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Everything posted by seedy

  1. We used to ride our skidoos to Lady Franklin to get drunk, watch porno and play pool. Slept under the table !!! 555
  2. Approximately 500,000 gallons are used to produce one tonne of lithium. In Chile's Salar de Atacama, mining activities consume 65% of the area's water. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiqjIyh2M_6AhWlcGwGHT2sC1oQFnoECAgQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdialogochino.net%2Fen%2Fextractive-industries%2F38662-explainer-the-opportunities-and-challenges-of-the-lithium-industry%2F&usg=AOvVaw1I0U17kBFs96ZMaxeJB1Zt
  3. So your 'style' is to be bullied and do nothing ? Then do not complain about being bullied. As said above - YOU gotta stand up, or be stood on
  4. There are only 2 possible scenarios ... You are armed, with plenty of ammunition You are not, with nothing
  5. To supply England alone will use 75% of worldwide lithium production if the absurd mandates are put in place. With no new major mines in development at this time, and even if they were you are looking at 10 years to production. What is the rest of the world going to use ? But the faithful never discuss this, or even allow a discussion. They are True Believers - Fanatics - and will entertain nothing that does not suit their very narrow criteria for use. Recent posts of Ionic 6 state that the carbon footprint to make one car will consume 75 tons of carbon - enuf to buy 10,000 liters of gasoline, which would allow a small car to travel for 10 years.
  6. You gotta stand up - no one is going to do it for you
  7. My experience too. First accident on my HD there was a hue and cry to bend the foreigner over. After about 10 minutes a Thai guy who was riding with us appeared on his bike, with his wife in the Pajero. He was at that time a police colonel. All bickering ceased and I was on my way. Hard to shift with the 1" stub of a shifter tho' 555
  8. Rain from above, wind from the side 555
  9. 17 days is time to take in sights in Chiang Rai too Wat Rong Khun a must see. Chiang Doi for a hike and some nice mountain views. You can rent a car and do the whole loop - up 107, stop in Doi Mae Salong and Doi Tung for the Queens Palace, across to Chiang Rai and Tachileak, on to the Golden Triangle and the Opium Museum. Chiang Khong for an overnight on the Mekong river. Loop back via 118 with a stop by Singha Park. Waterfalls, Nat'l Parks, many restaurants enroute.
  10. So ... you never had a claim with them then ? Can't - or won't - get your head around the opening post in this thread ?
  11. And therein lies the problem. Enslave people around the world so they can produce things the western world wants. Have whole families forced to labor for nothing just so they can afford to eat today. Hear Hear That’s because, globally, a child dies approximately every 10 seconds from malnutrition, and that’s the sad reality for more than 3 million children every year. https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/what-you-need-to-know-about-child-malnutrition/
  12. Still no one posted who actually HAD a claim with them, and the outcome. Seems strange that many sing their praises - yet no one has any experience with their claims dept. Got 4 or 5 quotes from different insurers and Roojai always 1/2 of all the rest. Makes you wonder ... Hence the topic Been with Tokio Marine for years. Had 2 claims so far - 1 not my fault and one which cops found 50/50 - 555 - I was at a complete stop and off the road ! Excellent service ! First one got sideswiped on my HD by the worlds oldest Vigo. 8 people in it. Broke the shifter off with my foot, transferred paint from the pickup to the fuel tank but did not dent it - that is close !!! 555 Second was two 13 year old girls on a Fino. No helmets. no insurance, no plate, no ... Cops wanted 1000 baht per girl for - I guess - pain and suffering !!! 555
  13. As above, best change the shocks themselves. I have Ohlins on mine - fully adjustable
  14. You can compensate for a too-soft or too-stiff spring by using preload, but you’re better off changing the spring itself. https://www.penskeshocks.com/blog/motorcycle-spring-preload-what-it-does-and-why-we-would-adjust-it
  15. It sets the preload on the spring surrounding the shock. More preload - more resistance to compressing. No issues with doing it - slight increase in harshness when riding solo but you probably won't even notice
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