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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Religion, and the non-gifted people who believe in them... Sent on behalf of: -The 2.2 billion of Christians -The 1.5 billion of Muslims -The 488 million de Bouddhists -The one billion of believers in hindouism - -the 28 million believers in Sikhism -the 13 million believers in Judaism -the 104 million believers in Shinto - -The 4 million believers in Jainism -and lesser known religions -without forgetting the 189 members of the Flat Earth Society.
  2. "10 Ways to Resolve All Conflicts and End War De-escalate the concept of enemy. ... Treat the other side with respect. ... Recognize that there is the perception of injustice on both sides. ... Be prepared to forgive and ask for forgiveness. ... Refrain from belligerence." Well, try that with HAMAS
  3. If Islam was really a 'religion of peace' as they claim it is, then there would have been more peace and security...
  4. What a place this is, what a place..... Kids are protected by a 'Young offender law', and the adults, by a 'Defamation law'. Someone here has to do something about this....
  5. Fully agree. My experience also. And in addition, they will sometimes hire as a mechanic, any kid, with little experience....
  6. Well, you already know. Everything in this culture supports irresponsibility. Dishonesty is not seen as a bad trait. Then a lie will follow: 'Not happened here' they will claim. And if one complains further: Moving on to the 'defamation law'. Until you give up...
  7. "claiming he was confused due to having been “away for four years.” Well, 4 years immersed Thailand will get one prolific in formulating excuses to avoid responsibility..
  8. Just wondering why the police here seem to like doing this kind of work, while they really do not like to do anything to ensure 'safety' on the roads. Police and safety, feels to me like these two words should go together... Oh well. Just checked my GPS. It explains it all....
  9. Wish that a professional could be hired to sort this out. Do not leave this in the hands of politicians, or in the hands of soldiers acting as politicians. Get a professional to work on a 'decision table', ideally a lawyer, describing all possible circumstances related to the subject, and showing the outcome for each circumstance. A 'decision table' is the perfect tool to describe a multitude of rules in a given topic, and it also highlights missing circumstances, so highlighting holes left in any redacted law or set of rules. This law, described through a 'decision table', would show so may holes, so may missing circumstances, so many missing conditions, that nobody could even know how to call it.... Well, I used to do that kind of work....
  10. A good visa agent is one close to you, who deals with the local immigration office for services.... So you are not providing much information to go on...
  11. Just wondering how 'bars' are able to avoid detection.....
  12. "There are many reasons why I don't have kids and I am not a parent." You missed the best opportunity to learn something worthwhile in this world, "to accompany a child or children through their developmental years'. And you should not boast about not having had the courage to do so....
  13. But the point should be that this forum is (or should be) learning, and sharing our own knowledge with others. (or should be). So so often no knowledge is shared by posters with an inordinate amount of posts. Oh oh, let me check on some of my posts.???? And I so often think about asking some of these kids who are concentrated on their phones, (and older kids too), "What are you learning", while I know very well that they are learning nothing. Most are just obviously playing electronic games (that does very little to the body and mind). I spend a lot of time discussing with my son, and many times using questions. -"Tell me something that you know very well, and that you do not like?". And when you say that you do not like something, would you think that it be more appropriate to say "Oh, I do not know that"? -"Do you think that you possess 'free will'?" - Do you think that 'freedom' is something to strive for?". And if so, don't you think that dependencies and addictions limit your freedom? - Describe the difference between addictions, and habits that you have not because you are addicted, but simply because you like them? My apologies to all those Thai people who actually conduct such teachings to their children, while I am so tempted to believe that it is nowhere to be found here...
  14. "Concerned citizens' again. Never thought I would see that happening.... ????
  15. Everything, every action in this country reflects its culture. And the culture will not change. Police get orders not to intervene with school children, in whichever means they use to get to school. Parents will still accept the dangerous actions of their children. And some of these parents will end up crying. And the culture will carry on....
  16. Thai people do not walk.... And they need to ask Buddha for more money. That would explain a lot, now wouldn't it?
  17. The incident was likely exacerbated by adverse road conditions, ongoing construction, insufficient lighting, and heavy rainfall. If that were the case, would not all the cars on that road at he same time, under the same conditions, have ended up in this canal???
  18. I remember this Guru explaining that the person ultimately responsible for any event, is the person who could have prevented this event. All these tragic events should have been prevented by the police, who are tasked and paid for the security of the citizens using the roads here. Actions to prevent tragedies on the roads here, are simply non-existent. And lawlessness sets in, and becomes a cultural trait. And this had very interesting Guru teachings actually. This Guru used a striking example to make his point. The end of the cold war, USSR-US, in 1982, which is attributed to a letter sent by a 10 year old girl. " Dear Mr. Andropov, My name is Samantha Smith. I am ten years old. Congratulations on your new job. I have been worrying about Russia and the United States getting into a nuclear war. Are you going to vote to have a war or not? If you aren’t please tell me how you are going to help to not have a war. This question you do not have to answer, but I would like to know why you want to conquer the world or at least our country. God made the world for us to live together in peace and not to fight. Sincerely, Samantha Smith" Subsequently, Andropov invited the little girl: " “I invite you, if your parents will let you, to come to our country, the best time being this summer." Samantha took Andropov up on his offer, and after careful preparation on both sides, she arrived in Moscow on an Aeroflot flight in July 1983. This is claimed to be the onset of meetings Andropov-Reagan, which culminated in the 'End of the cold war'. Now the Guru asked all of us listening to him: 'Who is responsible for the prevention of another war USSR-US from happening in those years? We quickly replied the this young girl was responsible for preventing this eventual war. Then followed another question from the Guru. If this little girl had not sent her letter to Andropov, and another war would have ensued, WHO would have been responsible for that war. The question was met with just silence from all of us present. And the Guru added. Being responsible is not just about the good things that happen. If there is something that you could have prevented, and you failed to do so, you are definitely responsible for the results of your inactivity as well as your actions. Regardless of the magnitude of the events. Took a while for all of us to grasp that...
  19. There are so many things that people in Thailand should complain about, and do not. Many things so much more important than someone wanting to make a few bahts driving someone to the airport. If you are all for the rights of people in Thailand, get busy, you have lots of work to do. Seems like taxi drivers are able to get time from police in Thailand, while all these citizens that would have so much to complain about, do not do so. Because, Thais know that after a complaint, "Nothing will happen". But you are all for the immediate action of police, when a taxi driver gets concerned.... And yes, "whoever complained was right to do so". Well, if they are taxi drivers of course.....
  20. Something similar happened to me some years ago. But it was between me and my Thai GF. She had another BF when I was back home for some months. When I came back, I asked her to leave. She said that she was not leaving the apartment, and that she wanted ME to go, and leave everything behind, furniture and all. So one day, I changed the locks, put all of her stuff on the veranda outside, and left to sleep in a rented room for the night. I got a call in the morning, she was asking if I did put her stuff outside, and changed the locks, rather than the owner I suppose. I answered that I did put her stuff outside. She told me that I was in big trouble, and that the police was outside waiting for me. So I went to the apartment, greeted by 4 policemen. We went together to the owner, and the police asked the owner, 'Who rented the apartment, and who pays the rent?". He replied: "Falang''. They went back to the apartment with a pick-up truck, put al her stuff in the back of the pick-up, and asked my gf where she wanted her stuff sent. My GF thought for sure that the police would side with her, no matter what....
  21. So some 'concerned citizens' are now starting to complain, about a taxi, but not concerned about their own safety on the roads, not concerned about the noise from modified motorbikes, not concerned about the reckless driving on the roads, not concerned about vehicles using a whole lane of a busy road to park their vehicle shopping. How about the truth, a taxi driver noticed some unwanted competition in the business, and complained.
  22. I think even Thais know that once you buy something, it is yours, in Thailand. That is the way it is here. But what you describe after, is quite in line with what I see in the Thai culture. The pollute their speech with useless words like Ka and Khap, and the 'Wai', which should symbolize 'respect' for others. No such thing here, selfishness is prevalent in their behavior, and contradicts those words of respect. If respect would be part of the equation, and consistent with all these useless words that they utter, these clerks would have found a way to explain to you, with a smile, that while they would wish to exchange the goods bought, that it is not something that store do in Thailand. And found a way to part with you, with smiles on all faces... That is the real problem....
  23. Of all the things that this fellow might have lost through his life, he might very well be missing his mind the most....
  24. In a land where the notion of 'responsibility' does not exist, this behavior should surprise no one... And of course he will have some reason to decline responsibility, they all are masters at it....
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