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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Certainly that outside of Thailand, students are now quite busy learning about pronouns... Might take more than 4 years actually... Gender Neutral / Gender Inclusive Pronouns ; SHE, HER, HER, HERS, HERSELF ; HE, HIM, HIS, HIS, HIMSELF ; zie, zim, zir, zis, zieself. Just a few here as a starter....
  2. Okay, here it is one more time, as you seem to be unable to understand the crux of the matter. It does not matter why this fellow made the video. We do not care why. It is NOT what is important in this video. The essence in this whole matter is that a Thai man showed generosity to someone he thought was hungry. The Thai man showed generosity, and this is what people react positively to. Simply happy to be reminded in this video that Thai people can be generous, and that it makes people feel good to see signs of philanthropy. I hope I expressed it in so many different ways so that you can get to understand it....
  3. Well, times have changed. I cannot say that I like TikTok, but it is here to stay. Many people live from that, whether I like it or not. Many things that I do not like in this evolving world. I sometimes try to put a halt on some of these things, but lately I realized that I will die before I can get the world to go back to where it was some years ago. I was a Trekkie, so yes I am aging, and 'resistance is futile'. But I typically like your comments on this forum. (Might not be reciprocal hehe). Regards
  4. And don't expect everybody to dislike it just because you dislike it....
  5. I am not sure what your motivations are in expressing such an opinion. If some rich guy would do that to me, it would make me very happy. As I could use this additional money to keep on helping people here, in the Philippines, in Cambodia... I would be happy, just like this fruit vendor is happy, at receiving 2,000 bahts. And I do believe that many people would stand behind me hoping to be the recipient of the same generosity, many. So the problem you see is about the camera, not about the generosity, it is about the money that this individual might or will make by showing on video his generous gesture. I actually liked looking at this, happy to see that I am not the only one being generous in this world. And heartwarming to see a Thai man giving free food to someone who might be hungry. And the poor Thai people that I help just about every day, they are also happy to receive a bit of help. I never got accused of being condescending because of some help that I give. So is the motivation simply jealousy... Or else you believe that everyone should do the same as you to show generosity.
  6. "I realise ultimately I should get a more long term visa, but I don't want to use a scamming agent and don't want to break the bank in acquiring something." And I realize that your narrative is straight out of ignorance. Unless of course you know of a list of 'good Agents', and a list of "scamming agents". Many threads on this topic. But now I will not take the time to educate you on this subject. Research it on your own.
  7. Many people are just specialist in finding something bad in anything that they see.
  8. Well, the reckless driving turned out positive in this instance, and became the "the judge, jury, and executioner".
  9. Oh well, corruption here is a way of life. Seems like anyone who gets in a position to benefit from corruption or theft and fraud, will do it. Also seems like the culture here is devoid of checks and balances, that would quickly flag situations where much money is not accounted for... In a land where so many Mercedes Benz and BMW roam the streets. Where does all this money come from. Unpaid taxes. Of course, many Thais made lots of money from the increased land prices over the years. Should be taxed more. And in a land where all I hear are words suggesting politeness, hehe. 'Na khap', 'Na Kha'', after every few words. I got allergic to this useless words tagged to any speech. How about less fake politeness, and more protection of the people, protecting the money that is meant for education, and mostly, protecting people on the streets, providing 'safety', taking actions that would increase safety, not silly actions that are meant to extort money from the people, while doing nothing for the safety. When tourists are stopped and made to pay a fine for not wearing a helmet, I always think, 'how in this world is that supposed to make me feel safe from the maniac driving on these streets.'. LOS, land of selfishness....
  10. I must agree with you. Certainly certain hospitals attract certain types of people... So I stand corrected... Are you a smoker by the way? And which hospital to you go to? So I can go check it out....
  11. Well, I just never saw any at Bangkok hospital in Phuket. None. Not even an ashtray bin outside the entrance doors. None. But I would think that you might be the exception that... well you already know the rest...
  12. Ever heard about the "Exceptions that confirm the rule". If you go to a hospital for example, you will be shocked not to see outside cigarette butts. None. So yes, there are people who develop their brain, and go beyond age 13. Thanks for pointing it out...
  13. Perhaps the only strategy that has a chance of giving good results, to focus on one of the three governing principles in Thailand. "Saving face". So replacing the pictures of mouth and throat cancer victims with just a "caveat" on every pack of cigarettes, and vaping products. "Stupid people exchange good money for a slow acting poison".... Everything else does not work here....
  14. Agree with you. And so strange that when replies include references to education levels, so many members have a reaction of 'confused' or 'sad'. Perhaps less educated people get more emotional... Perhaps....
  15. I smile at people just about al the time. Makes me happy knowing that I wear a smile. People smile back at me, and this all adds to my pleasure in enjoying life, in any circumstances. But this story makes me conclude that if the people here were able to hear the small voice in my head talking about them, I would be dead by now.....
  16. Seven days when many people are not at work, might very well make these days more dangerous...
  17. Next time be careful with some of these people who do not have a College or University degree.. Unpredictable.. Some, of course, some....
  18. Has to do with fear.... People are afraid of dying in an 'unfamiliar way'. Dying in a plane crash, for example, quite unfamiliar, and creates lots of terror in people's mind. COVID death are unfamiliar, and creates fear in the mind of people, of any nationality. Dying on the road, very very familiar here.. It creates no fear at all. All these deaths on the roads create no emotion in the mind of Thai people... And certainly no fear of being arrested and fined by police (sic). All about fear...
  19. You do understand that many Thais use their motorbike to go to work, and kill themselves and others at the same time, because it is for them paramount to get there 15 seconds earlier. Perhaps a fine equal to at least the monthly cost of the poison they buy, and appear to smoke it as if it was the only way to show their virility... Women are lucky that they are quite less influenced to fall for that horrible habit...
  20. Perhaps thinking is your problem. Just go back to your meds pls....
  21. In Thailand, I have a few rules regarding money, all that I need. 1.- "You can borrow an amount of money from me, as long as it is an amount that I am ready to lose". 2.- "You cannot borrow money from me, if you have not reimbursed a previous loan". And I am always happy when a friend borrows a few thousand bahts from me hehe. I am ready to lose that, and I will not loan more money to that person. No exceptions... Guarantor, no different than borrowing money...
  22. And all the time I thought that Australia was an entirely civilized country.....
  23. Sounds logical though. Towards an objective of fewer deaths on the road during Songkran, by limiting the number of eventual deaths in pick-up trucks to no more than 4.
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