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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. Survival while wearing seat belts is not a a "miracle". Were the media to make more of that than they do of the "my amulet saved me" **** and skcollob there might be a reduction in automobile deaths. The only factor that might be in anyway considered "miraculous" is that the occupants were wearing seatbelts. Thailand will continue to be a ****** up, backward country as long as it continues to push "spiritual" causations. Not to mention that "other thing" and the rigor mortised, strangling, choking dead hands it has around the neck of socio-political progress.
  2. Because, as always happens, traffic increased to fill the available space. The 3rd lane should never a have been added in the first place. But don't worry folks, even now some **** in City Hall, with a relative in the road construction game, will be getting ready to announce a 4th lane.......to relieve traffic congestion!
  3. "I want to tell the person to stop shooting my dog," she said. "If he's annoying you just chase him away and inform the owner." Who typically takes no notice whatsoever and may even consider themselves affronted and attack you with a sharp object. ******* idiot place!
  4. My GF was in this event around our locality three and a half years ago. Does it qualify as "gravel grinding"?: Some riders really go for it, most are along for the ride. If so Hua Hin is well behind, and probably very far from being "one of the first events of its kind to be held in Thailand", on account of the local clubs having been doing it around the province sometime before this one took place. Our event was in contemptible, backward Isaan by the way.
  5. What do you think non-nuclear submarines have been running on underwater for over 100 years? And these have been around for ages: **** me!.....there ought to be an upper age limit for anyone attempting to contribute to a discussion about electric motive power!
  6. What part of he OP mentions beach rental? And who gives a **** about it anyway? Ever considered that the article is targeted at the same people that trailer their IC jet-skis to the slipway, on the beach near me, and total less than 2hrs usage on a day out with the family/or mates?
  7. This is part of what they voted for and good enough for now, for the Ukraine, I think: It called an immediate end to hostilities and requested that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory.” Obviously Russia is not going to do that, but it puts Thailand on the side of the angels. Mind you, I think Thailand is only doing it because it wants to be on the winning side........they're like that they are.
  8. He was killed because he tried to take on a car with a motorcycle. Incredibly stupid. No way a motorcycle cop in the West would try that. In the West he would have followed and reported to a co-ordination centre, that would have vectored a car or cars onto the offender.
  9. The Thai flag encapsulates everything that they are offended by. They never asked for it, they don't want it, or anything else to do with Thailand. They are not, nor ever have they been "Thai". "Thaification" is something that was imposed on them: Thaification is a byproduct of the nationalist policies mandated by the Thai state after the Siamese coup d'état of 1933. The coup leaders, said to be inspired by Western ideas of an exclusive nation state, acted more in accordance with their close German nationalist and anti-democratic counterparts (pre-Nazi) to effect kingdom-wide dominance by the central Thai culture. Minority-owned businesses, like the traditionally merchant Thai Chinese, were aggressively acquired by the state, which gave preferential contracts to ethnic Central Thais and cooperative ethnic Chinese. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaification They are, to Thailand, as the people of the Republic of Ireland used to be to the British Empire. They have wanted the Siamese/"Thai" out ever since Siam and the British Empire carved up their homeland between themselves.
  10. The only thing that is set in stone, with regard to the British Constitution, is that nothing is set in stone. Any law passed in Parliament may me unmade by any future parliament. The only reason that Brexit went through is that MPs, "cross-party", fearful that they would lose their seats if they did what the knew the ought to do (for the better prosperity of the Nation and the overall welfare of the "People") pandering to the whipped up baying, yelping, idiot mob....... passed the Bill. The Idiot mob now paying the price for their crass stupidity and delusion.......unfortunately it had to be as it is in order for them to truly understand how ******* dumb they were/are. No amount of Sad, Confused and Laughing emojis will change those truths. But carry on children.......your beloved toys have been returned to you, who am I to deny you your inarticulate, infantile gurgles?
  11. quaint /kweɪnt/ adjective adjective: quaint; comparative adjective: quainter; superlative adjective: quaintest attractively unusual or old-fashioned. "quaint country cottages"
  12. The medical team that visited me recently, in my hotel.....in Colombia, were concerned about exactly that. They were on permanent standby to attend the hotel........the most expensive in the city. They had ECG equipment with them.......it took a lot of them talking to me before my psychotic state abated sufficiently for me to allow them to use it. My first weed experience for 40 years.......an extremely unpleasant experience for me and those close to me........it was not a pretty sight Read some academic articles on a whole new wave of health issues, mental/physical, arising from unrestrained use of what has become a highly "developed" product. Dope ain't what it used to be........a very different "substance" to that of my youth.
  13. Very much the breed of choice for the "wrong sort". Under educated, under achieving, irresponsible, unemployable, aggressive, petty criminal, brutal, desperate for "respect" but possessed of no human qualities that deserve it? ..........get yourself a Pitbull! Mix and match those characteristics whichever way you like.......the end result is the same.
  14. The fact that her insurance company paid the £20,000 (try reading the article) indicates that she had a licence to ride such a vehicle in the UK, because most policies issued in the UK stipulate that one must have a UK licence for the type of vehicle they are operating on holiday. I'll just make that a bit easier for you: Not licenced to ride a scooter in UK?........then you won't be covered to ride one in Thailand. TRY READING THE ******* ARTICLE /FIND OUT HOW M/C INSURANCE COVERAGE OPERATES ON UK ISSUED HOLIDAY INSURANCE ! That also goes for the those who approved your comment, and those who pretty much echoed it in their own posts!
  15. The words of the wife, in Thai, spoken to the banana vendor: "Yes, that's what he's like.......a real tight fisted, petty minded ****, please just let him have his poxy 60bt back........I promise I'll make a donation at the temple in your name......think yourself lucky you don't have to put up with his.....well you know.......like I do. I just lie back and think of the will. Please accept my sincerest apologies for his boorishness".
  16. Phuket looking lovelier than ever in the that photo.
  17. The alternative is to leave. Better still.......don't put all your eggs in the basket marked "Thailand" in the first place. Thank **** I didn't.
  18. So just move the ******* bike!
  19. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine why anyone with even a minuscule amount of knowledge, of the reality of relationships in Thailand, finds the situation outlined in the OP as something, in any way, "controversial". All that should concern anyone contemplating any relationship in Thailand, no matter how "genuine" (to Western eyes) it seems, is the last sentence of your post. There really is no need for further discussion.
  20. You're right. Thailand is a "Don'tgiveatosscracy" Anybody who can't live in and amongst that should not even contemplate establishing a home there.......yet still they do.
  21. This is what made the biggest difference to mine (had them since my late 20's): Make changes to your diet To make your poo softer and easier to pass: drink plenty of fluids and avoid alcohol increase the fibre in your diet add some wheat bran, oats or linseed to your diet When I lessen the fibre (as tends to happen when I am in Thailand) they reappear and, worst case, a lot of blood. I have regular colonoscopys and am part of the UK bowel cancer monitoring scheme (as a result of my age) so I can be confident that it hasn't been that so far. My elder brother has had a life of misery with of them......perhaps because he steadfastly refused, and still refuses, to change his diet!
  22. Nope.......the Rus unwisely paid the full amount, up front, for the two-way trip. Once he'd got all the money the ferryman ****** off.
  23. We must have been reading different articles. The one I read said that the policemen sat down and, because the policemen were being a bit noisy, one of the other customers let loose at them with an M16. The policemen then defended themselves with their sidearms. Why does anything need to be kept under wraps?
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