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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. Did three days once without sleep at Knebworth '76 (Stones headlining) some chemically induced but the most not. I was young, weather was good and damn, the Stones, man, the Stones!
  2. The solar system will NEVER payback. Mars, Venus, the Moon, Mercury - then the steroid belt and the outer frozen gas giants - will all be money pits and no return will ever be seen. Oh, sorry, wrong Solar System?
  3. I mis-read the title - I thought it meant prostitutes had to do "voluntary service" for twenty years, then were free to go. I'll get my coat.
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-64848508 Reminds me of the days when Comical Ali was explaining how Iraq was winning the war as US troops stormed into Baghdad. I wonder what happend to him? Living in the UAE apparently now.
  5. I anm using an AIS pre-paid for quite q few years now and AFAIK I have NEVER enabled roaming on the SIM card. I find I can't make calls outside of Thailand (not that I want to) but receive SMS meessages quite happily and free of charge. This suits me fine. Every month or two I have to go mobiletopup.com and put in some money to keep the SIM card alive but is far preferable from having to get a new SIM card every time I arrive back there - as Bangkok Bank need a "permanent" number or I have to keep updating it.
  6. Thank the Lord! Now I can catch up on my Polo contests! Thanks, 'Hot" Magazine!
  7. Every time I visit Thailand (for the last thirty or forty years or more) I spend an hour or two at Bangkok Airport waiting for my onward flight. Occasionally (once or twice a decade) I overnight there. Dirty, smelly, over-crowded, crime-ridden and the traffic is atrocious - unbelievable, at any time day or night. Yeah right, it's the thirtieth best city in the world.
  8. I am still paying 419 baht a month for premium. Luckily I signed up for Netflix in Thailand and pay the Thai price but at the moment I do ninety percent of my viewing outside but please don't tell them ????
  9. Don't know if remarked on before and I'm not wading through five pages of posts. Why is she wearing glasses? Is there something wrong with her eyesight? Couldn't he get one with perfect 20/20 vision?
  10. Hmm my "wai" height - chest, face or head - tends to be a combination of who I'm "wai"ing and how they "wai"-ed me. Sayng that, monks get a head-high wai, kids, a chest-high one (if they "wai"-ed me first but not if they didn't) and generally family and friends get a face-high "wai" (which I class as neutral).
  11. 98 - not bad. I read somewhere the US Embassy hostages were not released until AFTER the election so as to put him a bad light. Released in 2017, a declassified memo produced by the CIA in 1980 concluded "Iranian hardliners – especially Ayatollah Khomeini" were "determined to exploit the hostage issue to bring about President Carter's defeat in the November elections." Additionally, Tehran in 1980 wanted "the world to believe that Imam Khomeini caused President Carter's downfall and disgrace."
  12. Brought up in the sixties at a tender age reading his "juveniles" which were brilliant, then Starship Troopers, Farnhams Freehold, the classic Stranger in a Strange Land (of course) and The Moon is a harsh Mistress. Sadly after that he started spewing huge indigestible tracts of cr*p but I still doggedly kept reading, right up to the end, like listening to an old friend who has lost his marbles but you still remain poilte. Two bright points in that period Friday and Job a Comedy of Justice. The rest - meh. Read them once and never re-read them. Solipstic rubbish. I couldn't finish the last one - the cat who walks through walls. ANYWAY, OK Starship Troopers film had almost no points of reference to the book, but I enjoyed it anyway. Puppet Masters film (with Donald Sutherland) I thought was good - present day based instead of the future RAH postulated and worked quite well but was not a success. Predestination is based on"All you zombies" and I thought did a good job translating the (short) story to a film and got good reviews. And recently, I found one of my favourite novels of his, The Door into Summer, was made into a (sub-titled) Japanese film - and seems quite good!
  13. Done that stuck in a hotel with hash but no papers - it was called "pin and glass" because you covered it with a glass when not inhaling (which made a right mess of the glass I seem to recall)
  14. Tried the link above, my problem is I don't have a copy of my licence as I gave it up more than 20 years ago in exchange for a European licence. But I believe I need a licence issued by the same country as my passport when I apply for a Thai one. I ended up chatting with Sadie below, here's her adivce: Agent (NaN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN): You’ll need to apply by post using a D1 application form for cars and motorbikes or a D2 for buses and lorries. Agent (NaN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN): - Include a £20 cheque or Postal Order. - To provide relevant ID. - A passport standard sized photograph. These forms can be ordered on Agent (NaN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN): https://www.gov.uk/dvlaforms. Agent (NaN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN): Alternatively, you can get one from selected Post Offices® that offer driving licence transactions. To check what ID to provide and how this is returned, please see Agent (NaN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN): https://www.gov.uk/id-for-driving-licence Agent (NaN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN): Postal applications are processed within 3 weeks. In some cases this can take longer if we need to make further checks or if your application needs to be passed to another department. For updates on DVLA timescales, please check GOV.UK using the following link: Agent (NaN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN): https://www.gov.uk/guidance/dvla-services-update. Agent (NaN/aN/aN aN:aN:aN): Please send your application to the address on the back of the form.
  15. We got an MG plug-hybrid thing too recently and again yes (I'm not there my wife is handling it) we seem to have one charge (sorry no pun intended ???? ) after another to get it all up and running, like additional power to the house. I think it's all done now I'll check it when I get there (not that I'm an expert). Certainly wasn't cheap but as pointed out "cheap" can also mean "dangerous".
  16. Ever seen Snowpiercer where to combat global warming the governments of the world have dumped a cooling agent called CW-7 into the atmosphere, only to have the plan backfire and deep-freeze the entire planet. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Invasise species in Australia anyone?
  17. Which is why I always transit BKK on my way to CNX but still have to go through the passport check (in the transit area, not the main one) which is usually a few minutes wait at worst.....
  18. The articles said he had a prosthetic leg but was "on the run" - Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius anyone?
  19. Er, if I charge 500 baht a pop three times a day, say five days a week, I am getting 30k baht a month and paying 15k for the car? Sounds like 15k net profit which might support someone? For two hours work a day? We've just bought a new car! Can't wait to tell my wife my new money-making scheme ????
  20. Be careful on that balcony! Luckily on I'm on the first floor and there is a large roof expansive underneath.
  21. I DREAM of being that weight Here's a TRUE story - a colleague of mine used to make fun of my weight. His arms were like pipe stems, he only would only eat breakfast in the morning and ONCE A WEEK would have an evening meal (no lunch of course). Sad to say, he's had a kidney removed, is riddled with cancer and has COPD (smoking Capstan Full Strength instead of eating didn't help). Meanwhile I am overweight, some would way say obese - but I'm healthy. Weight in itself is not an indicator of bad health unless there are other symptoms. Which luckily so far I have none - blood pressure normal, for a start. I do exercise though but not a great deal and try and avoid carbs.
  22. Really sad that JC needs to do this to pay for his alimony payments - how many divorces has he had now? At 83 he still has to keep working? "Hold the sunset" was unwatchable, couldn't get past the second episode. I hope I am proved wrong and this turns out to be a comedy classic.
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