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Everything posted by connda

  1. The plane has been found, 4 survivors, patient and husband not found and assumed dead. Easily found on a Internet search.
  2. Get a lawyer and have your assets transferred to a Trust which can only be accessed by her at a specific time, like her 21st birthday.
  3. Anyone wearing 5 ounces of gold around their neck is stupid.
  4. This thread borders on a racist rant. You live in a global village people, especially if you are expatriated. Try getting along with all of its inhabitants regardless of the race, ethnicity, religion, or the country that they were born into (not like anyone had a choice). But we all have a choice to seek peace and cooperation at an individual level as our Western diplomacy is also in a tail-spin as well. I'm amazed at the vile tropes that keep getting echoed here, especially about non-farangs. Farang exceptionalism! Ya'll do believe you are special right. Better than the rest of the world, eh? And guess what. International student exchange is an excellent place to begin.
  5. Hey. Why not start a Russian-bashing thread next. Then follow up with any other ethnicity and countries you've been taught (indoctrinated) to viscerally hate. And I'd send my kid to a Russia school too. Or India. If you people haven't noticed lately, but the Western educational system is in a tail-spin, Ivy League schools and all, as the number of students capable of studying, no less understanding or excelling at Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics had crashed and burned. "The US has the best school system in the world." Believe what you wish. Furries? Participation awards? Yeah, Western education rocks (and is sinking to the bottom). There is a reason why billionaire investor Jim Rogers who lives in Singapore has his daughters learning Mandarin Chinese. And I have no doubt there are others like him. The future economic power is here in Asia. Roger understands that. And I tend to agree. But - would I send my kid to school in Thailand (it is Asian). Let me think........"Ahhhh, no."
  6. You need to add this on to the end of your sentence. ..."in any country that you visit including your own."
  7. Actually, it would be interesting to find out that the kid wasn't a rapist but a boyfriend.
  8. Just trying to help. I find it easier to cough up phlegm within my lungs after doing a session or two. Best of luck.
  9. Northeast Lamphun province. Yesterday's walk was beautiful and clear with excellent visibility. However... From past experience I know this will end within the next 3 to 4 weeks. Then I'll spend the next three months using my indoor treadmill and running indoor air filters.
  10. Wim Hof Breathing. It might help the symptoms. It exercises and expands the lungs. I'm not going to make any claims that "It WIll Cure Your Bronchitis For Sure." I'm just stating that I do it daily and I find I have excellent lung capacity. Also, I have asthma but it does not bother me at all. Today's maximum full-breath hold was 3 minutes 35 seconds. Not bad for a guy in his 70s. I'm sure there are other breathing exercises that can be found, but WHB works well for me. Give it try. You can find it on YouTube. What's there to lose? It's just an exercise.
  11. I just put it in the cart and pay whatever rings up on the register. The average Thai will find milk unaffordable before most "rich farangs." You think it's expensive now? Wait until the ฿500 Billion THB give-a-way is injected into the Thai monetary supply. Happiness to the people until hyperinflation hits.
  12. Get use to this. The BRICS nations will relatively soon be part of an economic power-house of now "developing and developed nations" buoyed by economic trade and cooperation as opposed to outdated colonial-based sanctions and economic warfare. Personally I welcome this new dawn of global economic cooperation.
  13. There are a couple of different types of expats. 1. Expats who hate the people from countries whom their own country tells them to hate. Therefore is the Geo-political winds of fate shift, suddenly you have to "Leave" because your countries 'enemies' are moving into your neighborhood. 2. Expats who are part of the global village who except people as individuals and not an evil emissary of the country in which they hold a passport or where they were born. I'm the second type. I don't care where people are from. I'm interested in their story and their right to attempt to pursue happiness while living in foreign countries. Personally I can't grasp the visceral hatred some of our fellow expats have for the expatriated citizens and tourist of other countries.
  14. Five Thais out of a job. So foreigners are a national security risk because they may take jobs away from Thais. In the meanwhile, the same people who won't allow foreigners to perform "Thai Only Work" take jobs away from Thais and give the jobs to robots. When are we going to hear about Thais complaining that robots are taking jobs reserved for Thais only? Now there is a logic-trap.
  15. I read that Thailand had formally applied for membership in the BRICS economic forum last year. I'm surprised I missed that. Currently the Thai Chamber of Commerce is getting in gear to support the membership application and interact with the CoC of other BRICS nations. https://www.bricschambers.com/brazil/brics-chambers-in-thailand-2023/
  16. Sodium Hypochlorite. I.e., bleach.
  17. I have a suggestion for you. Go to the up upper right-hand corner, click on your name, click on "Ignored Users", and place my name in there. Viola! Problem solved! But other than that? This is an open forum, not an echo-chamber. We all have our own views an opinions. I am making sound suggestions - not just ranting. You can chose to consider the suggestions or reject them. Fine with me either way. Up to you. The reality is that illegal to go around killing dogs. And I don't see any future in what's left of my life to where the Thailand government will ever cull dogs like they do in the West. Farangs who are at least partially assimilated into Thai society should understand that. So, for those who are really concerned about the out-of-control dog problem? Be part of the solution! And I've offered solid advice about how to proceed that is good for the dogs and good for society. And that advice is to work with others within your community to spay and neuter the dogs that you can in the community. And with that, have a wonderful day! Woof Woof!
  18. I work with strays in my Tambon. Which includes working with two different Buddhist temples where I help provide food, medicine, and funds to spay and neuter the residents. I have a great working relationship with the abbots and on occasion I'll home a pup with the temple. We can control them there. Then I have a 10 dogs of my own. Only my first two dogs were adopted. The rest are strays that I've personally homed. All my neighbors have dogs (that run free - mine are fenced), and the village head lives across the street. I don't receive any complaints. Honestly. If all of you who really dislike the stray issue would start to work with your local village, khet, or temple to spay and neuter dogs then you would be part of the solution. Instead you b**** and complain. I challenge every one of you who has problems with strays. Take it on yourself to work with a temple or a village head to have at least 1 dog spayed or neutered out of your own pocket every year. More if you can. It's strange. The 'stray dog' (many are not strays) issue in Thailand has its roots in Buddhism ethics: Not killing and having compassion for self-aware beings. I don't like to jump on the "well find another country" bandwagon, but if you willing choose to live in a Buddhist country then the stray animal issue is going to be in every one of those countries as well. Learn to accept it and work with dogs and other stray animals instead of despising them.
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