "lock her up" to being locked up. Good on them.
  12. Wow. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/organized-crime-groups-behind-gta-home-sales-mortgages-without-owners-knowledge-1.6719978?cmp=rss A year ago, Melissa Walsh says police assured her family it only happened to them. Fraudsters nearly sold her great uncle's east end Toronto home without the family's knowledge. "We were told to move on, get over it," she said. But earlier this month a Toronto police press release revealed another case where scammers successfully sold a house before the real homeowners found out what happened. And now it turns out those two cases are likely just the tip of the iceberg. CBC Toronto has learned that a handful of organized crime groups are behind these real-estate frauds — in which at least 30 homes in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) have either been sold or mortgaged without the real owners' knowledge. Those revelations come from a private investigation firm working for a title insurance company to try and get to the bottom of the scams, which are costing insurers millions in claims.
  13. Ah, but that would defeat the purpose, for me at least. My longest segment is from north america to Taipei or hong kong and I sure do like to lie flat when I'm sleeping ????.
  14. Does business class get you fast tracked? I think I read that somewhere.
  15. I know 2 who died in the saddle in phnom penh. Meth use was rampant at the time and these older guys, with the sex and the drugs were putting too much stress on their hearts.
  16. Please. It's all about money. The NRA, funded by the gun makers pay the lobbyists to pay the politicians to vote against gun reform. This creates a furor in the public where they fear upcoming restrictions and buy more guns. Money, money, money.
  17. Saw Tull live 3 or 4 times. First was thick as a brick tour. The Eagles were the warm up band. Quite a performance by both.
  18. In 2035 there won't be many gas powered cars to choose from. By 2050 probably none. Wyoming will be looking a lot like Cuba with lots of old cars and no new ones. Are they banning hybrids too?
  19. You want one of these: https://www.amazon.com/KardiaMobile-Single-Lead-Personal-Monitor-FDA-Cleared/dp/B01A4W8AUK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1FCO0Q5K74N95&keywords=Afib+detector&qid=1674197320&sprefix=afib+edetector%2Caps%2C812&sr=8-1 There's also a newer model about the size of a credit card.
  20. I bought one of these a couple of months back. Using over 200 GB per month, no problem at all. That's about 125 baht/month. Streaming works fine, but torrents are blocked which can be remedied with a vpn. Not sure how the recent merger of true and dtac will affect this in the future.
  21. Sorry. Turtles go back to the beach they were born on to lay their eggs. It's got nothing to do with the quality of the environment there. You fail biology 101?
  22. I will always have something better to do than than manage my own mutual fund, which is what you are describing. Especially when, as you say, if I'm really good, I might get close to the performance I'm getting now by just buying a mutual fund. I'll never be so bored I'd waste all that time/effort.
  23. That's why index funds are the way to go. I never worry about pulling out on time. Ride the cycle. It will come back. You definitely can't do that with individual stocks. Timing the market is a futile quest. If you do happen to buy/sell at the right time, it was a fluke. You cannot possibly consistently do it. Besides, why waste all that time? I spend less than 30 minutes a year adjusting my portfolio.
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