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Everything posted by Jaggg88

  1. When landing cards were still in use a female IO told my Thai wife and son they had to have an exit card so we duly left the queue then completed the cards and joined another queue. The male IO asked why my wife had landing cards as Thai citizens do not need them. My wife pointed to the female IO and he laughed and said she's jealous that you travel to England with your rich farang husband. Oh, how we laughed!
  2. I suffered pericarditis after my Moderna booster (a known side effect from mRNA vaccines) and now have atrial fibrillation. I've just been to Bangkok for electro-cardioversion in an attempt to fix my now dickie ticker. 🤒
  3. Lethargy can be caused by vitamin B deficiency and is common as we age plus many meds block the uptake of this vitamin. Have your vitamin B levels checked. Injections are available for people with a deficiency.
  4. no cannabis steven. generally speaking people using cannabis don't commit violent attacks. now before you go google a few events lets not get into that when you know very well alcohol dwarfs cannabis. and meth takes the cake. The perp was into fighting and martial arts so he was probably into bodybuilding and if that included steroids then this could have been a classic roid rage attack. The random attack on the British guy makes that look even more likely. RIP
  5. They are usually in the wardrobe and rarely fixed to anything. Many of the staff often know the manager's code as customers are always locking themselves out. This resulted in me losing 2,000 baht at one hotel. The thief, probably the room cleaner, took 2,000 of the 14,000 I had in my bag in the safe but I did not notice until I'd left the hotel.
  6. The Met Police are controlled by The London Labour Mayor's office - good old Sadiq Khan
  7. The brothels in Bangladesh start the girls at age 9 and are often government-backed
  8. Which means you'll have very little, if any, natural immunity.
  9. OMG. You sound just like my GF 🤣
  10. Most hallucinogenic drugs were developed to treat mental illness https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7880300/
  11. Mine been with me to both and now educates the villagers on their pre-conceived notions, that were completely wrong about the two above countries. However, my other half is very well travelled these days. After our recent trip to Vietnam my Thai wife apologised for claiming it would be a waste of time. She is now keen to visit other close countries
  12. I just supplied my last current statement
  13. My friend had her Isuzu truck converted to LPG and has had nothing but trouble since.
  14. Google Wallet is replacing Google Pay. The main difference between the two apps is Wallet allows you to load a cash balance as well as emulate your credit/debit/loyalty/boarding cards. Google Pay was accepted in any shop that accepts contactless card payments. I used Google Pay, with my Wise card, at 711, Lotus's, Big C and Bangrak (Esso) but I haven't upgraded to Wallet yet so I don't know if the cash side of it can be used in the same way. This is the question the OP asked. He didn't ask if cash or credit card is best!
  15. They don't know where he lives
  16. The instructions for taking sildenafil (Viagra), tablets or gel, are to take on an empty stomach as fatty food and alcohol reduce/slow the uptake of the active ingredient. So, grinding a tablet to powder and snorting it will coat the soft nasal tissue and get absorbed into the bloodstream bypassing the stomach. It works with Cocaine so I don't see why it wouldn't work with Sildenafil. There is also a vasodilator cream available called Alprostadil which is applied directly to the penis.
  17. There was not a delayed response! Reporting an adult missing is not a high priority and is not usually looked at for 24 hours as most turn up. If it was a child it would have been a different matter and if the neighbour had reported the scream then there may have been a more immediate response.
  18. I can confirm my non-O application last August was granted with only £1000 in the bank and that was the same for the previous year. The website does say £10,000
  19. Try turning data saving on as this stops apps running in the background
  20. I get my heart meds from them. I wouldn't say they were cheap but reasonable and genuine. I think they also have a branch in Bangkok
  21. There's one in the basement of V Square
  22. In a FB group I'm in an American had self-checked-in but was stopped at the boarding gate and asked for an onward ticket
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