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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. So you think the Israelis should tell us about something that is entirely a figment of your fevered imagination? Alrighty, then.
  2. Except that according to what's been posted here (which is what I'm going off) he didn't say 99% of the cruise missiles were intercepted he said 99% of the Iranian threats, of which as his numbers show there were 320. I also don't see anywhere in this thread where it is stated that five cruise missiles made it through - only "a few" and as I say we don't know exactly how many a few is but it could be only 3 or 4. Even if it was 5, that still means that 98.5% of all the threats were intercepted so fairly close to 99.
  3. I would imagine that they're still in the process of finalizing the intelligence. When you've got hundreds of missiles and drones incoming and hundreds of them being intercepted and coming down in pieces, it might be a little tricky to say exactly which ones made it through fully intact and which didn't. So all they might have is a ballpark estimate but they'd know if it was 3 or 4 as opposed to say, tens or dozens.
  4. So if she was trying to cover it up in a way that was worse than Trump, please identify which business fraud or other criminal offences she committed in pursuit of such a cover up.
  5. How so? He says that out of 320 devices launched towards Israel, only "a few" made it through. He doesn't say exactly how many a few is, but assuming it was about 3 or 4 then 99% is pretty much spot on.
  6. No, not the same, since Clinton was never accused of, or charged with, committing 34 separate instances of business fraud in order to cover up for campaign finance violations.
  7. I'm not sure what you're trying to say there. Cohen was found guilty (pursuant to a plea) of 8 criminal counts, and campaign finance violations were among them. Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Eight Counts, Including Criminal Tax Evasion And Campaign Finance Violations
  8. While it's true that range anxiety might be more of a fear than a real thing for most typical drivers, if there's a battery which will offer you twice the range, a third or less of the charging time and is cheaper, safer and less polluting, then what's not to like?
  9. Well, it might potentially start World War III but it might also potentially start nothing more than a series of tit-for-tat raids between Israel and Iran. There were plenty of people predicting Russia's invasion of Ukraine might potentially start World War III but so far the fighting remains strictly confined to the two countries involved.
  10. More promising news on the battery technology front - a breakthrough on solid state sodium-ion batteries. Battery breakthrough could eliminate range anxiety for electric vehicles Sodium has multiple advantages over lithium, being cheaper, more abundant, less polluting to produce and safer to use. Mass production of sodium batteries has been proving difficult, however this breakthrough "could overcome this obstacle through the mass synthesis of a highly conductive electrolyte." Also, as the article points out:
  11. I wonder if you could flesh that out a little bit for us? Is this all cops - every police force everywhere in the entire world - or only certain cops in certain countries and at certain times? And in either case, please could you provide us with some reliable evidence showing cases where cops have lied in issuing a finding that an attack was not terror related when it actually was.
  12. Have any actual evidence to back up that claim? No, I didn't think so.
  13. Not deflection at all - it's an entirely apposite reference to the fact that not all mass killings are Islamic terrorism.
  14. Good call. According to NSW police commissioner Karen Webb, "We are waiting to confirm his identification and if it is the person we believe it is, we don’t have fear for that person holding an ideation. In other words, that it’s not a terrorism incident."
  15. Because that's often the case. What about all the mass killings that keep happening in the US? I suppose you'd have us believe they're all Islamic terrorism as well?
  16. It's standard procedure not to release the name before the next of kin have been informed.
  17. It depends on what you mean by "excess". Most medical texts seem to recommend drinking around 2 litres of water a day but obviously that could vary depending on the conditions. If you're sweating more due to the heat, you would presumably need more water. One study into hyponatremia (water toxicity) suggests that drinking 3-4 litres "in a short period" could lead to problems but doesn't define what "a short period" means. Is Drinking 4 Liters of Water a Day Too Much? In contrast, I imagine drinking the same 3-4 litres throughout the course of an entire day in especially hot weather would not be such a problem.
  18. The issue being addressed wasn't what the point was. The question from Transam was: Nothing more, nothing less.
  19. The linked article provides an explanation of how he got the passport - it was apparently stolen from the father of one of his victims. As for renewing it - well, when you think about it all you need to renew a British passport from abroad is a passing resemblance to the previous holder and somebody (usually, but not necessarily, a British citizen) to sign saying that they've known you for several years and can vouch for your identity.
  20. Apparently yes, although it may be dependent on model/make. Reading various sources it seems not all ICE vehicles will accept a lithium-based 12V battery but some will. See for instance, the discussion on the link below. Replaced my Evora’s battery with Antigravity’s T6 lithium battery
  21. Actually, although Legionnaire's can theoretically be transmitted via air conditioning, it wouldn't normally be found in your typical home or even hotel air conditioning. It requires firstly a contaminated water source and then the inhalation of aerosolized water droplets from this contaminated source. That's not a scenario typically found in most air conditioning systems. As the article below puts it: CAN AIR CONDITIONING CAUSE LEGIONNAIRES’ DISEASE? I think what fuels the idea that air conditioning is a danger for contacting this disease is that the first diagnosed mass outbreak of Legionnaire's came via centralised air conditioning vents in a system that used a big water tank on the roof of the building, with cooling towers that then sent chilled air (still containing aerosolized water droplets) throughout the building. As I say, that's not a typical configuration for most AC systems.
  22. The BYD 1,000 km estimate may be a bit optimistic but Nio have apparently demonstrated a battery with an actual 1,000 km range already. A Chinese EV company developed a battery with a 1,000km range — and its CEO tested it out on a 14-hour livestream Nio operates with a somewhat different battery usage model to most companies, based on battery swapping, but this test seems to show that 1,000 km battery technology is already available, regardless.
  23. German exports to the UK represented only 4.6% of Germany's exports in 2022. So a 14% improvement in that would only have increased total German exports by 0.6%. German foreign trade in figures So even if the drop in exports to the UK has added to their problems, it has only been by a tiny, tiny amount.
  24. You're making no sense. What voters say about being worse off than 2020 has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the turmoil the Republican party currently finds itself in, over its internal politics.
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