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Everything posted by connda

  1. Oh, they could be reined in. If the government wanted to weigh in with regulations. Obviously they don't. Check out PTT's year-over-year revenues and profits as we move on to 2023. Well Ok. Free market supply and demand? Maybe. Or maybe not? If they show up with windfall revenues and profits? Then the government needs to regulate in then name of national security. Well, unless the plan is massive austerity for the commoners as well as taking driving out of their financial reach as major oil suppliers leverage geopolitical tension and claim, "It's not us! What can we do!" Me personally. I can stomach 100 THB / liter with no problems. But by that time there would be such civil chaos in Thailand as well as the world that the commoners would be sharpening their swords and guillotines again. Look at Sri Lanka. ???? We keeping hearing about all of these "Public-Private Partnerships" that supposedly makes the world a better place to live. I don't believe it personally. When I hear "Public-Private Partnerships" the first thing that comes to my mind is Classic Fascism. That's never good for the common-folk. Just saying...
  2. Do as we say or you'll be sanctioned.
  3. Not my cup of tea. She'd do better in The Miss Girl-Next-Door competition.
  4. The alcohol made him do it. He's really a sweet, gentle man. ????
  5. I agree. I total respect a devout Muslim's belief that Muslims should not drink, smoke ganja, or engage in homosexuality. And all good Muslims should follow that doctrine. But? I'm not Muslim. I don't attempt to force my religious beliefs on those who embrace Islam. So I don't expect those who embrace Islam to force their ideology on non-Muslims. Respect is a two-way street.
  6. What a wonderful idea. Go for it! How Vietnam this time of year?
  7. I run Linux with VirtualBox and run Windows in a VM. The addtional RAM is for the VM.
  8. But - Boy Howdy - they sure make the I/O significantly faster.
  9. That's the same symptoms as Dengue.
  10. Just out of curiosity. How do they handle Social Security deposits. I just looked at my bank book and my SSA deposit is not flagged as a "foreign deposit."
  11. Which is why My Place became the primary pub and hang out at. If you wanted to buy the staff a drink they all appreciated the gesture but they weren't supplying escort services. It generally was one bartender, one wait staff, and a cook. It was just a nice low-key place to hang out and get something to eat and watch sports on TV.
  12. What will YOU do now that marijuana is sort of "legal" in Thailand? Smoke it. Like I have. And yet. Interestingly. The experience is different than those I had a decade and a half ago. And completely different than when I was in my teens and early 20s. Honestly - It's not a big deal. I'd rather have a good Home Brewed beer. But if someone is passing a spiff? I'll take a hit. "You'll get Covid!" So be it. I stopped living in fear a long while ago.
  13. Then let it go. Stop being wired to arrest people. The law has changed. Accept it. Spend the extra time and manpower on pursuing real criminals. Not some pothead.
  14. Darwin Award Winner Of The Week. I understand taking risks, especially when you're young. You're - ALIVE! It's a great feeling until you screw up.
  15. Because they can. Watch their Profit/Loss column. Predatory corporations are raking in huge profits while blaming it on - Inflation.
  16. Just like a Pitt Bull or Rottie. They wouldn't harm a hair on your head. Many won't. Some will.
  17. I used to live in that area between Loy Kroi and Thapae. I never saw that sort of behavior. With that attitude? Settle your bill, leave. Never go back. Make others aware of the behavior so they can avoid it. The destruction of the bar and pub industry wasn't caused by farang. They should be happy that farang are showing up again. Aggressiveness? That ain't gonna cut it. Aggressiveness toward farang should be rewarded with boycotts of their bars and pubs.
  18. Until lately my transfers took two or three days. Now - a few seconds. Now, honestly, if it took a couple of days again? Big deal. If I needed a fast transfer I'd use an ATM. But these transfers to "Support a long-term stay in Thailand" are not an emergency. Like my pension payments - they come when they come. My concept of good service is now somewhere between 3 days to 3 seconds. Their model is obviously getting better over time. You people dissing Wise should re-calibrate your expectations imho.
  19. What? Why? It's such a non-issue. Has Thailand all of a sudden gone Reefer Madness crazy? No. A minority of the population can grow and use cannabis now without worrying about being thrown into prison. I'd say most Thais I know aren't interested in recreational use. They are into using it for medicine. Now us farang. Maybe that's different. And it should be a good thing. One less thing pot smoking tourists need to worry about, especially if they can smoke it in their own country.
  20. Yeah. A couple hundred here, and thousand there. Who knows. Maybe karma kicks in. We buy a couple of tickets a month.
  21. Bitcoin is fiat. Bitcoin tech linked to gold would not be. No gold purchase I've made has every "lost value" in the long run.
  22. Trust me. The United States does not have the monopoly on racial hatred. There are enclaves where it exists in the United States, but it's not the norm, not in the last 40 years. I've live in the US South. Trust me. I've met white bigots and racists. In 2022, they are not the norm. The norm tends to be racism focused at those who are of European decent, just because of their ethnicity. Most people I have know throughout my life have been very tolerant unless someone attacked them personally based on their own race. Well, except back in the 1950s and 60s. That was sad an inexcusable. I'm someone who stood side-by-side for what Dr. Martin Luther King professed. Brothers and sisters standing side-by-side in unity of spirit and humanity, and not by exclusion of race. That's something to ponder.
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