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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. They don't always get it wrong, but they do so with remarkable frequency. I've read at least four stories in the last few months where they've made this mistake. That doesn't mean they got it wrong this time but based on past performance, I'd say there's a reasonable chance of it.
  2. The problem was not with the Lithium battery. According to all available evidence, including the reports, photos and the initial investigation, the problem occurred under the hood, in the wiring of the 12V lead-acid battery.
  3. That is categorically untrue. As mentioned in the article linked to below: Can EV Batteries Be Repaired? How Battery Repair Centers Extend The Life Cycle Of Your EV Battery It does also point out that: However that is, as it says, by no means true in all cases.
  4. Again, just to reiterate - there is still no evidence that the fire on the ship was caused by an EV. At least one report seemed to indicate that the fire started on a deck where there no EV's (although its claim that no EV's were burnt seems to be wide of the mark). Still, the cause of the fire remains unknown.
  5. According to the Siam Rath article linked to in the OP (and the OP itself) there is video evidence of him having sex with a 16 year-old. Under the law that was quoted, it is a crime to, "engage in illicit sexual conduct in a foreign country with a person under the age of 18 ..." So unless they are all lying about the video that is the sex crime that he committed.
  6. It is an issue, but possibly less so than the example given earlier of an ICE vehicle that caught fire while parked up at a petrol station. Based on the published pictures, reports and the preliminary findings of the BYD engineers, this was not actually a fire (there was overheating and smoke, but no actual flames) and it started in the car's 12V battery, not in the main EV battery. The overheating is of course still an issue, but the facts that a) it was not an actual fire and b) did not involve the main EV battery would seem to make this less concerning than it might have appeared at first blush.
  7. I don't think you read the article properly. Those stats were not for Tesla. The figure for Tesla was given as "one fire for every 328 million kilometres travelled." The figure of 5 fires per 1.6 billion kilometers was for EV's in general.
  8. The numbers per mile driven were already given, as follows: - 55 fires per 1.6 billion kilometres in ICE cars - 5 fires per 1.6 billion kilometres in EV's https://www.straitstimes.com/life/motoring/electric-vehicle-fires-less-common-but-still-problematic I'd say those stats look fairly good for EV's.
  9. Under the US PROTECT Act (which has already been quoted on here at least twice, that doesn't matter. It's still a crime in the US and he can still be prosecuted for it.
  10. I think it does. I just tried and got the same message. However when the bill is due and there is an outstanding balance, it shows it.
  11. Also, there may be other apps you could use to check, if you have them. On my phone, I can use either the Kasikorn bank K+ app, True Money, Lazada Wallet or Rabbit Line pay to check whether there's an outstanding balance on any given PEA account.
  12. Not sure I follow - being accused of a crime and having to stand trial for it with the prospect of major jail time is pretty much the embodiment of legal turbulence.
  13. It is that she faces the prospect of standing trial for "a crime that could lead to a maximum of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to 200,000 baht under Thai law." (As mentioned in the OP).
  14. That's not a great analogy. It assumes that something has actually happened and no investigation is allowed. That's not the case here - no one is saying that investigations into election fraud cannot be done. They have been done (as mentioned two of them were even commissioned by Trump himself). A better analogy would be that the police receive reports of a shooting in a house. They enter the house, do a thorough investigation and find that absolutely no evidence that anyone was shot, exists in that house.
  15. But as stated, no (rational) basis exists to justify suspicions that voting is inaccurate. Given that no evidence of widespread voter fraud has ever been found in all the times this has been investigated, up to and including the most recent elections, there is no (valid) reason for such suspicions to exist. If there was a reason for people to be suspicious of the integrity of the US voting systems, then it might be a good idea to address those concerns. But without wanting to sound like a broken record, there is no factual basis for concern.
  16. That's a bit of a mischaracterization. The "pizzagate" conspiracy wasn't simply about child trafficking in a generalized sense and not merely by "the elite." It was the conspiracy theory that specifically Democratic Party elites (including but not limited to Bill and Hillary Clinton) were abducting and trafficking children and that the centre of these practices was the basement of a pizza parlour (hence the name) in Washington, that doesn't even have a basement. None of the major elements of the pizzagate conspiracy theory have any truth to them, nor did they have anything to do with Geoffrey Epstein.
  17. The thing is though, you're looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Every single investigation ever carried out into voter fraud in the US has found that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. And that includes not one, but two investigations initiated by Donald Trump. Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud A second firm hired by Trump campaign found no evidence of election fraud
  18. Not all Interpol Red Notices can be looked up by the public. In fact, only a minority of them are searchable. As the Interpol website says: Interpol Red Notices
  19. Yes, you missed any actual evidence. Everything you mention there is merely unsupported allegations, supposition, or non-evidentiary documentation. Not only is it decidedly not "overwhelming evidence" against Joe Biden - it's not any kind of evidence against him.
  20. If Joe Biden is guilty of such "mega dishonesty," why is is that the House Oversight Committee, (with its broad jurisdictional and legislative authority and under the chairmanship of James Comer, who has made it his mission to unearth any wrongdoing by the President) has been unable to find a single shred of actual evidence against him?
  21. My point is the same as it has been since the first time I posted on this topic - that children in Singapore are not banned from speaking other languages in school, as you claimed.
  22. Surely that was the whole point of getting him moved to a hospital in the first place, though? So he'd no longer be treated like a prisoner, but more like a celebrity hospital patient.
  23. I think you've actually got the situation reversed - while what you say may have been true back in the 60's, when the government started to encourage the teaching of English, the concern more recently was that English was becoming too dominant and that many Singaporeans were not achieving a good grasp of their mother tongue. Hence why the Ministry of Education has made it mandatory for all pupils to learn a mother tongue language (MTL) at school (unless they're of foreign heritage when they can choose a different second language). The MoE points out that it is important for students to learn an MTL so they can: There's a difference between the language of instruction for classes being English and pupils being banned from speaking any language other than English while at school. If you think they are banned from speaking other languages while at school, perhaps you can explain how they can learn an MTL in school without speaking it. Or even better, perhaps you could provide a link to that report saying other languages are banned at school.
  24. It's not even true anyway, schoolchildren are not restricted to speaking only English in Singapore schools. In fact it's compulsory for schoolchildren there to learn (and therefore speak) a second "mother tongue" language in school, as shown in the link below. Learning a Mother Tongue Language in school
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