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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. The villagers stormed the EC complaining "We got 5000 baht last time, now it's only three!"
  2. Working fine - and the dual SIM will come in handy as I can put another carrier in for travelling.
  3. Thanks for the one or two helpful suggestions I popped the side cover off (indeed a strange way but I did say it was cheap) and the SIM card (old-style full-size) is in and working. Thanks again NextG and MrJ2U!
  4. Well done NextG for coming up with a helpful suggestion! Popped open the flap now to explore - wish me luck!
  5. Excellent! This is what I was looking for - do you have the link to the original please?
  6. To a little phone concession place in Big C Hang Dong of which I don't know the name?
  7. Wow wish I had thought of that ???? - too bad they are 10,000 kilometres away
  8. Sorry - can we skip the obvious questions like "Is it SIM enabled" please? Of course I can't find any sign of a manual using Google.
  9. See previous answer. There is a SIM Tools app which one I press it says "install SIM Card"
  10. Then why does it say "No SIM Card" when I switch it on?
  11. I bought the tablet because it was cheap - now I know why. I DID find one of those little hole thingies where you use the magic doofah metal prod - but inserting that - nothing. Feeling along the edge I can't find any sort of slot that would suggest where to put the SIM card(s). I googled it of course and there almost zilch info - watched a couple of videos I found - no help whatsoever. Any body got any ideas?
  12. If he does jail time (one can only hope) will his ex-presidential protection follow him in? They'll look silly in the showers in their suits!
  13. It was sixteen (UK) pounds an ounce back in 1973. Mostly hash (Morrocan) but the occasional Afghani Black and once in a while a Thai Stick. Fifty years ago now. And they say cannabis is bad for your memory! It was sixteen pounds an ounce...oops sorry forgot I just said that.
  14. I told Barclays I was moving to mainland Europe more than twenty years ago - and the account is still open. hey DID close my Barclaycard accounts (when I stupidly paid off the balance) but so far no problem. I briefly moved to Singapore for a year and think I may have have told them but I don't think that is the point - Asia or Europe it shouldn't make a difference - either way it is non-UK. The account is active monthly which may have something to do with it. For a couple of months it was inactive and they tried to close it down but I had a hissy fit and they re-opened it again. A friend of mine kept his UK postal re-direct open for YEARS (even though it is only supposed to be for twelve months). BUT if you try and open a UK bank account without some proof of residence in th UK you will get NOWHERE. They don't that - period. (In My Humble Opinion).
  15. A common mistake: Sweden = Switzerland. Well they both start with "SW" have lots of snow and were (until recently) neutral. Obviously same country.
  16. Some of my best friends are inanimate plastic objects.
  17. When will people stop posting articles with a title that delivers NO CLUE as to what is being asked?
  18. Maybe slightly off-topic but I see many posts stating "my visa is on my old passport" many moons ago I was in Saudi and every time I left the coutntry they would take nearly two pages for the bleedion' stamps. I soon filled my passport (with the work permit on it) so the British Embassy gave me a new one but attached to the old one to it "oifficially" (lots of ribbon and stuff) - do they not still do that?
  19. he WAS actually and doing a strange sort of dancing "twitch" in his seat overreacting to the pain he was going through being sat next to someone without a mask. I thought he was having convulsions
  20. Getting a higher reading in hospital is called the "White coat effect" - all them medic people cause you stress and so higher blood pressiure. If mine is 140/85 - ish range I reckon no problem (and no doctor has advised me otherwise). I DO exercise, not a great deal, but enough (min 2-3 hours a week more when I have time).
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