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Everything posted by CecilM

  1. As far as I can gather from my Thai lawyer friends and google searches, carrying any kind of knife (farm workers excepted) is illegal. But you can see many people with knives in their pockets (by the pocket clip showing), and I’ve seen bus boys with swords down their pant legs and others with guns stuck in their belt. So, I think you’re OK with a small folding pocket knife. Use it as intended, only when needed, and be mindful of your surroundings. Unless your in a tourist trap area where cops might look for targets you should be fine.
  2. Sounds good. No get a medical certificate (from your cheap local medical center) and make an appointment. Prepare photocopies of your documents (passport, etc). And have your proof of address (I use my yellow tabian baan). Last time, I also had to submit the title deed of my condo. (I guess things are up to each officer as to what documents they want to see.) So now I just bring everything. Rather bring too much than having to rush home and get something.
  3. Here is the link: https://www.dlt-elearning.com
  4. Not important. The dates you put on the application form are not binding. I always have an unused reentry in my passport (in case of a family emergency it’s just one thing less to have to think about - from my experience) and so I just give a random date. I’ve also posted planned trips and didn’t use the reentry as expected. No problem. It’s valid up to your visa expiration date.
  5. And here I thought it was a well known German car brand. There have been a few cases of spontaneous combustion (a friend’s car caught fire while parked and he was inside… 2 days after being in for regular servicing at the dealer).
  6. That’s why I don’t use Apple. Never had that issue with any other brand.
  7. Recently upgraded from Win7 to Win11. Never had any issues or annoyances like you say. Win11 never forces me to use anything specific. I only use standalone freeware programs. (Configure “open with” and all is good.)
  8. There are lots of (pretty good) DeepFake music videos featuring N.Korean bands.
  9. It’s safer to do nothing. Helping means getting involved, which means possibly getting sued by then victim whom you tried to help (improper treatment of the injury) or the attacker whom you drove off (claiming to be injured by your actions).
  10. Do they still sell those at 7/11 (etc): prepaid international calling cards? That’s what I used way back when. Cheap and easy.
  11. First, notify banks and cancel credit cards. Same goes for post paid cellphone contracts. If documents/cards inside, go to police and file a report. Then go to embassy and declare passport stolen and get a new passport.
  12. If you have paid sufficient years until the age of 55, then you’ll receive a lump sum payment. (I have a document from social security that shows my yearly contributions and future payout.) AFAIK it’s tax free.
  13. Lazada Wallet works on iOS App.
  14. If people have little else to do, becoming a trolling keyboard warrior is likely.
  15. AFAIK, sleeping on the beach is against the law and the police are therefore doing their job.
  16. My experience at Chaengwattana for the past years has been consistent at: 1) no 2) yes
  17. Bangkok only. I’ve heard that it’s still reliable and fast in other provinces. Maybe it’s because of the launch of the new tm30 website/portal???
  18. Hot water on all taps. Bagles. And I agree with the other poster: for me the bum gun gets a spot in the top 3.
  19. I can stay for one year and don’t need to leave… that’s the visa I’m on.
  20. Then different people get different advice from immigration officers at Chaengwattana (my question was based on my one-year visa and re-entry permit). And since it’s so easy to do, I won’t risk not doing it whenever I re-enter TH.
  21. I did. House is in Canada. Keeping heat going is a given. So, turn off water and that’s it. Neighbours have a look what’s going on. Main concern is break ins. If OP’s house is in a housing estate I wouldn’t be worried about break ins than if it’s in a regular street.
  22. It would totally depend on the type of house (open access in a soi, or in a secure gated community). We turn off the water and ask the neighbour to keep an eye on the property. That’s it, really.
  23. I haven’t noticed a decline in neither my old nor new area of residence. They seem to be everywhere in Bangkok.
  24. Yes, you must report upon entering Thailand. (Is what I was told at Immigration Chaengwattana.)
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