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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 64 seconds  
  2. Ah, so not Ali ali Shakati as claimed on here by some and posted around the net by racists, morons and thugs. It is six days away form his 18th birthday (although not according to you, the facial expert) and the judge has taken the almost unprecedented step of ordering the ban on anonymity to be lifted. The judge said this unusual step was to stop the spread of misinformation that is causing violence across the country. The EDL and racist thugs are rioting across the country based on deliberate misinformation that he was a Muslim called Ali ali Shakati, that he was an illegal immigrant, an asylum seeker etc etc. In this case it makes sense but no doubt the morons will go out tonight and attack some more mosques anyway -that'll help. As I said many times before, it is wrong to speculate based on nothing, even worse to spread deliberately misleading information that can cause people to get hurt, and that we should wait for justice to take its course which it is now doing, and wait for the facts to come out. Whether he smirked or not he deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars.
  3. Why does Yaxley-Lennon not speak out about white paedos? Why was he happy to have them in the EDL and not speak out? He didn't condemn a single one even after they were convicted of horrible crimes against minors including rape and grooming. Leigh Mcmillan was a senior EDL leader under Yaxley-Lennon who was convicted of more than 100 counts of sexually abusing a ten year old girl. He was silent on that. Why did he support Richard Price even after his conviction for possession of child pornography and even campaigned for his release? After the was concvited! In the world of Yaxley, white rapes and child abuse = OK. Brown rapes and child abuse = bad. Some of us just think all rapists are evil and deserve the same punishment. Not Yaxley though, hypocritical coward that he is.
  4. Nah, he's barred from BigC for headbutting the cashier when he opened his packet of Lay's and found they were not filled exactly to the dimensions of the packaging. (They probably keep the super full packs for Thais).
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 44 seconds  
  6. I can't believe I just actually read through this thread.
  7. Next time someone else comes and says it is only because he is Muslim/black that police don't release his name or personal details, then I'll probably say it again. I can't stand to see myths propagated especially when they can result in harm. His name was posted as Muslim sounding, it went around, and a mosque was attacked. It wasn't true. People now whipping each other up by saying the police are protecting him because he is Muslim and it wouldn't be the case if he was white. That is wrong and I will point it out. Sorry if it bothers you, or sorry if the truth annoys you that white people are not treated more harshly.
  8. Paranoid nonsense (no surprise given the author of the quote). ANY minor accused of a crime is protected under UK law until after the trial - and then only if a judge decides it is in the public interest to know their names and personal information. A white minor, a black minor, a Christian one, a Muslim one, all minors. It is the law and it is there for a good reason.
  9. What a childish comment. Why would I make excuses for him? Are you accusing me of wanting to protect a child killer?? When he attacked children in a street five minutes from the one I grew up in??? Wind your neck in, you are making yourself look ridiculous. I hope he is confined for the rest of his life. And believe it or not I don't call people racists if I disagree with them - again another childish comment. I do call racists racist though.
  10. Yes, agree mostly, prejudices are normal. However, having grown up in Southport (and my parents have lived in Banks for the past 30 years) I didn't make the same assumption as you did. It may turn out he was a brainwashed jihadist and was shouting "death to the infidels" as he was doing it. But it may turn out he was just a kid with severe mental issues. Or maybe he was abused. Until we know we shouldn't publically speculate, and certainly people in positions of influence should absolutely not (Farage is a disgrace of a human) - see how the mob were easily whipped up to go and attack a mosque. People can get hurt or killed by public speculation, and it is especially heinous when the "information" was intentionally wrong (like his Muslim name - already stated as untrue by the police) or that he was "under watch". No one knows that.
  11. If that makes you happy. But people making stuff up before it is even known is just disgraceful. And people like you lapping it up and it definitely incited violence - the mobs attacked a mosque because it has been (wrongly) posted on right wing sites that he had a funny Muslim name. I would rather show some respect to the people who are suffering and let justice take its course.
  12. So it hasn't been announced then has it. Only by people with an anti immigration agenda. Just like they made his name up to sound Muslim. It's pretty sickening people like Farage trying to jump on this to score political points and whip up the neanderthals. It's an awful situation, let due process take its course, let the facts come out. For now he should shut his pie hole and show some respect.
  13. It happened in 1993. It was not a mass attack, so why would they suspect terrorism? He was also seen on CCTV being taken away by two ten year old boys, so it was obviously not terror related. Not sure where you are going with this. Absolutely incorrect. They were not named and no photos were released. This is the law. After the trial is complete the judge has the discretion to name the convicts if he thinks it is in the public interest and in this case he thought the public had a right to know so he ordered the gag to be rescinded. This was hugely controversial at the time. The same may or may not happen in this case just as it does with any case involving minors - a black out on identity until the trial is over and even then it can only be ordered lifted by the judge, or he can decide to keep it in place. This is the law. I don't agree with the death penalty but I can understand your feelings here. It was a revolting crime and they should have been left to rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives. I went to school a few miles from where he was found.
  14. That's an entirely different thing. You exact words were: As long as they can pass him off as under 18 they can effectively keep all details secret. They think we are fools and will tell us whatever they want us to hear, with scant regard for the truth. You were implying that "they" - ie. the police or the government or whoever else you think is in on the conspiracy - will try to pass him off as underage so they don't have to tell you details about him which is just ludicrous. Then you went on to say: They will be busy now, what with refurbishing a nice new flat for him, getting him a mobile phone , flat screen TV and playstation, sorting out his benefits, arranging the various support plans he needs, and most importantly, building his fully funded legal team ....which is nonsense, absolute tripe. He is in custody and will be charged and tried. Link please, or this is this just more meaningless hearsay. Not sure why you are surprised really, your views are obvious as you have convinced yourself he is a muslim and that if he was white we'd know his name etc (we wouldn't). I literally have no idea what you are talking about, but ok.
  15. You just made all of that up. All of it. Nobody "passes people off" as being ages they are not. If he is under 18 he is legally a minor and minors are not named until either they turn 18 or their trials are complete (but a judge can decide this if they are still under 18). It is S45 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. Black and white, a legal ruling. Do you remember the James Bulger case? They were not named, they were even given secret new identities and they were not even brown!! The rest of your post is just paranoid racist nonsense.
  16. So he imagined a Muslim name and is posting it around the internet and claiming immigrants are to blame for everything. That is a bias. I have just said we don't know his name as the police haven't released it due to him being a minor. What bias am I showing? He may or may not be of an immigrant background, I don't know. I also don't care. Reports are that he was born in the UK and lived in Banks. I spent two weeks in Banks recently as that is where my parents live, and I grew up in Southport. Banks especially is a very very quiet place, it is also very very white.
  17. what the hell are you both on about? I think I reported one post to the mods once as it was outrageously racist and they deleted it (it used the "n" word if I remember correctly). No idea what you or GG are on about, seriously, he has delusions about me, imagining me living in different countries and running different companies, he should seek help.
  18. Give up. He just grinds you down otherwise. He claims new tech, posts a video that doesn't show new tech, then doesn't answer questions about the "new tech". Just rattles on about his Pontiac which makes no sense to anyone. The worst troll on this site, ignore him and you'll feel better. (Unfortunately I still take the bait from time to time then immediately wish I hadn't).
  19. Another made up claim. Post a link. The police have NOT identified him publicly. Post a link or admit you made it up.
  20. Yawn. Where's the breakthrough? What is the new technology? Come one, enlighten us. One last chance to answer a question.
  21. No you didn't. You Googled his name and saw a Japan Today link in the results. Their article says: "The suspect, who has not been identified, lived in a village about 5 miles (8 kilometers) from the site of the attack, police said" The name Ali-Al- Shakati is only posted by a guy in the comments below the article (and check his history, his biases are obvious). So, if you make a claim you are supposed to provide a link. Here's the Japan Today article. Please tell where where they identified him - or admit you didn't read the article at all and you just made it up. https://japantoday.com/category/world/man-arrested-after-reports-of-stabbing-with-multiple-casualties-in-northwest-england
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