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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. Congratulations! You are the first person on this site that I've flagged as "ignore"!
  2. And if that doesn't work, double the age requirement to 100! (Must have both parents permission of course)
  3. Sorry shoulda put a "sarcasm alert" there because you obviously missed it. There is NO PROOF of accurate daily temperatures going back tens of thousands of years or more. There are extrapolations and theories but it CANNOT be verified.
  4. More to the point, there is NO RECORD FULL STOP. Oh sorry I forgot about the ice-cores in Nevada and southern Italy
  5. Yeah but that's just the voices in your head - don't believe them. ???? If you create a blogger post then all your friends and avid readers (again mostly in your head ???? ) could read it and leave us in peace. Jest sayin....
  6. Seriously, is there any way you could SHUT THE FORK UP? Please! Go to "blogger.com", create a page and you can spout all this nonsensical BS and get it off your chest. Without inflicting it on us. It's really good therapy - it's almost like talking to a real person (but then you wouldn't know the difference anyway ???? )
  7. Have you thought about increasing your medication? Do us ALL a favour.
  8. Agreed - when you call the airline you're flying with when you have a problem (e.g. like changing dates) they say "talk to the agent - you have no contract with us"
  9. They're also good at spelling things correctly like "centre" and "favour" that is one THEIR traits ????
  10. I used beclamethasone until my (turns out to be kook) doctor put me on Seretide. Enormous weight gain followed - coincidence? I went back to the beclamethasone one. It was also used as "cure"/prevention for Covid I seem to recall.
  11. In the U.K., a well-known advertising slogan for Whiskas was "eight out of 10 owners said their cat prefers it". After a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority, this was changed to "eight out of 10 owners who expressed a preference said their cat prefers it". [from Wiki "Whiskas" article]
  12. ACTUALLY, it turns out that 97% of climate papers THAT EXPRESSED A VIEW ON CAUSE said it was man-made - pointed out by that Neil Oliver chappie but I had seen this fact before. Not the same thing. Apparently most did NOT express a view - but as they say, "lies, d*mned lies and statistics"
  13. Yep, especially those ice cores from Greece, Spain and Texas.
  14. Trying to change my UK bank account now Barclays are going to cancel me (I rang them and complained this was a POLITICAL move like Farage with Coutts but didn't get very far ???? ) anyway.... here's the point - sent our our notarized docs to Lloyds Bank Int'l in the Isle of Man by REGISTERED post - took nearly two weeks to get there! But no, I didn't send from Thailand - I sent from ultra-efficient SWITZERLAND. Tracked it - took several days before it even arrived in the UK and then nearly a week to get across the Irish Sea. So - this is basically NORMAL for all postal services - and they wonder why people prefer to send things ELECTRONICALLY.
  15. I have been transferring 65k plus to Bangkok Bank for YEARS and they ALL show as international.
  16. Me too - on my second one (the old one still works and will use it for travelling)
  17. You might have sleep apnoea - I would suggest (as I did) to go to a sleep clinic - I got wired up (didn't have to spend the night there) with some devices and told me I had CHRONIC apnoea - got given a CPAP (a device with a mask to strap to your face while you sleep) and the results were fantastic. The mask takes getting used to but once properly fitted I hardly notice it. I was putting on tons of weight (which you don't seem to be doing and as this is a major symptom you might not have it IMHO) and starting to fall asleep during the day. My wife told me I was stopping breathing several times at night but I did nothing about it. Crunch came when I fell asleep on the sofa with a glass of wine in my hand, which broke. Luckily it wasn't full - THAT would have been a waste ????
  18. Eh - it was produced in Northern Ireland with almost ALL actors being British or Irish (apart from the brilliant Peter Dinklage the token Yank)
  19. Brilliantly acted socially desperate jumped-up woman pretending to be what she is not, illustrating perfectly people trying to "better" themselves. Quote: "She's the one with the Mercedes, sauna, and room for a pony!"
  20. BBC is repeating Hancocks Half Hour - classics - and filmed live (he occasionally fluffs his lines and recovers)
  21. Wash your mouth out with soap Sir please! This is RELIGION we're talking about - heresy! ????
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