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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. Silo should be out today. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14688458 I sure hope it doesn't turn into a “Lost“. From Apple so likely reasonable quality though.
  2. I surely don't understand why people still use Bangkok bank. I used them until they stopped accepting my foreign ATM card for withdrawals. Opening a K-bank account was painless, no need to buy insurance.
  3. Get a girlfriend/boyfriend that is capable of driving a scooter. Buy a scooter. Have your partner drive you on the scooter.
  4. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/oddly-shaped-iceberg-nl-1.6825578?cmp=rss A man from Dildo, N.L. has captured the attention of iceberg lovers after photographing an oddly-shaped hunk — now popularly known as the "dickie berg" on social media — off the coast of Newfoundland. "I'm gettin' a lot of response, a lot of reaction to the photo because of its resemblance to ... part of the male anatomy, say," chuckled drone photographer Ken Pretty. In an interview Friday, Pretty said he noticed from his very first photograph that the iceberg, in an area of the province known as Conception Bay, had online potential.
  5. You're out to lunch. @Jingthing is the least snarky poster on this site.
  6. Better pic from above. Couldn't edit.
  7. Correct. And as it grows(pun intended) peope will concoct more and more complicated equipment to consume it, not necessarily because it's better but so they can make more money selling it. Not just the weed business does this. It is quite prevalent. For example I started smoking shatter 6 or 8 months ago. Yes, I could go out and purchase a dab rig for up to ten thousand baht or more but I built my own using standard lab equipment purchased on shopee or lazada for less than 1000. Works great.
  8. Is this the correct venue for this? Please move if not. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/24/media/tucker-carlson-fox-news/index.html Fox News and Tucker Carlson, the right-wing extremist who hosted the network’s highly rated 8pm hour, have severed ties, the network said in a stunning announcement Monday. The announcement came one week after Fox News settled a monster defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million over the network’s dissemination of election lies. Fox News said that Carlson’s last show was Friday, April 21. Tucker Carlson was a key figure in Dominion Voting Systems’ mammoth defamation lawsuit against Fox News, which the parties settled last week on the brink of trial for a historic $787 million.
  9. They've got a plethora of gas lighters and torches in DIY. Cheap too.
  10. As if Putin cares what the Russian people think. Like all autocratic nations the wants of the population mean nothing.
  11. Get another router and use it between the 3bb box and the tv. Install the vpn software on the new router and Bob's your uncle. If it was me the new router would be capable of accepting aftermarket firmware like dd-wrt, Gargoyle, etc. Easier to install the von stuff there.
  12. You need to realize a lot of people on here sold everything they own to come to Thailand. Now that they are here they are living here, they are on a tight budget essentially living paycheck (or retirement) to paycheck. So yes, $50 can make a big difference in those cases.
  13. Who cares what the self-confessed liar Tucker Carlson has to say about anything? The only thing he considers is how the nonsense coming out of his mouth affects faux news bottom line.
  14. I have to assume the supplier you are complaining about was on Facebook or line. I find it hard to believe that you think these guys are the same as reputable operations. It costs little to nothing to set up a fake storefront on either. Extract as much money from the customer as you can, as quickly as you can. If you get a low quality batch of product. Sell it anyway and start a new storefront if it gets too bad. And don't say they wouldn't do that because they would lose future business. They don't care. Offer one 100 baht or 500 baht, they get 100 now but if they wait till tomorrow, they get 500. How many do you think would wait?
  15. Yes. And I smoke something with THC in it every day. So what?
  16. If you can't figure that out you should probably cut back on your consumption.
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/20/health/marijuana-brain-cognition-wellness/index.html Remember those classic stoner dudes — Cheech and Chong, anyone? — spending their days in a weed-drenched room (or car), capable of little besides finding that next great high? Studies have long shown that getting high can harm cognitive function. A January 2022 review of research, published in the journal Addiction, finds that impact may last well beyond the initial high, especially for adolescents. “Our study enabled us to highlight several areas of cognition impaired by cannabis use, including problems concentrating and difficulties remembering and learning, which may have considerable impact on users’ daily lives,” said coauthor Dr. Alexandre Dumais, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Montreal.
  18. This is what happens when guns get into the hands of all the untrained idiots. Gun ownership should be ok, but you need to be trained in usage and have to obtain a license that requires renewal with competency tests at every renewal. It should be harder to get a gun license than it is to get a driver's license for a car in Germany to drive on the Autobahn. Let every moron have a gun and this kind of thing will never stop .
  19. Faux settled with dominion for $785 million. Not enough obviously but it's only the first case. Many more in the pipeline, smartmatics, etc. Now that the first case is over expect a flurry of settlements over the next months.
  20. There's also a date they will automatically mark it as received, usually a couple of months after the order date. You have 15 days to dispute the transaction after that date if you didn't receive it. If you snooze, you lose.
  21. AliExpress is better than lazada or shopee. Bigger selection, cheaper, more secure. The biggest plus is that the seller is not paid until you acknowledge that you have received the goods and they are as described on the site. You pay when you order, at least I do, AliExpress holds the money until you mark it as received or the delivery deadline has been reached. If it's later than the delivery deadline, even by a day, it's essentially free if it shows up late. If it isn't as described you also dispute and the seller doesn't get paid and you get the money back.
  22. Maybe you're asking the wrong question. The right one might be “what is it about my laptop that attracts ants?“. I have never had ants attack my laptop after spending most of the last 20 years in SE Asia. Only similar situation I had was on a UPS being used on a NAS.
  23. Gunman, 85(?) year old white man, shoots black youth twice through a glass door. 2 felony charges laid against the perpetrator. Perpetrator not arrested because police sent him home after brief questioning. Expect federal hate crime charges to come from the feds. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/17/us/kansas-city-teen-shot-wrong-house/index.html
  24. Move along. Nothing to see here. Merely another “pump and dump“ scheme. The OP clearly has some skin in the game.
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