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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. My point is the same as it has been since the first time I posted on this topic - that children in Singapore are not banned from speaking other languages in school, as you claimed.
  2. Surely that was the whole point of getting him moved to a hospital in the first place, though? So he'd no longer be treated like a prisoner, but more like a celebrity hospital patient.
  3. I think you've actually got the situation reversed - while what you say may have been true back in the 60's, when the government started to encourage the teaching of English, the concern more recently was that English was becoming too dominant and that many Singaporeans were not achieving a good grasp of their mother tongue. Hence why the Ministry of Education has made it mandatory for all pupils to learn a mother tongue language (MTL) at school (unless they're of foreign heritage when they can choose a different second language). The MoE points out that it is important for students to learn an MTL so they can: There's a difference between the language of instruction for classes being English and pupils being banned from speaking any language other than English while at school. If you think they are banned from speaking other languages while at school, perhaps you can explain how they can learn an MTL in school without speaking it. Or even better, perhaps you could provide a link to that report saying other languages are banned at school.
  4. It's not even true anyway, schoolchildren are not restricted to speaking only English in Singapore schools. In fact it's compulsory for schoolchildren there to learn (and therefore speak) a second "mother tongue" language in school, as shown in the link below. Learning a Mother Tongue Language in school
  5. Even if true, that still wouldn't make it the official language. However I don't think it's true, given that Singapore's Ministry of Education official website says that it's compulsory for all students to learn a "mother tongue" language as part of their school studies. That would be a little tricky to manage, if they're not allowed to speak any of those languages on school property. Learning a Mother Tongue Language in school And as the article goes on to say:
  6. The whole point of the story is that he's not staying in jail - he's been helicoptered to a hospital.
  7. Yes, they can. They used to ask for it once upon a time but haven't done so for quite a while now. I'm not sure it's been twenty years since they dropped it as a requirement, but it could be.
  8. OK, false alarm - at least as far the passport numbers go. I just realized I had a script blocker running in my browser designed to prevent malicious websites running code. After I changed the script blocker to allow all scripts on the immigration website, it stopped asking for passport numbers for people who are British citizens. However it does still say that it wants the names of all my wife's family members living in the UK including all in-laws, which is a new requirement as far as I'm aware.
  9. I believe it's up to a year, actually. However that wouldn't save you from the fine for driving on an expired license if you get stopped.
  10. Well, if the individual in question works for Grab for instance, it could be the case. Grab provides both food delivery and motorcycle taxi services. So a food delivery driver working for them, could also be taking paying passengers. Food delivery drivers working for other companies may possibly do the same.
  11. My wife is filling in her application for a UK visit visa. This year they're asking for info about all family she has in the UK, including her in-laws. Altogether, with my four siblings, their spouses and my parents, it comes to ten people. All of them are British citizens, but the form seems to be designed for non-Brits as it asks about their "permission to be in the UK." Does anyone know if my wife really has to list all ten of her in-laws in the UK and supply all their passport numbers? (My parents, for instance, who are in their 90's, don't have current passports). Did anyone else's Thai partner, when filling out the application, supply this info about all their British in-laws?
  12. In Hua Hin, it used to be 500 Baht and you got it straight away. Now it's free, but you have to wait three days. There was no mention of an option to pay and get it quicker. I would have taken that if available as I was renewing my driver's licence which had already expired and I didn't want to be driving around on an expired licence any longer than I had to.
  13. I've had exactly the same experience - it can be quite frustrating as it means you're never quite sure what to do and neither are you sure that what you do choose to do will be the correct thing.
  14. You're getting your cases mixed up. The case being pursued by the "woman in Georgia" does not involve 11.5 million discovery documents. It hasn't even reached the discovery stage yet. The one with the 11.5 million documents is the Jan 6 case being pursued by the "man in Washington," Jack Smith.
  15. If it was "orchestrated with the aim of price hike," then why, when the milk reappeared after a few days' absence was it either exactly the same price as before or even slightly cheaper for some brands?
  16. As far as I'm aware, every article that was written about the Biden classified documents supports this. Here's the info from just one source, ABC News. Firstly, for the documents found at the Penn Center. Biden leaves questions unanswered on classified documents And for those found at his home in Wilmington: Classified documents found at Biden's Wilmington home
  17. What? Giving statistics for underage pregnancy rates throughout the world has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with making excuses for anybody.
  18. If you're talking about underage girls getting pregnant it's not the case that it happens more here than anywhere else. The countries with the highest rates of underage pregnancies are all in sub-Saharan Africa. Thailand's rate is around half (or less) than that of several of those countries.
  19. If you're talking about underage girls getting pregnant it's not the case that it happens more here than anywhere else. The countries with the highest rates of underage pregnancies are all in sub-Saharan Africa. Thailand's rate is around half that of several of those countries.
  20. If you're talking about underage girls getting pregnant it's not the case that it happens more here than anywhere else. The countries with the highest rates of underage pregnancies are all in sub-Saharan Africa. Thailand's rate is around half that of several of those countries.
  21. Well, can one ever "know" anything? However I rather suspect that those parts that are based on actual documentary evidence in the possession of the prosecutors, and verbatim quotes given by witnesses under oath before the grand jury will indeed turn out to be facts.
  22. You should be able to find it slightly cheaper than that. I asked at the BeWell clinic here in Hua Hin which is an "up market" clinic aimed very much at the expat market and their price for it is 4,850. I suspect that at a government hospital it might be even cheaper and even if you don't have a particularly high opinion of government hospitals (I personally have no problems with them) I think you can trust them to give you a vaccination without too much problem.
  23. I would say it's entirely down to your own perception of the risk/benefit equation. Zostavax is listed in different studies as between 50 and 70% effective. While that's not as high as Shingrix, as others have said, shingles can be one of the most painful things many people will ever experience and can leave you with persistent nerve damage and pain that can continue for months. If you do get Zostavax now, it doesn't preclude getting Shingrix later if you have the opportunity.
  24. A friend just alerted me to this. Apparently this information was around a few days ago but I hadn't noticed it. James Comer called Devon Archer’s interview about the Bidens a ‘bombshell’. He wasn’t actually there All of the claims that James Comer was making in the article referenced in the OP, about how we should interpret Devon Archer's testimony are complete BS because it turns out he had no direct knowledge of the testimony. At the time he made those comments the transcripts had not been released, so anything he was saying was based on the second (or perhaps even third) hand hearsay. Since he did not actually know what Archer had said, there no basis for taking anything he is saying about Archer's testimony seriously.
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