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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. You are hilarious. You're either a troll or just the most blinkered right winger I've ever come across. You do know the Tories were in power for the last 14 years, right? Or are you saying that in the five days since they took power Labour have kicked veterans out on to the street? Were all these veterans living in gold plated houses and drinking champagne less than a week ago? Their 14 year period of living the highlife has come to a sudden end, poor vets. Deluded.
  2. Shock horror - consumers getting better value for money, what an awful concept. I would rather pay more for an ICE and line the pockets of the legacy manufacturers who are rinsing you and me. What an odd outlook you have. How much profit are they taking from each sale? Huge amounts. My last two ICEV purchases were 3.3m and 2.4m baht. I feel sick knowing I now could have got a top line Seal Prformance for 1.59m baht and it would cream my current car in almost all respects. For what I would get with a Seal vs what I would get with my 3.3m or 2.4m baht cars just makes me feel stupid. Performance obviously is worlds apart, but technology and interior spec is also worlds apart. The Seal wasn't a thing when I bought those cars, it was an ICEV world, but my how things change. Shame that some dinosaur thinkers can't change with it and you harp on about your overpriced, old technology, poorly built rubbish (I own two of these overpriced machines). I also bought a stupid Honda for my wife (and kids) for 1.1m. A Dolphin would urinate all over it and is half the price. An Atto would cream it and is two thirds the price. You may be happy paying over the odds for old technology vehicles but I am not.
  3. Yeah, his Chinese wife chose not to work for the Chinese car factories that didn't exist and instead went to work for the Japanese ones that have existed for decades. China bad.
  4. Utter nonsense. Sentenced to life with a minimum of 20 years. Sorry that doesn't fit with your silly "Britain is soft on Muslims for fear of being called racist" narrative. Pathetic.
  5. You obviously don't speak to many Thais then. In Bangkok at least EVs are everywhere.
  6. Why wouldn't they? Do you think the Japanese operate their factories as a charity?
  7. Yes, I have been looking in to this, thank you, good advice.
  8. Hiarious. How are auto gates more (or less) dystopian than being stamped in or out except for not wasting a bit of paper in your passport? The back-end is exactly the same: the IO takes your passport from you, places it in a scanner, your info is read, then you have fingerprints and photo taken for the automated biometric checks. If all checks out he gives you an irrelevant and pointless stamp then hands your passport back. With auto gates you enter your passport directly in to the scanner yourself, you have your fingerprints and photo taken for the automatic biometric check. If all checks out the gates open and off you go. Tell me how that is somehow dystopian - doing the exact same thing, but in a quicker and more efficient manner. Honestly you guys who deliberately make your life more inconvenient because of imagined and paranoid reasons are hilarious.
  9. The front end reminds me of a Mitsubishi Triton........and that is not a good thing to be reminded of. I know pickups are workhorses and people don't necessarily care about the looks (I mean people are buying Cybertrucks), but for me I would prefer one that isn't ugly.
  10. Really? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/28/two-british-teenagers-killed-parasailing-rhodes-greece-say-authorities
  11. One for @ExpatOilWorker to add to his compilation.
  12. All forms you can ever need are here: https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/downloads_en/
  13. Why does everyone say "bold"? It's "bald". Not spelling police, just curious.
  14. Tell us all about the last long and exhausting queue you had on departures. I have never had one and I travel quite a lot. What was your experience? Sounds like you somehow get them all the time, such bad luck!
  15. The most boring, sad and predictable man on the entire forum. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  16. Who is "big data"? And why would they be happy? You're saying a traveller putting his passport in to a machine to be scanned and having biometrics taken is somehow better for "big data" than an IO taking your passport, manually putting it in to a machine to be scanned and then taking your biometrics as is done now - it is just a more efficient way of doing it.
  17. Sorry to hear your life sucks. I'm pretty sure the blame doesn't lie with Thailand or the Thai people.
  18. Great, thank you. I don't know, they didn't mention any home visit - just told me to go back on the 23rd. I guess time will tell.
  19. Hi all, I entered Thailand on a three month non O in early April. Just back from CW (with my wife) to apply for my 12-month extension, all was smooth (thanks to some good advice on this forum) and I am stamped under consideration and due to go back on the 23rd July. My question, does my wife need to go with me on that date too or can I go alone? The reason for asking is I am supposed to be in Samui then for a family trip. Booked ages ago, driving there with wife, kids, two dogs, and a villa is booked and paid for and can't be moved. I don't want to cut short the holiday, but if I can go to CW alone I can leave wife and kids and just fly back for a day, do CW, fly straight back. (And before anyone criticises me for booking a holiday before I'd sorted my visa, I originally planned to do this 2-3 weeks ago but I had to make an unexpected and sudden trip back to the UK, hence only applying for my extension two days before my visa expires)
  20. Yep, and I got shouted at for doing the same with horrendous crowds at Heathrow immigration a couple of years ago. Definitely at BKK there are signs around immigration and security not to take photos.
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