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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Looking at the guy's shoes in the first photo makes me wonder how often footwear comes into play in some of these accidents. Maybe not as a main cause, but in a panic, those things could come off his feet. In the UK, he would be fined for wearing unsafe footwear. Flip flops would also get you a fine there.
  2. And when the six months are over?
  3. Where you live will make a difference to the price. I have never bought an NMax but I have bought a few of the smaller PCX's. An 8 - 10 year old one goes for about 50,000 baht. Then again, cars and bikes on the island are more expensive than on the mainland. I have also bought a few, old Honda clicks etc. 12,500 with no book! God knows how old they are but they are still running. If it looks great and runs lovely, why sell? Yes - a few quirks but.......
  4. Common practice everywhere. Back when Noah was a lad, I worked in a petrol station in the UK. Same same.
  5. Not 'always happened'. We had a 'sniffer dog' (German Shepherd) for some years here at Samui Airport. He was a friendly little chap. Sadly, age has taken its toll.
  6. And we are supposed to believe everything that an illegal junta says?
  7. Goodness me, the unguided missile has finally said something sensible.
  8. It's about the kids. Not many Thai fathers vape according to them.
  9. Just a quick update, the number of flights into Samui each day is slowly increasing - 41 today. I notice that Tibet Airlines are flying here again. Not sure when they started coming. Probably 3 times a week if they return to the same service as before. Just a reminder if anyone is thinking of a holiday here. Pre-book the rental car. The reputable companies often run out of cars during busy season.
  10. Sad that most Thais think that wing mirrors are only to be used when squeezing zits.
  11. But Thailand, why would Burma shoot at your vessels and kidnap your citizens? You are their friend. You help their generals to launder their drug money and you send innocent refugees back to Burma to be conscripted. (Note - there maybe a hint of sarcasm in the above comment.)
  12. The science might be clear, but people's prejudices blurs things a little.
  13. I agree. Back in the day, immigration were less desperate for money and publicity. That seemed to all change about 10 - 15 years ago. Not sure when, it just seemed to have sneaked in.
  14. As I understand things, if you go to the immigration people before you leave and admit that you are an overstay, then yes, stamp and a fine for 21 days overstay. If you just try to leave and hope that no one notices, then yes - arrested. Immigration here on Samui check passports for overstays for foreigners catching the early ferries. They are often on visa runs.
  15. And that thought will stay with her for the rest of her life. Very sad.
  16. Not the sharpest pencil in the box.
  17. Hmm. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  18. Good old Anutin. Jumping on the publicity bandwagon.
  19. Hopefully the apartment owner recorded a TM 30 so they will have a photo and all other passport details.
  20. So it seems that Thai police can only capture foreign criminals wanted on a Red Notice. Thai ones are left alone. eg Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya
  21. Trucks like that one are used for transporting sugar cane. The elephants stop them and grab some for a snack. Once the elephant is eating, the truck driver knows that it is OK to drive on. The prats in the car are lucky that the elephant did not go over and 'sort them out'. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=video+od+elephants+stopping+trucks+in+thailand&atb=v352-1&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DIxGPyoml9C4
  22. And this is how Thailand fudges the 'death by road accident' numbers. These poor souls did not 'die' in the accident. They died in the ambulance or in the hospital. The real numbers are frightening but we do not know them.
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