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Everything posted by connda

  1. Rocks. Well, if you have a large willey. It seems guys with large willeys can't shoot as they never have had any practice. Small willey guys use pellet guns. Me? I have a medium willey so I use cats. 👍
  2. I just do the marriage extension. Less funds tied up in a Thai bank. Regarding the paperwork hassle. Put it into perspective - it's once a year. Keep a folder in your file cabinet which contains duplicates of all the paperwork. Take three sets of pictures during one sitting. Change your shirt between sitting and you now have three years of photos. Print out multiple copies of your TM-7 that is filled with the exception of the date. Then you just need to get the bank statement and copies and a new Kor 2 and copies. Bob's your uncle! It ain't that difficult. Then just plan for 45 minutes to an hour at immigration once the IO starts working on your paperwork. I've spent more time sitting in a dentist's chair. Again, put it into perspective. Yeah - it's a PITA, but it's once a year. Be prepared and it's just another yearly visit to the Amphur (Kor 2), the bank (statement) and then to the Immigration Office. Marriage Extension Requirements - Ubonjoe.pdf
  3. I don't trust the accuracy of the FBS glucose meter my wife uses. I won't list the name due to the Machiavellian defamation laws here in Thailand other than to say it was purchased from a well-known online retailer. Which was probably my first mistake. Lately her FBS counts have been odd. So, we took four different tests this morning, at the same time (one after another) and the results ranged from 95 to 115 mg/dl. I consider this highly inaccurate. The test strips are new. I'm looking for recommendations for FBS glucose monitor that is accurate and for which test strips are readily available here in Thailand. Accurate and moderately priced for both meter and test strips. We don't need the Mercedes of glucose monitors. But it does need to be accurate.
  4. So get those mRNA Covid shots as often as suggested by the experts and you'll be safe!
  5. Those are excellent observations. Keep your masks on, 24/7 if possible, and make sure you get every single shot and booster whenever a new variant-busting booster is released. And remember to social distance, and even better, just stay at home. Stay away from other people and if you must interact with others, best to double or triple mask. Make sure to stay on top of your other shots too. Flu, dengue, HPV, shingles, yellow-fever, hepatitis, MMR, tetanus, rabies - but especially Covid shots. Many experts were recommending Covid shots at least every three to six months. Look at what the experts say. "ACIP’s COVID vaccine working group, however, says its information on the original monovalent series and boosters suggests protection against hospitalization starts waning four months after a person receives the dose." "Protection appears to be restored after people receive additional doses over time, according to ACIP." "The CDC reported in February that mortality rates among people who received a bivalent booster were 14 times lower than in those who had never been vaccinated and three times lower than in people who received the original COVID vaccination series but no booster." -- How Often Should People Get COVID Boosters?, Scientific American, April 13, 2023 So right from American scientific experts mouths: Protection wanes after 4 months but "appears to be restored" if you keep getting those boosters and the CDC messages is that you are 14 times less likely to die as compared to anti-vaxxers. I know my anti-vaxxer aquaintences have been dropping like flies misted with Baygon. "Receiving at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose was associated with a significantly lower risk of respiratory failure, ICU admission, intubation/ventilation, hypoxaemia, oxygen requirement, hypercoagulopathy/venous thromboembolism, seizures, psychotic disorder, and hair loss." --MeRxiv Six-month sequelae of post-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 infection: a retrospective cohort study of 10,024 breakthrough infections, Nov 8, 2021 And look at the other benefits of Covid vaccination. Prevention of "seizures, psychotic disorders, and hair loss." Well, at least in those 10,024 people who got the Covid shots and then came down with Covid in a "breakthrough" case, which of course is very rare. So - get your shots, keep your hair. Excellent. No more need to take finasteride and minoxidil, and with the savings you can afford more Covid shots! "Vaccination (compared with no vaccination) was associated with reduced odds of hospitalisation or having more than five symptoms in the first week of illness following the first or second dose, and long-duration (≥28 days) symptoms following the second dose." --The Lancet, Risk factors and disease profile of post-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 infection in UK users of the COVID Symptom Study app: a prospective, community-based, nested, case-control study, September 1, 2021 So there it is from the experts - Take more shots and you'll have 'reduced odds of....long-duration (≥28 days) symptoms, i.e., long Covid. Never can be too safe is my motto. mRNA Covid shots are proven to keep the plague of Covid at bay. Get your boosters today! If you get the shots you won't get Covid. And if you do get Covid you won't get sick. And if you do get sick you won't die. And if you do die, you won't die bald. And you won't get long Covid. Promise, or so say the experts.
  6. Make sure to bring your Bluetooth speaker with you so you can drown out their puny little smartphone speakers.
  7. Rich is a relative term. Now I don't consider billionaires to be rich. I call that obscenely wealthy.
  8. The Eva Gabor of chickens. Looks great but totally useless on a farm.
  9. Jeepneys definitely had more flair than Thai baht buses. And for that matter I liked the gals in the PI better too. Same, same but different.
  10. Use a US bank issued Credit Card and you are protected. Using a debit card is risky at best.
  11. I'll be really honest. I rode a bicycle daily for 2 1/2 years during university as it was my only transportation. I clocked a lot of miles and had thighs like rocks. You'd think I'd be pro-bicyclist. Nope. I find them to be some of the most arrogant people on this planet. "I have a RIGHT to this road too!!! Arrrrgghhh." Here's my philosophy regard bicycle and motorcycle driving. It's very simple: a car, pickup, bus, or truck outweighs me by magnitudes of pounds-kgs. I understand physics. The odds are stacked up against two-wheelers. You are smaller, magnitudes lighter, and quite often difficult to see, especially at night. If I hit them, or they hit me - then I'm the one who will be hurt regardless of 'who's at fault.' So? I ride my bike / MC accordingly. My goal? Not to be in an accident, period. I've seen too many arrogant "I have a right to be on the road and you cars, pickups, buses, and trucks need to respect me - or else" do some of the stupidest maneuvers on the roads - Thailand and in the West, especially in the West. Deliberately putting themselves in dangerous positions, "Because I have the right dammit!" It's an attitude that will get you killed or injured, especially here in Thailand. I personally have respect for the traffic around me. Not like "the traffic is superior" respect, but respect like, "Any one of those cars, pickups, buses, or truck could easily kill me," kind of respect. It a self-survival kind of respect. My bicycle was my transportation. It wasn't a hobby. Maybe that was the difference. I never was a hobby rider who thought of themselves like the Spandex Gods Of The Road. I've never even worn Spandex. I rode in shorts and shirt unless it was cold. Then it was jeans, a shirt and and jacket. If you're on two wheels and have an attitude? Eventually it will get the best of you.
  12. Planet Vegan. This one starved herself to death according to the MSM, here in Thailand no less. 👇👇👇 On the flip-side I don't give those doing the all-meat 'carnivore diet' any quarter either. Vegan and Carnivore diets are both extremes. And stupid in my humble opinion. I've heard the arguments on both sides. Fanatics one and all. Eat a healthy mix of foods. Humans are omnivores. Eatus Anythingus. Good diets contain a mix of meats, vegetables, and fruits. That supplies the right mix of carbs, fats, proteins, vitamin, minerals, and micro-nutrients. As they say, "Variety is the spice of life." Bon appetite.
  13. Pork loin was down to 108 THB / kilo at Marko this week. Bought a nice loin roast. Can't wait to cook this up. Yummy!
  14. Actually I liked the outcome. No injury to the motorcycle drivers. One less insane Thai driver on the road. "Instant Karma's gonna get 'cha!"
  15. Another normal day in the LOS (Land Of Smash-ups). Glad the motorcyclist weren't killed. Of course we'll hear this from the hospital bed of the driver - "Brake Failure."
  16. You need to see a highly experienced and referred ENT. I suggest asking @Sheryl for a recommendation for the best ENT in Chiang Mai (in her opinion). She often recommends a doctor in Bangkok especially for surgery. If I was having the issues you were having I'd probably book a flight to Bangkok and visit that particular ENT that Sheryl recommends.
  17. If you are that paranoid? Oh my goodness. Think of all the Thais on yaba wielding machetes and looking for rich farangs so they can steal their bank book. Think of all of the B-girls looking to milk your bank account to "help mum's sick buffalo." Think of all the B-girls who are actually T-girls who are looking to beat you up and take your bank book. Think of taxi drivers with "big knives" who hope your bank book is left in their taxis. And, goodness gracious, the thought to supplying a bank account to an online retailer like Lazada, or Shopee, or Amazon Global. And the aliens. The aliens want your bank book and your account number. I know! They told me. Muuuuuhaaahaaa. And Thai Immigration immigration officers. Egads! The worse. Taking pictures of your bank book and passports and emptying your account the day after issuing you an extension. Omg! It happens all the time! Don't 'cha know!!!
  18. From my perspective. There is no long-term testing of the mRNA shots. And I don't see any "emergency" any more to justify their use. The FDA fast-tracked approvals without any long term testing. And the pharmaceutical companies don't care as they enjoy a complete government promoted liability shield. 10 years from now there could be conclusive proof that the mRNA Covid shots caused injuries and deaths, but the companies manufacturing those shots will walk away clean as a whistle, completely indemnified. The heads of the FDA will probably have "retired from public service" and have taken lucrative jobs with the companies they supposedly regulated. I had Covid and it was a mild flu-like illness. The risk/reward ratio as far as I am personally concerned is weighted very heavily in the "risk" zone. From personal experience within my own family, the flu shots of the past never stopped me from getting the flu, and the Covid shots my extended family members took didn't stop them from getting Covid. Quite literally, everyone in my extended family who got the Covid shots came down with Covid, most in 2021 when the shots were introduced. I'm not interested in the Covid shots for many of the same reasons as the annual flu shots. I stopped taking the flu shots 20 years ago because they lacked efficacy. As far as I was concerned, they didn't work and I am not willing to continually inject myself with the vaccines let alone the toxic adjutants they contain if they don't have close to 85% efficacy. Historically the 'vaccine efficacy' for flu shots between 2004 and 2022 has ranged between 10% efficacy to 60% with the average efficacy well under 50%. Using the CDC's own numbers, the average efficacy of the flu vaccines between 2014 to 2022 was an impressive 36%. The source tables supporting the above statements are linked at the bottom of the page1. So? Why take flu shots if you have a 64% chance of getting the flu if you got the shots? Likewise with Covid shots. Anecdotally using my own family as a gauge, why would I get the Covid shots when my entire family came down with Covid months before myself (who didn't take the shots)? "They will keep you from being hospitalized!" I had no shots and Covid was a mild flu-like illness that was completely gone after 4 days. I never went to the hospital. I stayed home to keep from spreading it, stayed hydrated, took Tylenol, and was over the fever in 60 hours. Fully recovered in 96. (I kept track in a spreadsheet). And to boot, I now have immunity. From here on out "Memory T and B cell Lymphocytes" will be on guard protecting me from future infections of even other SARS-Cov-2 variants. So, speaking for myself, why take a shot for SARS-Cov-2 infection that doesn't keep you from getting the mild SARS flu and which does have risks of significant adverse reactions? Well, at least according to the Rassmussen poll. "It protects the elderly from hospitalization!" I'm 71 and change. I am "The Elderly." Hospitalization wasn't even a thought. I've had worse cases of flu when I was significantly younger and healthier So, keep your eyes open for continuing long-term efficacy and safety research of the mRNA Covid shots. Eventually, over the long-term, we will know the facts, good or bad. Just not today. 1. Past Seasons’ Vaccine Effectiveness Estimates, Last Reviewed: June 2, 2023Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)
  19. "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die." -- Joe Biden, July 2021 CNN Townhall Meeting Biden wasn't alone in promoting this inaccurate messaging. Now we're suppose to believe these same people who will now come out of the woodwork to discount the validity of this poll and others iike it, and who will double-down with the "safe and effective" trope? At this moment there are researchers engaged in research to determine the safety of mRNA Covid vaccines and the mRNA technology which the shots are based on. The longer the timeline, the more research will have been conducted as well as meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of the shots will have been conducted. Over time, the facts will come out - good and bad. Let the chips fall where they may.
  20. I've watch pork loin go down from 180 THB to 109 THB the last time I was in Makro. I don't see a problem. Consumers enjoy deflationary prices, but the government being the government, wants to implement inflationary pain again.
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