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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. At least, most Thai women will have the heart to support their children, even if sometimes with the help of their own mother...
  2. Anybody here is surprised by this story?
  3. "when a group of teenagers returned armed with a gun and a knife," In this culture here, 'returning armed' has become more like a reflex embedded in the DNA
  4. 'Every human being has emotions but they have to control them while doing their job. " Well, that is simply just not true. Starting with the view that 'free will' does not exist. That we are the overall result of the cultural traits of where we were born and raised. So expecting that all people 'have control' of their emotions, on the job or not, is quite clearly a delusion. And some cultures are worse than others for many reasons, regarding emotional control.... https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2023-10-17/stanford-scientist-robert-sapolskys-decades-of-study-led-him-to-conclude-we-dont-have-free-will-determined-book?fbclid=IwAR36nBj-5im_PjcZXPknipzse_aYy7IIhM3x3hAM_z4AZgALakprHfAT-es We are all puppets here...
  5. And to think that many people still think that LOS means Land Of Smile. How about 'Stultified'.
  6. I used to bring 15 30 packs of 250 gr of Lavazza coffee in my luggage. My son came to visit me this year, and brought me some 15 10 kilos also of the same coffee. About 500 bahts here for 250 grams. In my country, about 75 bahts. I got checked only one time, the year i brought some 40 packs of 250 gr, and I joked so much about it with the staff who opened my luggage, that the woman in charge of immigration security just closed my luggage and told me to go. I was asking the staff if they wanted a few packs for themselves, telling them that I might have brought too much coffee for my stay. But since I got stuck for some 4 years here due to the pandemic, I ended up buying Arabica Robusta from Boncafé. Was actually fine, considering my reluctance in buying Italian coffee here, where the price is related more to excise tax rather than coffee...
  7. Most certainly the result of a misunderstanding ...😑
  8. Go see a real mechanic. Many around....
  9. Well yes, that is what I understood, he went to defend himself, But my question still stands, did he win or lose the case brought towards him?
  10. "My friend spent Christmas day that year in court defending himself. " So did your friend win or lose this case in court? Because some people with a moral compass are ready to lose a day for doing what they think is the right thing to do...
  11. "and attributed her actions to financial difficulties." With a reason like that to avoid responsibility, definitely a Thai individual....
  12. "Be it man or woman in Thailand or abroad. " In Thailand, in Thailand. Not in my country....
  13. Finally, an enjoyable post on Aseannow...
  14. I had the same problem with a 4 or 5 year old Eminent unit, after cleaning. Would wake up in the morning, aircon never stopping, even some ice in the bedroom unit. 18 degrees in the morning, if not 16 degrees. And the compressor would never stop... I had to shut down the circuit breaker. Would work ok for some days, then the problem would come back. The technician eventually had to replace a small electronic control inside the bedroom aircon unit. Worked fine after.
  15. Well, could get anyone who is against capital punishment to have a change of heart....
  16. Oh yes, one can always find some anecdotal evidence of societal traits that resemble those found in Thailand. But as wisdom tells us: 'The exception confirms the rule'.
  17. You must be joking I hope... Irresponsibility is part of the culture in Thailand. As long as only insurance companies get stuck with the bills, nothing will change. Certainly not because of a 'broken nose', while we see all the carnage on the roads, and nothing is ever done about it. "As many as 939,713 road accidents were reported in Thailand last year, up 4.7% from 2021, the Thailand Road Accidents Data Centre for Road Safety Culture (ThaiRSC) said. According to data revealed by ThaiRSC on Friday, road accidents claimed 14,737 lives and injured 924,799 in Thailand last year.
  18. I do not consider myself to be a racist. But I have learned about other races a lot, by being around people of other races. Knowing about other races, and developing opinions about other races, certainly is not being racist. As if one could only talk only about other races that they like, while the other opinions, well then they become racists. So if we could just refer to things that we have learnt, what we know... Regardless of how nice one could think that Thai people are, particularly men. Here are some of the characteristics of the population here; - Very selfish. They refuse to obey the traffic regulations. If their driving endangers other people on the roads, so be it. They do not care at all. Speeding, calling, texting... - Very irresponsible. They will try every option they can think of to avoid taking responsibility. In case of road accidents, children they have fathered. Women are left alone to take care of their children, in many instances. I was told by my Thai neighbor not to stay on the scene of an accident, as describing what has been witnessed can be dangerous to one's life. Preventing a driver from lying about an accident is dangerous... - Very emotional. I am told many times to not even look at other drivers on the road, as it could be dangerous if the other driver gets offended at being looked at. - The wisdom here tells that one should never fight a Thai man. You cannot win. They will hold a grudge, until they find a way, with 4 or 5 other men, to avenge a loss of face. But then, all of this can be construed as being a positive or negative, in the context of expats living in Thailand. Seems to me that in so many instances, expats find it positive, as they can have a nice relationship with a Thai woman, who has totally lost any desire to spend time with any of these Thai men... So enjoy your stay...
  19. "He told local media that he may have fallen asleep at the wheel. " Well, 'he may have fallen asleep", may. So if this attempt to avoid taking responsibility shows to be bad for him, he will then be able to claim something else, that 'might' have happened...
  20. As long as the best time for people to make those phone calls and reply to all these text messages, yes the best time for that is while driving. I see so many accidents that can only be caused by people not paying attention to driving, too busy.....
  21. The quest for happiness......
  22. Well no. I did mean Hamas. It was a response to your comment as follows: 'This is not an answer. Israel should only go after Hamas, collateral damage of thousands of Palestinians can't be right, it sounds like a war crime to me." So you are saying that ISRAEL should only go after HAMAS, so my question was: "Who in your opinion should HAMAS have targeted?" Certainly not party goers right? So there was retaliation.... And you would then impose on ISRAEL to go to their drawing board, and slowly try to establish a proportionate response to the attack by HAMAS. You claim that ISRAEL should remain calm, think a lot, go on a meditation experience before attempting any response. Douglas Murray has commented a lot on this idea of 'proportionality of response', during a conflict. His final comment, it is ridiculous and impossible to achieve. All attemps to resolve the Palestine-Israel conflict, were accepted by Israel and all rejected by Palestine. 3 attempts through the years are well documented. What must be understood here, is that other Arab Muslims countries do not want to help the Palestinians by accepting them as immigrant, even Egypt, which is 90% Sunni Muslim, do not want them, even if they share a border. Because wherever these Palestinian go, there are problems. London.... ... Now why in this world would Israel want them, Israel being so hated by Palestinians. Certainly not conducive to friendly ambiance now one would think. Well, actually, Muslims are intolerant to any other culture that they consider as 'infidels'. Their own do not even want them...
  23. And how would a good man respond to this? In other words, HAMAS should go only after who? Dozens of Hamas militants who had blown through Israel’s heavily fortified separation fence and crossed into the country from Gaza opened fire on about 3,500 young Israelis who had come together for a joyous night of electronic music to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkotaza. Saturday’s attack on the open-air Tribe of Nova music festival is believed to be the worst civilian massacre in Israeli history, with at least 260 dead and a still undetermined number taken hostage.
  24. Starts with how children are raised. They MUST 'wai' at elders when they meet. And this forced show of respect comes with a price. The kids are taught that they are less worthy than elders. And when these kids get older, they rebel, wanting to show that they have had enough of that. Wanting to show that they are already 'adults', but without having had been taught about what being an adult means. And they end up being kids in adult bodies, without control over their emotions. The 'wai', oh, is that how parents make their children 'lose face' in front of adults? If this is so, it could explain why young adults would prefer to stab someone else, rather than having to lose face again... Could be... Respect in adult life here is made for people who they fear, who have a higher rank, mainly. The deep "wai" by a sergeant towards a captain, that deep sign of respect, towards a person who uses his authority to obtain money from corruption, and who does none of the duties being paid for, how can anyone explain that? How can anyone have respect for that??? For others, all that is left are expressions of selfishness. These people do not care at all about others. They will drive the way they want, not caring at all about possible dangers created to others, they will stop anywhere on a main road, blocking traffic, just to go buy something, not caring a bit about the dangers created to others. And the list goes on.... The notion of "The liberty of one citizen ends where the liberty of another citizen begins,", well, they are clueless about that. Anyone who finds beauty in the culture here, is still looking straight inside a travel book to obtain information..
  25. FEAR, one must overcome this debilitating emotion as early in life as possible...
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