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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. In a land where the notion of 'responsibility' does not exist, this behavior should surprise no one... And of course he will have some reason to decline responsibility, they all are masters at it....
  2. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But it is not a case of "maybe'' that this brit annoyed uncivilized cowards, using a level of violence that was totally uncalled for. No one in this group of selfish babies thought for a second that this fellow could be some day their own father, and that similarly no compassion would be part of the equation in dealing with him...
  3. Yes. My friend got that treatment at Bangkok hospital in Phuket. $1,600, Canadian. 40,000 bahts. Seemed satisfied.
  4. Christopher Hitchens: '' There are people who only think about themselves. And there are people who get pleasure from being unpleasant to other people, and inflicting cruelty on them. The first group we call sociopathic, and the second group we call the psychopathic. And they occur in nature and in society. My only problem is with those who all think that they were made in the image of God." So it appears that there are gradients to these two conditions. And this gradient goes from 'being able to be accepted as part of society', to 'needed to be removed from society'. This here is a case of the latter.
  5. What an extremely nice reply, to an exchange of texts, that did not start very well. Regards
  6. From your original post: ''But don't forget that if, say, the SSD or other single component goes tits up, the whole thing is un-useable. As in a laptop of course. '' Even your memory is getting defective....
  7. Single component = Screen/monitor, CPU, Motherboard, WiFi, Bluetooth, Camera, Microphone..... Same. You imply that users could bring a Mini-PC to a hotel, and then that that hotel has a monitor that can be used through an HDMI cable. Well, what id the hotel does not supply a TV that has an HDMI port, or even, what if the TV in the hotel is also defective? But the main point is: Mini-PC's are not meant to be brought to hotel rooms. They are basically meant to be used in the same fashion as a desktop. A Laptop, is what one brings on a trip. And CPU, motherboards, same. When they get defective, it will disable a Mini-PC a desktop, or an all-in-one, they will all be disabled. And as for WiFi, Bluetooth, Camera, Microphone..... , these just about never happen to be defective. But you suggest that it could happen, so I will grant you that. But that they might get defective, while on a trip, in a hotel room, and what else. But my apologies. I might have over-reacted a bit. Regards
  8. Oh wow. What an incredibly stupid post. May I point out to you, that if the SSD in your mini PC gets defective, it will become as un-useable as an all-in=one computer.
  9. I do not know what you mean by 'other single component', but if the SSD gets defective, you just put a new one in. But then, what did you mean by 'un-useable'? Do you mean that one cannot use it until it is repaired? And I do prefer an all-in-one to a mini PC, even though a mini PC is a very good option....
  10. Hummin has asked you two times to disclose your IQ score. I am also waiting for your response. Based on your narrative, your EQ will certainly be assessed. Does not look too good. As it related to your IQ, based again on your narratives, as this is the only means that we have to assess a possible score, might also not look very good. So perhaps you could show some humility, could at least kick up your estimated EQ.
  11. Now why would you infer that I am getting steamed up? Where do you get that from? If you write this way, no wonder that I misunderstood what you meant about dental assistants... And yes I did see a demeaning of dental assistants in your text. If it was not your intention, perhaps you could re-write your text, which I copy here and is as follows: ''Exactly. Why else would they be working in such a boring, intellectually stultifying job? No room for thinking, and no need, nor wish to think.'' And I was very calmly replying to this narrative, suggesting to you, that it at the least, appears to be demeaning...
  12. That anyone who would want to commit a crime, which could end up in murder, to choose an older fellow, which would be at his advantage.
  13. Ok. Finally a good thought. Looks real good....
  14. Why would you post such demeaning texts towards any people, or any type of work. Many people in this forum have parents or family members who hold jobs that are even less prestigious than dental assistants. And they are very good people who do the best that they can... End of discussion with you.....
  15. I did not write 'How does a 25 year sentence attract people to kill old people?' Please learn to read.
  16. Hummmmm. Dental assistants have an IQ level of 100 at best....
  17. But I had some very nice relationships with girls just at the height of the bell curve. An IQ of 100 was good enough to create a great bond. Perhaps even better than any of the gifted ladies that exist out there....
  18. Well, if you are looking for girls who are so honest and truthful, all that you might find are girls claiming that they are feeble-minded, and looking for a generous man....
  19. Epicurus on god, circa 300ish BC: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” And more currently: "Neil deGrasse Tyson on God" Neil explains what most Atheists are really thinking. He explains that if God does exist and is all powerful, then it is quite evil. So for anybody who believes in a God of some kind, this person believes that there is a maniac out there going from mischief to mischief...
  20. Yes i did go there. Many messages with a member who takes the time to write, but with no valuable content whatsoever. The best I could do while trying to remain polite. But thank you for your post. While it was not positive towards me, at least, it has a content, some merit. Regardless of your level of education. But completely irrelevant, not sure about that. If one repeatedly writes comments that have no merit, at one point I will wonder if it is related to a low IQ, or simply related to ignorance. Some people with high IQ have a lower level of formal education. So this fellow, as you say 'went there', repeatedly posted useless info. And in fact, you never repeatedly wrote useless posts, so the question was never asked to you. Regards
  21. Again a reply containing no useful information at all. My I respectfully ask what is your level of education...
  22. Well, I do teach as many people as I can about the facts that I have learned, about food or otherwise. Ad hominem statements and your anecdotal ones, are just the definition absence of true knowledge. So in this instance, I must indicate that I will stop trying to educate you on food matters, as your ability to learn is somewhat deficient. But I did try. Regards
  23. So you came up with another anecdote. Good. My anecdote is a Thai friend who has diabetes, suffered a stroke, and is only in his early 60's. As many anecdotes as you can find, shows only that your knowledge on the subject is deficient. I am trying to be factual only, but facts here might be construed as 'ad hominem'. Hehe. My apologies.
  24. Please indicate that you are not serious... You are suggesting that killing 'you', is not as bad as killing a younger person. Because of course, you would forgive the killer since he has taken not too many years off of your life. So people should be invited to kill older people, as these people would somehow agree that their death was not that bad after all. Need one hell of a lawyer...... Hehehe So please......
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