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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Typically, these Indian psychics try to trick people into believing that they have special powers, and so that these 'customers' feel compelled into paying the psychic for this 'service'. A person with special powers, better give a good tip, so that this power does not turn bad towards this individual. These scammers could have made good psychologists...
  2. "all of us should be very, very alarmed at what is currently going on with Mr. Swiss. " Actually, in this instance, Thailand is doing the right thing. The fact that America and Canada as well, do not deal responsibly with bad behaviors of immigrants, illegal as they might also be, is related to a left wing political approach to crime and punishment. And this left wing approach absolutely does not make it a better approach, morally or otherwise. And the Americas should learn from a Conservative right wing approach, as we can see here in Thailand, with respect to immigration...
  3. "We want the people of Phuket to trust us.” Straight out of a stand-up comedy hour....
  4. A clear case of certain plea of insanity by Straumann, as no sane person raised in a civilized country would react this way.
  5. Surely he only needed a reason to go back home, to get away from his Thai girlfriend....
  6. It is certainly not because Thais show some bad behaviors, that it would entitle foreigners to get away with bad behaviors, be it against Chinese or Thai people. Something starting with 'it is not because', identifies a following sophism, a fallacy. No sympathy for this guy, particularly because the targets were two women, and of different nationality. And so it is, justice here does not have a flavor of fairness....
  7. "He said he did not intend to harm her but was worried about the Chinese trespasser." So got confused about the 'race', hehe. After getting confused about public and private land. And then got confused about how to properly deal with such a benign situation. Now just try to close this Pandora's box.....
  8. Because of either polarization of views such as: Just about 50% of people is left wing, and just about the remainder 50% is right wing. One hell of a disagreement in North America for a start. The other 50% then, all, all,well they are all wrong, and st..... Oh well And then there is beliefs. Darn, so many people are so wrong on the topic. Actually just about all of them. Considering that: -There are 2.2 billion of Christians -There is 1.5 billion of Muslims -There is 488 million de Buddhists -There is one billion of believers in Hinduism - -there are 28 million believers in Sikhism -there are 13 million believers in Judaism -there are 104 million believers in Shinto - -There are 4 million believers in Jainism -and then lesser known religions -without forgetting the 189 members of the Flat Earth Society. So much in there to start telling someone, in no uncertain terms, that he is wrong, and st....
  9. Well, I think that you have a 'style' in writing, which I actually enjoy seeing in your posts Ok ok, maybe not all, but I like your style.....
  10. Well, re-posting this, again, for you sir.... " Re-posting this one here... Seems like you might need this knowledge as well..... "Well yes, in this land, situations are mostly related to money and territory. I am located in Phuket, and there are many Agents who offer a service of dealing with an IO on a customer behalf, for a fee. And this fee is shared between the Agent, and at a very high level at the IO, then further shared... And strangely, some of the Agents are able to conduct their business directly with the local IO, while others go through a remote IO, such as Nakhon Sawan. Now why is that, I have no idea. Appears like Agents must be 'accredited' for the use of such a service at a given IO. And those Agents who appear to not be able to be accredited locally here, are always able to find a remote IO that is willing to offer such a service to Agents. But the consequence of getting a 'retirement extension' from a remote location, would mean that the IO doing a 90 day for example, would be required to do that 'free' work, while knowing very well that a non-local IO got a share of the money for the initial 'extension' work. Not happy with that. So some Agents who deal with a non-local IO, for whatever reason, will offer a free service of obtaining all 90 day reports from the IO that was used to obtain the 'retirement visa'. This of course would entail having to send the passport again and again through mail to obtain the 90 day stamps. Something that of course anyone would like to avoid. An IO can tell what process was originally used to obtain a service, through a quick glance at the passport. That is what they do for a living. A few seconds will do it... And to add to the complexity of this situation, once a foreigner has used an Agent, the IO will try as they can to keep this individual to keep on putting money in the system. Lots of money in there. Trying to do further 'retirement extensions' on your own, at the lower fee of course, will get you to be faced with all sorts of problems, being raised by the IO, to make the process as long and difficult as possible. With the aim of breaking you down and getting you back at an Agent's office, and paying the bigger fee. If one is intent on not paying for an Agent, make sure that your income taxes are in order in your country, make sure that your embassy will offer a service of confirming your income, and accept to be patient time and time again when you are told that "Oh, the for that you used is an out-dated one. Use this one, and come back some other day..... I was initially forced to go see an Agent, after the onset of the Covid era, with airport closed here, borders of neighboring countries closed, so not being able to leave the country to extend my OA visa, and not being able to stay in the country, as my visa would soon expire. 2019, 2020. When I explained that at the IO, I was told that there was nothing that they could do. The law was written this way. Then I was told in a whisper, go see an Agent, they will fix it up for you. And Agent, Oh yes."
  11. Not illegal according to Immigration officers, and not illegal for the Head Boss at the IO who very knowingly signs off retirement extensions...
  12. No such thing as an 'illegal agent', particularly when in some situations, their use is suggested by Immigration Officers, at the Immigration Office...
  13. All that is possible of course, but from my understanding, Only for people who have NEVER used an Agent before, Only... Now is that the case for you????
  14. A look more powerful than the laws in Thailand, more powerful than a threat of police intervention, a look more powerful than all those words in the dictionary. I want nothing else than be friendly with you... 😉
  15. "The doctor trespassed on the foreigner’s property and he physically assaulted her." I am clearly reading 'trespassed', so definitely a joke, or manipulation out of corruption. No such thing as trespassing in Thailand. People go anywhere they want, park anywhere they want, people even have to put a 'no parking' sign in front of their driveway, and many times even in front of their front door. So a fat foreigner, showing a clear lack of synaptic activity, goes berserk at the sight of someone at the edge of his property. Anyone, not wealthy of course, showing such a mental disorder, would be put in restrainers and brought to the police station or a mental hospital. And beaten by the officers to subdue the out of control individual. Oh well, yes, having money, sometimes helps, when nothing else could....
  16. I saw something on this topic somewhere... Oh yes..... “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
  17. Were you unlucky enough to be processed by a female Immigration Officer?
  18. If anyone saw on omen in that, must definitely be of Thai descent....
  19. It's best not to get out of your house in Thailand, never know what might happen....
  20. Better chance of a long time relationship, and a lot better chance of being appreciated....
  21. At that time in the morning. Still walking alone. The taxi driver certainly just thought of giving her the attention that she seemed to be unsuccessfully looking for. This will now give him a bad impression of German girls...😊 But more seriously, this lady is ready to lose all that time to make a complaint, about an attempt, unwanted, in Thailand... Perhaps she should simply have learnt from the event, and hopefully the taxi driver as well...
  22. Well, these Russians must feel right at home here then....
  23. Disagree. Nothing in there is moral and ethical. Legal I would presume. The renter having entered into a contract, means that he will get rent for the stated period. Some civilized countries even allow someone to sub-rent at their own cost, so that the renter does not end up losing money. And the most civilized renters will reimburse a deposit, after receiving rent from another tenant. Oh yes, I forgot, TIT
  24. Doing business, typically has little to do with being moral. This renter will certainly not lose any money in your change in plans. But he leans on the side of 'doing business'.
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