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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. With the amount of uturns he, Raynor, and shadow cabinet members have made, the amount of " we'll see" comments and the amount of " we can't spend money we haven't got" comments, I would have to say, I think your crystal ball needs a polish.
  2. My point is, if the bride to be truly loves the guy, she will have a bit of a haggle. My wife did exactly that. Nicely and fairly. It was agreed a village party would be wasting money that could be spent on more important things at a later date. We've been married 23 years. I have a very good relationship with in laws and my wife and I have the freedom to spend on what and where we want. As apposed to others who sow the seeds by paying big dowry.
  3. Dowry should not be between in-laws and the groom. It should be between all parties. The question has to be asked, does she love him? If she does, she should either speak to her parents about the amount, just tell them nothing will be paid and go ahead or just tell them they'll live together and sign names in the registry office, NO PARTY. All of which should get a result. If the bride to be won't do any of the above, well.............................
  4. Yes, you are right. I should have said " the one that injured the governor. Probably just as well he didn't die. If he had he would have been forgotten in the shadow of the death of the more illustrious JFK.
  5. I read this as there are now 2 bullets. The one that ended up killing the governor was on his stretcher. The one found in the car on JFK's stretcher.
  6. Did you name yourself after the Cafe or did the Cafe name itself after you?
  7. Just like UK did decades ago before it was realised mental health issues can be diagnosed and treated. Thailand, as a whole, is still in that era. Whether it's dementia, schizophrenia, bi polar, autism, etc. Whatever the age, people suffering with such are left in the community and expected to live a normal life, untreated. If a crime is committed or they are deemed a nuisance to society, they will be locked up with no treatment. Thailand needs to move forward on this. First stop is parents needing to understand and accept their kid is different to other kids and might need help.
  8. https://news.sky.com/story/jfk-assassination-magic-bullet-theory-cast-into-doubt-by-ex-secret-service-witness-12960275 This article, along with many others, disagrees. The whole point of the new memoir appears to be to disprove what is in the article. Possibly, at the same time, adding weight to your theory.
  9. I believe the theory all along was that a single bullet killed JFK and injured the other guy in the car. With the revelation in the article, there are now 2 bullets.
  10. A large majority of Thai students receive 12 years free education. A licence issued by KSP does not ensure all teachers have had a similar level of training and education. A teacher from Phillipines or Nigeria, as examples, can obtain a teaching licence from KSP in Thailand. I doubt they would have had the same level of education and training as someone with a 4 year Uni degree from a Western country. Thai teachers also need a licence. Education levels in Thailand is also a moot point. How can many Thai teachers be licenced to teach English when they struggle to hold a conversation in English?
  11. It doesn't really matter, to most people. I'm offering a possible reason. It's not a p$#sing competition. No need to worry your little head about it as I've provided a pdf for all to see.
  12. I'm in UK right now. Maybe a VPN issue. I opened the page with no issues.
  13. I can open it. Download a pdf and read it. You can't. There is obviously something amiss at your end. There was an article on here not long ago about AI being left wing. Maybe your devices are averse to opening links that don't only subscribe to left wing views. Man and machine in perfect harmony.
  14. Oh dear. Seeing as you're having a tech issue, I've got a pdf for you. You need to click the little download button. Future of state pension triple lock guarantee is 'turning into a game of pensions poker’ - Law & Regulation - Pensions Exper.PDF
  15. I agree. Posting a link to a news article. https://www.pensions-expert.com/Law-Regulation/Future-of-state-pension-triple-lock-guarantee-is-turning-into-a-game-of-pensions-poker?ct=true
  16. It's a very well known English saying. Credited to John Selden's Table-Talk (c. 1654) You appear to be the only one struggling with it. You need try harder.
  17. Do as I say, not as I do, he told everyone.????????????????
  18. No need. I guess you keep it to hand for after eating pizza. ????????????
  19. I will. All the lovely Isaan food I'll be eating.
  20. That's not showing all of them. At a quick glance, Buriram is missing. Probably more.
  21. Lots of Isaan people out in their cars, on motorbikes, going into 7/11, Makro, BigC. The mall. You bought a pizza. I guess there were lots of Isaan people buying too. A shop isn't going to stay trading by selling a pizza to an expat every now and then. Your story and outlook has been fun to read. Sadly, it's now been shown to be fiction.
  22. Do you actually know how many BigC and Makro there are in Isaan? Add to that the Tesco stores, CP stores? Just because you live far from a BigC or Makro does not mean they don't exist and make a killing from the Isaan people. Are you aware how big Isaan is? It's huge. The largest region of Thailand. Take that trip of 150kms and find out for yourself. If there are no Isaan people in there spending money and there is only 2kgs of chicken, take a photo and post it on here. I will then apologise for doubting your figures and beliefs. You'll know I'm right the minute you turn up and see the masses in their pick up trucks and on their motorbikes. Yes it's true. Isaan people motor vehicles.
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