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Everything posted by CecilM

  1. In a plastic bag and into the tank of the toilet. (Assuming he has a toilet and not a squatter with water bucket.)
  2. At least here he'll be put away for a good ling time and not released with a behave-or-else like in Canada.
  3. I remember reading that only on-site deaths are recorded. That number doubles if you count those that die on the way, and in, hospital.
  4. I remember water trucks filling up at the river and delivering to Khao San. And people then aiming deliberately at eyes, ears, and mouth. Not my idea of fun.
  5. A no frills cremation at a temple in Bangkok will run you about 10-15k. Ashes/bones will be handed over in a cloth bag in a box. Scattering the ashes in the river (taking a boat out from the pier at Pakred) is well under 5k. Even cheaper if it's at a temple outside of Bangkok. It's free if you find access to a river without watchful eyes.
  6. BS is at it again with his stories.
  7. It's policy set by hotel Mgmt and that won't be questioned by front staff. Photocopy of passport must be made. I was refused check-in without passport (even though the driver's license and the pink ID have the passport number on them). A photo of the passport on the phone also wasn't accepted.
  8. Go to the dealer and order a new set of keys.
  9. I tried the captcha on a phone, but it just would not work. So I switched to a laptop and it worked immediately. No issues with online 90-day reporting. I just recently submitted it and it was approved within 4 days.
  10. As long as you don't mind seeing your butt photos all over social media by peeking neighbors, then go for it.
  11. Support doesn't mean an immediate change of lifestyle. Doesn't sound like a decent neighborhood. Move.
  12. And now google "microplastics in everyday items like toothpaste, creams, cosmetics, etc."
  13. Seems about right. Years ago it was already $130 for one extra suitcase.
  14. Was it agreed beforehand that the money would be returned? Probably not. So why complain now? (And 150k is cheap. So even less of a reason to complain.)
  15. Selling a 'normal' condo takes ages and you're lucky if you get what you paid for it. (Speaking from experience.) Things might be different in the high end luxury market.
  16. Take care of your belongings. Same rule applies around the world.
  17. Is anything preventing you from installing a proper A/C? (You might tell your landlord that you will leave the A/C when you move out.) The cost of the portable ones plus the much higher electricity usage doesn't seem a good financial option. And they're ugly, take up space, and don't cool as efficiently.
  18. I'd be more worried about the quality of aircraft maintenance than the gender of the pilot.
  19. Plug every drain that's not being used. Insert a valve in those drains (shower) that are being used. All available on Lazada for a few Baht. Work wonders.
  20. Search YouTube. Some cars are a bit convoluted how to set them to neutral when parked. You need to follow some very specific steps.
  21. Depends 100% on the hotel. I know two (one in BKK, one on Koh Tao) that will refuse checkin without original passport.
  22. How is Thailand portrayed overseas that people could think it's acceptable to overpower and disarm a police officer? If police tell me to stop, I stop. And if police were to draw a gun then I really stop and drop.
  23. If nothing else, your posts are a fun read.
  24. Who cares? Even parents with children could hardly care about this.
  25. Google maps and read comments from foreigners. I generally tend to agree with bad reviews while being skeptical about 5* reviews.
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