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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. "You are either prejudiced or you aren't, and you show you are." preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. "prejudice against people from different backgrounds" Are you saying that you can distinguish "Preconceived opinion", from "postconceived opinion". How do you do that???6
  2. If you want to read from people who 'confine' themselves, please do not read any of my posts. And thank you.
  3. "Most cases are drunk driving, following by overstaying, illegally entering the kingdom, and working without a work permit. " I always considered these bad criminals to be things like: -Murder - Rape - Aggravated assault - Kidnapping - Robbery - Drug trafficking Well, Drunk driving, not safe for others now is it? Somewhat like someone driving too fast I would think. Any of that in Thailand? Well, if anyone oversteps the country's boundary, uninvited, I would still feel safe. Great feeling actually, to feel safe. And if anyone would do the criminal thing of 'working', without a permit. I might worry about my safety, never know what type of work they would do. Or even being forgetful. Not renewing a permission to stay. I already feel unsafe. Actually I once was in a situation where I could not leave the country, and I could not remain in this country. I wonder how many people felt unsafe because of that... Safety, someone should start thinking about that concept here. Anyone not wearing a helmet, it simply does not make me feel insecure. Or having the wrong driving license. It does not make me feel insecure. Particularly in this country....
  4. Well, they could not be made more dangerous.....
  5. Well, how about trying some Buddhist way of looking at the world. Take a deep breath, concentrate on the eventual Nirvana, look at the sky, put a smile on, slow down, smile at the other driver, think that you will get there, wherever you are going. Then you will just forget to bring your gun with you someday, then realize that you never needed it after all.
  6. Ah these IO's, don't they just love the help of 'Agents'....
  7. Success. Face saving went its due course....
  8. I wish I could go back. Windows 10, far better on my computer. Issues that I have, is that is is slower, and most annoying is that W11 will fail to start after a period of 'sleep'. Just will not start. I have to unplug my computer, just about every day, and 'restore' Safari to previous condition. Never had that even once with W10, and I went from W10 Pro to W11 Pro. I use RegCleanPro, to clean the Registry, good for the day. But the registry is always 'not optimal', when I run the optimization function. Not a real big deal, but I do feel W10 pro was flawless compared to W11.
  9. "explained that she had good reason". Well, if one has a reason, particularly a good reason, then, then.... Yes your honor, I did aggress her, or I did shoot her, or I did stab her, but I had a good reason.... I often do question the mental abilities of these people...
  10. So this is the story: "I am an American resident of Thailand. I need to quickly raise 25,000 baht to purchase some BTC (using Coins.co.th), to send overseas as payment for the PIN code for a High Value ATM card that I am holding." So if this is true, you do not have any money at all. Not even a menial amount like 25,000 bahts, but you are in the market to buy BTC, and you possess a High Value ATM card. And you need financial help to access all of this wealth. I mean no disrespect, but this narrative appears to come straight out of Nigeria...
  11. "dereliction of duty as well as receiving cash directly. " Could not lie now could he.....
  12. The people responsible for all these tragedies, are those people who could do something to prevent them, but don't....
  13. Foreign men should call for protection in the Thai sex industry....
  14. All right. So what you are saying is that James Redfield is simply someone who expressed a a theory, and nothing more. But I presume that you would be able to provide more, more like the truth that is, something that we all have been waiting for... So you have something better than this guy: Redfield grew up in a rural area near Birmingham, Alabama. He studied Eastern philosophies, including Taoism and Zen, while majoring in sociology at Auburn University. He later received a master's degree in counseling and spent more than 15 years as a therapist to abused adolescents. During this time, he was drawn into the human potential movement and turned to it for theories about intuitions and psychic phenomena that would help his clients. In 1989, he quit his job as a therapist to write full-time, synthesizing his interest in interactive psychology, Eastern and Western philosophies, science, futurism, ecology, history, and mysticism. When Redfield self-published The Celestine Prophecy, his first novel, in 1992, the interest from booksellers and readers led to its becoming one of the most financially successful self-published books of all time.
  15. "Since this happened I have changed ,I have become a dilligaf person..,Do I look like I give a . .F That scare made me rethink my life and who I associate with and what I care about. In the last few months I have stopped association with toxic people." Appears to me that you are looking for ways to stop associating with 'yourself'.
  16. And what I find the strangest is that tourists come to Thailand, a country they certainly know is the most dangerous on Earth for driving a motorbike, as supported by the number of deaths of Thai people on motorbikes. And then these tourists, who would certainly all claim to have a finely tuned brain, hop on motorbikes and copy exactly what Thais do on the roads to get themselves killed in numbers that would merit a world prize. -High powered motorbikes -Reckless driving -No helmets -On the phone -Feeling quite good (sic) I am out of words to express how I feel about this...
  17. "I guess I've suffered from awful self esteem and depression for many years because I grew up around unhappy parents. It feels like I'm repeating that exact same process. Even though we don't argue, I repress the sadness and loneliness I feel and my mood is often low." I think that here you describe the situation quite clearly. Your difficulty in being happy and difficulty in living happily with someone stems from your parents, and for many people in the same situation, they will not be able to overcome that. Just the way it is... James Redfield wrote this book 'The Celestine Prophecy' in 1993, in which he discusses various psychological and spiritual ideas rooted in multiple ancient Eastern traditions and New Age spirituality. For the purposes of the subject matter, I will focus on the psychological notions contained in that book. But briefly, Redfield has developed the understanding that people use Manipulative Strategies to control people, to obtain ENERGY from other people, and that these strategies will leave indelible marks on children subjected to these manipulations. The NEW AGE aspect of the book describes alternatives for obtaining ENERGY, other than stealing it from people. The PSYCHOLOGICAL aspect of the book describes how this theft of ENERGY affects people, and how to deal with it. So Redfield describes 4 manipulative strategies, ranging from the most AGGRESSIVE, to the more PASSIVE. The AGGRESSIVE strategies The PASSIVE strategies INTIMIDATION VICTIM INTERROGATOR-CRITICAL ALOOFNESS Now a child raised in a family where one of the parents uses one of these strategies will develop a strategy of his own, to counteract the manipulative strategy that he is being subjected to. Redfield describes it as being a strategy to give the parent an amount of ENERGY needed to defuse this manipulation that he is subjected to. Now a child learns for the rest of his life to use that response to manipulations. Unfortunately. So when a child is faced with repetitive Intimidations, he will find that adopting a response as a Victim will calm the situation. And when a child is faced with repetitive Critical Interrogations, he will find that adopting a response as distant and aloof will calm the situation. Some children of course are born and raised in a household where parents do not need to steal energy from people, do not use these manipulative strategies. Lucky children. So what you are saying is that you were not one of the lucky ones. And you seem to have adopted "Passive Strategies", namely being 'victim', or 'aloof', which makes you feel unhappy inside yourself, and makes you look unhappy also, in the eyes of others, including the eyes of a life partner. So one strategy that you could try, is to make a note inside the palm of your hand, that reads "SMILE". And look at it many times a day. And go for long walks and look at the sky, and tell yourself that is is beautiful, and that clouds are beautiful. And try to increase your awareness, of what image you are casting to others from your body language. So you could try to counteract the effect inside you, created from observing your parents when you were young. And if these simple things were to work, and make you 'FEEL' happy, you should consider yourself lucky then. But what has happened to you is 'not your fault'. But if you cannot get yourself to be "aware', that would be your fault. So once the awareness is there, that you are looked at as this cool guy who wears a smile, things will get easier. Good luck
  18. Most certainly came to Thailand with already lots of sadness in his eyes. An additional rejection might have been all that he needed... Away from his familiar surroundings at home might have given him the additional courage to end it all. We should all find a way to confirm this noble truth: 'Life is worth living'. When this becomes impossible....
  19. Well then how about re-assigning them to better duties such as those listed there..... I thought everybody would understand that.... Obviously not.....
  20. This text as been written probably a few decades ago.... There are so many more aspects of Thai culture or absence thereof beyond these mother goose statements.
  21. Hehe. Not only Soi C. I remember of a first day back in Phuket. I went to the ATM and withdrew 10,000 bahts. So all that I had. I ordered a beer. So I handed the cashier one of the 1,000 bahts note. She gave me change for a 500 bahts note. When I told her about her mistake, another bar lady quickly came over and told me: 'I saw it with my eyes, you handed her a 500 bahts note'. They were all in on it. Might have learned the trick from another bar ????. Nothing I could do. But my bottle of beer slipped from my hand, and poured slowly down the bar. "Oh sorry sorry", as fakely as they all say here.. And I got up and walked away. Lesson learned.
  22. The number of implausible reasons that Thai people use to try to avoid responsibility suggests a level of imagination that no one would have thought possible from these people.....
  23. Worried are they... It is about time.....
  24. A point system to change the culture in this country. How innocent can anyone in a position of authority in this country be???
  25. Once an Agent is used to obtain a 'Visa extension', Immigration will try their best so that procedure is used again and again. They very easily see that an Agent has been used before. Trying do get another 'extension' without the Agent, well then, "the documents that you are filing with your application for another extension, is suddenly 'outdated", so must be redone. Once it is redone, you show up again at Immigration, but then Oh, there is a need to obtain a certification from your embassy. And so one, until you feel out of time. Immigration wants you to use an Agent, first time, 35,000 Bt. in cases of no funds in the bank. Second time, with funds in the bank, 14,000 Bt. They want this money. This is what has replaced the former brown envelopes to individual IO. This new system is governed way at the top, and money is shared, according to the will of the 'top'. This is as legal a procedure as any other procedure. If you change location to obtain a 'retirement extension', might be possible. But I do not know. But if you want to get this 'retirement visa extension, without the use of an Agent as you did once before, make sure you have enough time and patience, as there will be a struggle... That is the way it is...
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